- Mdhamiri Á Nkemi, editor, United Kingdom more
- Michael Aaglund, editor, Denmark
- Panu Aaltio, composer, Finland
- Carsten Aanonsen, producer, Norway
- Bjørn Eivind Aarskog, producer, Norway more
- Hiam Abbass, actress, France
- Davide Abbatescianni, critic / journalist, Italy more
- Steve Abbott, producer, United Kingdom
- Giacomo Abbruzzese, director, Italy more
- Salma Abdalla, int'l sales agent, Austria
- Naima Abed, producer, United Kingdom
- Kristina Åberg, producer, Sweden more
- Daira Aboliņa-Ilješane, critic / journalist, Latvia
- Eric Abraham, producer, United Kingdom
- Yuval Abraham, director, Israel
- Jacqueline Abrahams, production designer, United Kingdom more
- Lenny Abrahamson, director, Ireland
- Ido Abram, institutional, The Netherlands
- Yoav Abramovich, institutional, Israel
- Victoria Abril, actress, Spain
- Feliksas Abrukauskas, cinematographer, Lithuania more
- Numan Acar, actor, Germany
- Stefano Accorsi, actor, Italy
- Tomás Aceituno, director, Spain
- Angelo Acerbi, festival, Italy
- Dejan Acimovic, director, Croatia
- Steffi Ackermann, producer, Germany
- Elfar Adalsteins, director, Iceland
- Wanda Adamík Hrycová, producer, Slovakia more
- Katarzyna Adamik, director, Poland more
- Mario Adamson, producer, Sweden more
- Adina Pintilie, producer, Romania
- Isabelle Adjani, actress, France
- Agnė Adomėnė, producer, Lithuania more
- Sergio Adrià, producer, Spain more
- Marina Aebi, hair & make-up artist, Switzerland
- Elena Afanasyeva, editor, Russian Federation
- Evgeny Afineevsky, director, United States
- Kaleem Aftab, critic / journalist, United Kingdom
- Orkhan Agalarov, sound designer, Azerbaijan more
- Ioannis Ageladopoulos, visual effects supervisor, Greece more
- Márton Ágh, production designer, Hungary
- Kaarle Aho, producer, Finland
- Sophie Ahrens, producer, Germany
- Anneli Ahven, producer, Estonia more
- Josef Aichholzer, producer, Austria
- Rosa Aiello, director, Germany
- Karim Aïnouz, director, Germany
- Jane Ainscough, screenwriter, Germany more
- Conchita Airoldi, producer, Italy
- Jacques Akchoti, screenwriter, France
- Greta Akcijonaitė, distributor/exhibitor, Lithuania more
- Eva Åkergren, producer, Sweden more
- Olivier Aknin, institutional, France
- Saadet Aksoy, actress, Turkey
- Akın Aksu, screenwriter, Turkey more
- Erdal Murat Aktaş, director, Spain more
- Feo Aladag, director, Germany
- Züli Aladag, director, Germany
- Milad Alami, director, Sweden
- Denis Alarcon Ramirez, cinematographer, Russian Federation
- Muayad Alayan, director, Palestinian Territories more
- José Alba, producer, Spain
- Leila Albayaty, director, Belgium more
- Robert Alberdingk Thijm, screenwriter, The Netherlands
- Helge Albers, institutional, Germany
- Barbara Albert, director, Austria
- Veronika Albert, costume designer, Austria
- Katharina Albrecht, institutional, Austria
- Peter Albrechtsen, sound designer, Denmark
- Horacio Alcalá, director, Spain
- Itamar Alcalay, director, Israel
- Christine Alderson, producer, United Kingdom
- Alejandro Ávila Villares, critic / journalist, Spain
- Marco Alessi, producer, Italy
- Daphne Alexander, actress, Greece more
- Eleni Alexandrakis, director, Greece more
- Salome Alexi, director, Germany
- Joelle Alexis, editor, Israel
- Leif Alexis, producer, Germany more
- Sebastián Alfie, director, Spain more
- Serena Alfieri, producer, Italy
- Michael Algar, producer, Ireland more
- Nariman Aliev, director, Ukraine more
- Sitora Alieva, festival, Russian Federation more
- Orman Aliyev, producer, Azerbaijan
- Tahir Aliyev, producer, Azerbaijan more
- Francesca Sofia Allegra, editor, United Kingdom
- Laura Almantaitė, producer, Lithuania
- Agustín Almodóvar, producer, Spain
- Pedro Almodóvar, director, Spain
- Michael Aloni, actor, Israel
- Victor Alonso Berbel, director, Spain more
- Óscar Alonso, int'l sales agent, Spain more
- Dr. Balázs Alpár, composer, Hungary more
- Hashim Alsaraf, producer, United Kingdom more
- Hanna Alström, actress, Sweden
- Gökçe Altan, talent agent, Turkey
- Verena Altenberger, actress, Austria more
- Cem Altınsaray, critic / journalist, Turkey more
- Melikşah Altuntaş, screenwriter, Turkey
- Kirijana Alushevska Nikoloska, casting director, North Macedonia more
- Paula Alvarez Vaccaro, producer, United Kingdom more
- Alessandro Amato, producer, Italy more
- Javier Ambrossi, director, Spain
- Marco Amenta, director, Italy
- Asitha Ameresekere, director, United Kingdom more
- Aboozar Amini, director, The Netherlands more
- Assaf Amir, producer, Israel
- Harry Ammerlaan, production designer, The Netherlands more
- Ama Ampadu, institutional, United Kingdom
- Maya Amsellem, producer, France
- Liliane Amuat, actress, Switzerland more
- Rebecca Anastasi, producer, Malta
- Thanos Anastopoulos, director, Greece
- Cătălin Anchidin, distributor/exhibitor, Romania more
- Armine Anda, producer, Armenia more
- Jann Anderegg, editor, Switzerland more
- Peter Andermatt, screenwriter, Spain
- Dr. Melanie Andernach, producer, Germany
- Lars Kristian Andersen, screenwriter, Denmark
- Mats Andersen, technician, Norway
- Larra Anderson, cinematographer, United Kingdom
- Sabīne Andersone, producer, Latvia more
- Benny Andersson, composer, Sweden more
- Henric Andersson, sound designer, Sweden
- Kjell-Åke Andersson, director, Sweden more
- Patrik Andersson, producer, Sweden more
- Roberto Andò, director, Italy
- Mie Andreasen, producer, Denmark
- Sarik Andreasyan, director, Russian Federation
- Francesca Andreoli, producer, Italy
- Wiebke Andresen, producer, Germany
- Antoinetta Angelidi, director, Greece more
- Yorgos Angelopoulos, festival, Greece more
- Jelena Angelovski, producer, Serbia
- Kathrin Angerer, actress, Germany
- Javier Angulo Barturen, festival, Spain
- Jean-Jacques Annaud, director, France
- Anna Anosowicz, production designer, Poland more
- Anna Anthony, producer, Sweden
- Anamaria Antoci, producer, Romania more
- Valerio Antonini, producer, Italy
- Andreas Antoniou, production designer, Cyprus
- Angeliki Antoniou, director, Greece
- João Antunes, critic / journalist, Portugal more
- Christopher Aoun, cinematographer, Germany
- Diego Armando Aparicio, festival, Cyprus
- Marija Apcevska, director, North Macedonia
- Leire Apellaniz, producer, Spain
- Dragoș Apetri, editor, Romania
- John Appel, director, The Netherlands
- Matilda Appelin, producer, Denmark more
- Massimo Appolloni, casting director, Italy
- Fabien Ara, actor, France more
- Alecio Araci, director, Sweden
- Shira Arad, editor, Israel more
- Annabelle Aramburu Picasso, festival, Spain
- Francisco Arango Garcia-Urtiaga, director, Spain
- Luca Arcangeli, director, Italy more
- Gianluca Arcopinto, producer, Italy
- Niccolò Arcostanzo, cinematographer, Italy more
- Niels Arden Oplev, director, Denmark more
- Joseph Areddy, cinematographer, Switzerland more
- Axel Arft, sound designer, Germany more
- Nadide Argun van Uden, production designer, The Netherlands more
- Dr. Gražina Arlickaité, institutional, Lithuania
- David Armati Lechner, producer, Germany
- Montxo Armendáriz, director, Spain more
- Flavio Armone, int'l sales agent, Italy more
- Gunnar Árnason, sound designer, Iceland more
- Stefan Arndt, producer, Germany
- Roxane Arnold, distributor/exhibitor, France
- Darren Aronofsky, director, United Kingdom
- Bogdán Árpád, director, Hungary
- Jean-Pierre Arquié, composer, France
- Tommaso Arrighi, producer, Italy more
- Stefan Arsenijevic, director, Serbia
- Monja Art, director, Austria more
- Aktan Arym Kubat, director, Kyrgyzstan
- Maksym Asadchyi, producer, Ukraine
- Zetha Asafu-Adjaye, talent agent, Germany more
- Josefin Åsberg, production designer, Sweden
- Dag Asbjørnsen, institutional, Norway more
- Uli Aselmann, producer, Germany
- Lior Ashkenazi, actor, Israel more
- Sergej Ashkenazy, director, Russian Federation
- Ünal Murat Asil, composer, Turkey more
- Anna Maria Aslanoğlu, producer, Turkey
- Victor Asliuk, director, Belarus
- Anna Asp, production designer, Sweden
- Cecilie Aspenes, institutional, Norway more
- Josefin Asplund, actress, Sweden more
- Erkki Astala, institutional, Finland
- Eleni Asvesta, producer, Greece
- Selim Atakan, composer, Turkey more
- Kutluğ Ataman, producer, Turkey
- Julian Atanassov, cinematographer, Bulgaria
- Ömür Atay, director, Turkey
- Laia Ateca, production designer, Andorra
- Emily Atef, director, Germany more
- Dimitri Athanitis, director, Greece more
- Bilal Athimni, producer, Germany
- Barbara Auer, actress, Germany
- Christine Aufderhaar, composer, Germany more
- Bille August, director, Denmark
- Álvaro Augustín Regañon, producer, Spain
- Szymon Augustyniak, screenwriter, Poland
- Christian Aune Falch, producer, Norway more
- Markus Aust, composer, Germany more
- Jean-Louis Autret, visual effects supervisor, France
- Mehdi Avaz, director, Denmark
- Serhii Avdieiev, sound designer, Ukraine
- Elena Avdija, director, Switzerland
- Giambattista Avellino, screenwriter, Italy more
- Hasmik Avetisyan, producer, Germany more
- Jivan Avetisyan, director, Armenia
- Karen Avetisyan, festival, Armenia more
- Michal Aviad, director, Israel
- Christian Avilés, director, Spain more
- Miloš Avramović, director, Serbia more
- Oskar Thor Axelsson, director, Iceland more
- Toufik Ayadi, producer, France
- Dilek Aydın, producer, Turkey
- Jaygann Ayeh, actor, United Kingdom
- Sophia Ayissi, screenwriter, Germany
- Kurdwin Ayub, director, Austria
- Tamara Babun Zovko, producer, Croatia
- Simone Bachini, producer, Italy
- Alicja Bachleda-Curus, actress, Poland
- Balz Bachmann, composer, Switzerland more
- Martin Bachmann, distributor/exhibitor, Germany
- Elmer Bäck, actor, Finland
- Peter Badač, producer, Slovakia
- Palmyre A. Badinier, producer, Switzerland more
- Daria Badior, critic / journalist, Ukraine more
- Hanna Badziaka, director, Belarus more
- Martin Baer, director, Germany
- Edgar Baghdasaryan, director, Armenia
- Irada Baghirzade, producer, Azerbaijan
- Reza Bahar, producer, Germany
- Selim Bahar, casting director, Turkey
- Rolf Bähr, institutional, Germany
- Anton Baibakov, composer, Ukraine more
- Lionel David Baier, director, Switzerland
- Emir Baigazin, director, Kazakhstan
- Benita Bailey, actress, Germany
- Marion Bailey, actress, United Kingdom
- Frédéric Baillif, director, Switzerland
- Julie Baines, producer, United Kingdom more
- Dragomir Bajalica, editor, Serbia
- Géraldine Bajard, screenwriter, France
- Darko Bajić, director, Serbia
- Frans Bak, composer, Denmark
- Maria Bakalova, actress, Bulgaria more
- Ivan Bakrač, director, Montenegro more
- Amra Bakšić Čamo, producer, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Vincent Bal, director, Belgium more
- Lyubomir Balabanov, editor, Bulgaria
- Ricard Balada, actor, Spain more
- Marta Bałaga, critic / journalist, Finland more
- Roman Balayan, director, Ukraine
- Ádám Balázs, composer, Hungary more
- Rokhaya Balde, director, Switzerland
- Diego Baldenweg, composer, Switzerland more
- Lionel Vincent Baldenweg, composer, Switzerland more
- Nora Baldenweg, composer, Switzerland more
- Sveinbjörn Baldvinsson, screenwriter, Iceland more
- Haig Balian, producer, The Netherlands
- Jon Balke, composer, Norway more
- Anila Balla, producer, Albania
- Anne Ballschmieter, institutional, Germany
- Neus Ballús, director, Spain more
- Antonio Banderas, actor, Spain
- Claes Bang, actor, Denmark
- Zsuzsi Bánkuti, festival, Hungary
- Esther Bannenberg, distributor/exhibitor, The Netherlands
- Xacio Baño, director, Spain
- Tibor Bánóczki, director, Hungary more
- Israel Bañuelos Loreto, sound designer, Estonia more
- Saulius Baradinskas, director, Lithuania more
- Luka Barajević, sound designer, Germany more
- Mirëjeta Baraliu, producer, Kosovo
- Serhii Baranov, producer, Ukraine
- Mariano Baratech, producer, Spain
- Pedro Barbadillo, institutional, Spain
- Marco Barberi, cinematographer, Switzerland more
- Radosława Bardes, producer, Poland
- Aleksi Bardy, producer, Finland
- Andreas Bareiss, producer, Germany
- Kasper Barfoed, director, Denmark more
- Ashraf Barhoum, director, Israel
- Janet Barış, critic / journalist, Turkey more
- Michael Barker, distributor/exhibitor, United States
- Ivan Barnev, actor, Bulgaria more
- Florian Baron, director, Germany more
- Benoît Barouh, production designer, France
- Emilio Ruiz Barrachina, director, Spain more
- Christophe Barral, producer, France
- Claude Barras, director, Switzerland
- Borja Santiago Barrera Allué, producer, Spain more
- Leonardo Barrile, producer, Italy
- Katalin Bársony, director, Hungary
- Jiri Barta, director, Czech Republic
- Rainer Bartesch, composer, Germany
- Isolde Barth, actress, Germany more
- Florian Bartholomäi, actor, Germany more
- Jens Bartram, hair & make-up artist, Germany more
- Piotr Bartuszek, casting director, Poland more
- Robert Baruch Almagià, talent agent, Italy
- Marc Bary, producer, The Netherlands
- Blerta Basholli, director, Kosovo more
- Daniela Bassani, sound designer, Italy
- Darya Bassel, producer, Ukraine more
- Ruslan Batytskyi, director, Ukraine
- Marc Bauder, director, Germany more
- Jasna Fritzi Bauer, actress, Switzerland more
- Wolf Bauer, producer, Germany
- Signe Baumane, director, Latvia
- Simone Baumann, institutional, Germany
- Hannes Baumgartner, director, Switzerland
- Martina Valentina Baumgartner, producer, Germany more
- Sebastian Bäumler, cinematographer, Germany more
- Gabriel Baur, director, Switzerland more
- Fotini Baxevani, actress, Greece
- Hilal Baydarov, director, Azerbaijan
- Osman Bayraktaroğlu, editor, Turkey more
- Mia Bays, institutional, United Kingdom
- Mykola Bazarkin, editor, Ukraine
- Linda Beath, producer, Italy
- Simon Beaufoy, screenwriter, United Kingdom
- Vladimir Beck, director, Germany
- Christian Becker, producer, Germany
- Meret Becker, actress, Germany
- Ray Beckett, sound designer, United Kingdom
- Henning Beckhoff, director, Germany more
- Claudia Bedogni, distributor/exhibitor, Italy
- Sandra Beerends, director, The Netherlands
- Robert Beeson, distributor/exhibitor, United Kingdom more
- Mag. Christian Beetz, producer, Germany more
- Sébastien Beffa, int'l sales agent, France
- Aida Begic, director, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Bibiana Beglau, actress, Germany
- Roshanak Behesht Nedjad, producer, Germany
- Martin Behnke, screenwriter, Germany more
- Katerina Bei, screenwriter, Greece
- Dorothe Beinemeier, producer, Germany
- Giedrė Beinoriūtė, director, Lithuania more
- Giora Bejach, cinematographer, Israel
- Avital Bekerman, institutional, Israel more
- Walid Bekhti, producer, France
- Ilinca Belciu, distributor/exhibitor, Romania more
- Ana Belén, actress, Spain
- Victoria Belfrage, institutional, United Kingdom
- Philippe Bellaïche, cinematographer, Israel
- Valentina Bellè, actress, Italy
- Natascha Beller, screenwriter, Switzerland more
- Louise Bellicaud, producer, France
- Marco Bellocchio, director, Italy
- Chris Belloni, festival, The Netherlands
- Myrte Beltman, production designer, The Netherlands
- Nadia Ben Rachid, editor, France
- Saïd Ben Saïd, producer, France
- Ronen Ben Tal, producer, Israel
- Jamin Benazzouz, editor, Germany more
- Nesim Bencoya, festival, Turkey more
- Peter Bencsik, cinematographer, Slovakia more
- Marjorie Bendeck Regalado, festival, Germany more
- André Bendocchi-Alves, editor, Germany more
- Judith Benedikt, cinematographer, Austria
- Árni Benediktsson, sound designer, Iceland
- Ævar Þór Benediktsson, actor, Iceland
- Leonie Benesch, actress, Germany
- Ada Benjamínsdóttir, producer, Iceland
- Thomas Benski, producer, France
- Mirko Beoković, institutional, Serbia
- Oliver Berben, producer, Germany
- Raphaël Berdugo, producer, France
- Aitor Berenguer Abasolo, sound designer, Spain
- Frédéric Bereyziat, institutional, France more
- Anna Berg, composer, Norway
- Christin Berg, distributor/exhibitor, Norway
- Quirin Berg, producer, Germany
- Sabine Berg, actress, Germany more
- Gunnar Bergdahl, critic / journalist, Sweden
- Catherine Ann Berger, institutional, Switzerland more
- Edward Berger, director, Germany more
- Gustaf Berger, sound designer, Sweden
- Hilde Berger, screenwriter, Austria
- Jonathan Berger, producer, United Kingdom
- József Berger, producer, Hungary
- Karin C. Berger, producer, Austria
- Katharina Bergfeld, producer, Germany more
- Joonas Berghäll, director, Finland
- Lou Berghmans, cinematographer, Belgium more
- Hanna Bergholm, director, Finland
- Nir Bergman, director, Israel
- Zaida Bergroth, director, Finland
- Philip Bergström, editor, Sweden more
- Bill Bering, festival, Denmark more
- Fatos Berisha, festival, Kosovo more
- Malik Berkati, critic / journalist, Switzerland more
- Juli Berkes, producer, Hungary
- Vicki Berlin, actress, Denmark more
- Georges Bermann, producer, France
- Olivier Bernard, composer, France more
- Tom Bernard, distributor/exhibitor, United States
- Nuno Bernardo, producer, Portugal
- Alexander Berner, editor, Germany
- Dieter Berner, director, Austria more
- Bob Berney, distributor/exhibitor, United States
- Jeanne R. Berney, distributor/exhibitor, United States more
- Wendy Bernfeld, int'l sales agent, The Netherlands more
- Chantal Bernheim, producer, Switzerland
- Frank Berry, director, Ireland
- Volker Bertelmann, composer, Germany
- Anna Berthollet, int'l sales agent, France
- Michael Bertl, cinematographer, Germany
- Paolo Bertolin, festival, Italy
- Joëlle Bertossa, producer, Switzerland
- Eddie Bertozzi, festival, Italy more
- Anaïs Bertrand, producer, France
- Aija Berzina, producer, Latvia
- Gints Berzins, cinematographer, Latvia
- Branka Bešević Gajić, director, Croatia more
- Olha Beskhmelnytsina, producer, Ukraine
- Thierry Besseling, director, Luxembourg
- Mariela Besuievsky, producer, Spain
- Diego Betancor, producer, Spain
- Fabia Bettini, festival, Italy
- Bert Beyens, director, Belgium more
- Karin Beyens, distributor/exhibitor, Belgium
- Bero Beyer, producer, Germany
- Azeem Bhati, director, United Kingdom
- Themba Bhebhe, festival, Germany
- Geremia Biagiotti, int'l sales agent, Italy more
- Gian Enrico Bianchi, cinematographer, Italy more
- Rok Biček, director, Slovenia
- Stefanie Bieker, costume designer, Germany
- Bartosz Bielenia, actor, Poland
- Susanne Bier, director, Denmark
- Theo Bierkens NSC/BVK, cinematographer, The Netherlands more
- Hanne Biermann, int'l sales agent, Germany more
- Dr. Rudolf Biermann, producer, Czech Republic more
- Vanessa Biermannová, producer, Slovakia
- Luca Bigazzi, cinematographer, Italy more
- Rémi Bigot, festival, France
- Dr. Vyacheslav (Slavik) Bihun, director, Ukraine more
- Miloš Biković, actor, Serbia
- Graziella Bildesheim, institutional, Italy more
- Dr. Katharina Bildhauer, institutional, Germany
- Belçim Bilgin, actress, Turkey
- Eroll Bilibani, festival, Kosovo more
- Irena Bilic, director, France
- Marta Billingsley, sound designer, Italy
- Julie Billy, producer, France more
- Kristof Bilsen, director, Belgium more
- Matteo Bini, editor, United Kingdom
- Nancy Biniadaki, director, Greece more
- Juliette Binoche, actress, France
- Andrew Bird, editor, Germany
- Anders Birkeland, producer, Sweden
- Ole Birkeland, cinematographer, United Kingdom
- Arne Birkenstock, director, Germany more
- Laura Birn, actress, Finland
- Boróka Biró, cinematographer, Romania more
- Michelino Bisceglia, composer, Belgium
- Evi Bischof, talent agent, United Kingdom
- Nancy Bishop, casting director, United Kingdom
- Claudio Bisio, actor, Italy
- Laura Bispuri, director, Italy more
- Jacopo Bistacchia, critic / journalist, Italy
- Paolo Bistolfi, producer, Italy more
- Christina Bitha, critic / journalist, Greece more
- Mariam Bitsadze, director, Georgia
- Catherine Bizern, festival, France
- Predrag Bjelac, actor, Czech Republic
- Claus Bjerre, director, Denmark
- Bergsteinn Björgúlfsson, cinematographer, Iceland more
- Irina Björklund, actress, Finland
- Birgitta Björnsdóttir, producer, Iceland
- Kryštof Blabla, sound designer, Czech Republic more
- Donald Taylor Black, director, Ireland
- Zdeněk Blaha, institutional, Czech Republic
- Benoît Blanchard, institutional, France more
- Cate Blanchett, actress, United Kingdom
- Martin Blankemeyer, producer, Germany more
- Dana Blankstein Cohen, institutional, Israel
- Adrian Blaser, producer, Switzerland more
- Michal Blaško, director, Slovakia more
- Lisa Maria Blatter, director, Switzerland more
- Martina Bleis, festival, Germany
- Wasiliki Bleser, producer, Germany more
- Brenda Blethyn OBE, actress, United Kingdom
- Emilie Blézat, producer, France
- Maria Blicharska, producer, France more
- Melanie Blocksdorf, producer, Germany more
- Robbert Blokland, critic / journalist, The Netherlands
- Gijs Blom, actor, The Netherlands more
- Jan Blomgren, producer, Sweden
- Lars Blomgren, producer, Sweden
- Eva Blondiau, producer, Germany
- Wolfgang Blösche, distributor/exhibitor, Switzerland more
- Yves Blösche, distributor/exhibitor, Switzerland more
- Julius Gintaras Blum, director, Germany more
- Bettina Blümner, director, Germany more
- Tom Blyth, actor, United Kingdom
- Sabine Böbbis, costume designer, Germany more
- Sean Bobbitt, producer, Poland more
- Philippe Bober, producer, France
- Sarah Boberg, actress, Denmark
- Andrea Boccadoro, composer, United Kingdom
- Konstantin Bock, director, Germany
- Matthijs Bockting, screenwriter, The Netherlands more
- Alex Boden, producer, United Kingdom more
- Mikkel Boe Følsgaard, actor, Denmark
- Philip Boëffard, producer, France
- Michael Boehme, producer, Germany
- Bobby Boermans, director, The Netherlands
- Liza Boeva, director, Bulgaria more
- Anna M. Bofarull, producer, Spain more
- Janusz Bogaczyk, producer, Poland
- Snežana Bogdanović, actress, Serbia
- Dr. Paolo Bogna, producer, Italy more
- Péter Bognár, distributor/exhibitor, Hungary
- Willy Bogner, producer, Germany
- Tamás Bohács, sound designer, Hungary more
- Jana Bohl, producer, Germany
- Bettina Böhler, editor, Germany more
- Hark Bohm, director, Germany
- Julia Böhm, hair & make-up artist, Germany
- Willi Böhm, cinematographer, Germany more
- Jenny Bohnhoff, int'l sales agent, United Kingdom more
- David Bohun, producer, Austria more
- Konstantin Bojanov, director, Bulgaria
- Magdalena Bojdo, cinematographer, Poland more
- Mirko Bojović, producer, Serbia
- Inese Boka-Grūbe, producer, Latvia more
- Jarosław Boliński, producer, Poland more
- Florinda Bolkan, actress, Italy
- Edoardo Carlo Bolli, cinematographer, Italy more
- Celine Bolomey, actress, France more
- Ioanna Bolomyti, producer, Greece
- Ivan Bolotnikov, director, Russian Federation
- Sandie Bompar, editor, France
- Moritz Bonatti, institutional, Italy
- Federico Bondi, director, Italy
- Sol Bondy, producer, Germany
- Luisa Bonello, institutional, Malta
- Aline Bonetto, production designer, France
- Kostadin Bonev, director, Bulgaria
- Kasia Boniecka, editor, France
- Jan Bonny, director, Germany
- Maria Bonsanti, institutional, Italy more
- Francesco Bonsembiante, producer, Italy more
- Jenny Booms, institutional, The Netherlands
- Doreen Boonekamp, institutional, The Netherlands
- Marc Boonen, festival, Belgium
- Henrich Boráros, production designer, Czech Republic more
- Alexandra Borbélyová, actress, Hungary
- Marcin Borchardt, director, Poland more
- Renato Borghero, distributor/exhibitor, Italy
- Petter J. Borgli, producer, Norway more
- Lene Børglum, producer, Denmark
- Sandra Borgmann, actress, Germany
- Borislav Borislavov, producer, Bulgaria more
- Tobias Borkert, composer, The Netherlands more
- Sarah Born, producer, Switzerland
- Stefanie Borowsky, critic / journalist, Germany more
- Alessandro Borrelli, producer, Italy more
- Marco Borromei, screenwriter, Italy more
- Oleg Borshchevskyi, director, Ukraine
- Cristiano Bortone, producer, Italy more
- Àngela Bosch Rius, producer, Spain more
- Jean-Paul Bosco, talent agent, Italy
- Stienette Bosklopper, producer, The Netherlands
- Cyrill Boss, director, Germany more
- Sabine Boss, director, Switzerland
- Lilette Botassi, producer, Greece more
- Eliane Bots, director, The Netherlands
- Svenja Böttger, festival, Germany
- Jaroslav Bouček, producer, Czech Republic
- Peter Bouckaert, producer, Belgium more
- Tassos Boulmetis, director, Greece more
- Daniël Bouquet, cinematographer, The Netherlands
- Sophie Bourdon, institutional, France
- Fernando Bovaira Forner, producer, Spain
- Jake Bowers, producer, United Kingdom
- James Bowsher, producer, United Kingdom
- Dr. Ahmet Atilla Boyacıoğlu, festival, Turkey
- Laurence Boyce, critic / journalist, Estonia
- Lia Boysen, actress, Sweden
- Kaloyan Bozhilov, cinematographer, Bulgaria more
- Jim Bradshaw, distributor/exhibitor, United Kingdom
- Niall Brady, MPSE, sound designer, Ireland
- Andrea Bræin Hovig, actress, Norway
- Kenneth Branagh, director, United Kingdom
- Carlo Brancaleoni, producer, Italy
- Michèle Brand, actress, Switzerland
- Josef Brandmaier, institutional, Germany more
- Enzo Brandner, cinematographer, Austria
- Kolja Brandt, cinematographer, Germany more
- Ulf Brantås, cinematographer, Sweden
- Nicoletta Braschi, actress, Italy
- Maurizio Braucci, screenwriter, Italy more
- Dr. Christian Bräuer, institutional, Germany more
- Frank Braun, distributor/exhibitor, Switzerland
- Ulu Braun, director, Germany
- Fanny Bräuning, director, Switzerland more
- Rachel Braunschweig, actress, Switzerland more
- Muammer Brav, critic / journalist, Turkey
- Marco Brazerol, distributor/exhibitor, Switzerland
- Marko Brdar, cinematographer, Slovenia more
- Francesca Breccia, int'l sales agent, Italy
- Lars Bredo Rahbek, producer, Denmark
- Wolfgang Brehm, institutional, Germany
- Zabou Breitman, director, France
- Vinko Brešan, director, Croatia
- Alessandro Bressanello, actor, Italy
- Martin Bretschneider, actor, Germany
- Paul Brett, institutional, United Kingdom more
- Marita Breuer, actress, Germany
- Aleš Březina, composer, Czech Republic
- Tracy Brimm, producer, United Kingdom
- Georg Brintrup, director, Germany more
- Jesper Brodersen, director, Sweden
- Sonora Broka, festival, Latvia more
- Bettina Brokemper, producer, Germany more
- Jacques-Henri Bronckart, producer, Belgium more
- Karl Erik Brøndbo, cinematographer, Norway
- Valentina Bronzini, int'l sales agent, Germany
- Peter Brosens, director, Belgium more
- Ingela Brovik, critic / journalist, Sweden
- Ivan Brovin, actor, Russian Federation more
- Barry Brown, director, France
- Jutta Brückner, director, Germany
- Carles Brugueras, producer, Spain more
- Lisa Brühlmann, director, Switzerland
- Stefanie Bruhn, costume designer, Germany more
- Marc Brummund, director, Germany
- Rosalie Brun, institutional, France
- Christophe Bruncher, producer, France more
- Reinhard Brundig, producer, Germany
- Claire Brunel, institutional, Germany
- Laurent Bruneteau, producer, France more
- Duccio Brunetti, director, Italy more
- Jeanne Brunfaut, institutional, Belgium
- Bruno Bruni, actor, Germany more
- Karsten Brünig, producer, Germany
- Dagmar Brunow, institutional, Germany
- Annette Brütsch, editor, Switzerland
- Hannes Bruun, editor, Germany more
- Tanja Brzakovic, director, Germany more
- Zaza Buadze, director, Georgia
- Nataša Bučar, institutional, Slovenia
- Prof. Lars Büchel, director, Germany
- Tizian Büchi, director, Switzerland
- Detlev W. Buck, director, Germany
- Réka Bucsi, director, Hungary more
- Flóra Anna Buda, director, Hungary more
- Denis Budanov, festival, Ukraine more
- Guurtje Buddenberg, producer, The Netherlands
- Bernd Buder, festival, Germany more
- Jeton Budima, critic / journalist, Kosovo
- Philipp Budweg, producer, Germany
- Ariane Buhl, int'l sales agent, France
- Andreas Bühlmann, institutional, Switzerland more
- Emilie Bujès, festival, Switzerland more
- Osnat Bukofzer, institutional, Israel more
- Serhii Bukovskyi, director, Ukraine more
- Ana Bulajić Črček, hair & make-up artist, Croatia
- Vlado Bulajić, producer, Slovenia
- Ana Buljan, production designer, Croatia more
- Welket Bungué, actor, Portugal more
- Floriane Buono, institutional, Italy more
- Manuela Buono, int'l sales agent, Italy
- Matthias Bürcher, institutional, Switzerland more
- Catherine Buresi, institutional, Belgium
- Sven Burgemeister, producer, Germany
- Janez Burger, director, Slovenia more
- Elisabeth Burghardt, screenwriter, Germany
- Zlatko Burić, actor, Denmark
- Gudrun Burie, int'l sales agent, Belgium more
- Fred Burle, producer, Germany more
- Nicolas Burlet, producer, Switzerland
- Johnnie Burn, sound designer, United Kingdom
- Giedrė Burokaitė, producer, Lithuania
- Timothy Burrill, producer, United Kingdom
- Mark Burton, screenwriter, United Kingdom
- Loredana Buscemi, costume designer, Italy
- Monique Busman, producer, The Netherlands more
- Felix Bussmann, sound designer, Switzerland
- Gabriela Bussmann, producer, Switzerland more
- Gaia Bussolati, visual effects supervisor, Italy
- Ilir Butka, institutional, Albania more
- Jaymes Butler, actor, Germany more
- Monika Buttinger, costume designer, Austria
- Agata Buzek, actress, Poland
- Matti Bye, composer, Sweden more
- Mark Byrne, institutional, Ireland
- Melissa Byrne, producer, Germany
- Hamze Bytyçi, festival, Germany more
- Andreas Bøggild Monies, editor, Denmark more
- Anna Bławut Mazurkiewicz, producer, Poland
- Pío Cabanillas Alonso, institutional, Spain
- Elisabet Cabeza Gutés, director, Spain
- Manuela Cacciamani, producer, Italy
- Jorge Cadena, director, Switzerland
- Špela Čadež, director, Slovenia
- Miguel Cadilhe, producer, Portugal
- Olgu Caglar, talent agent, United Kingdom
- Sir Michael Caine, actor, United Kingdom
- Efe Cakarel, distributor/exhibitor, United Kingdom
- Serkan Çakarer, producer, Turkey
- Dave Calhoun, critic / journalist, United Kingdom
- Guillaume Calop, festival, France
- Carlotta Calori, producer, Italy
- Francesca Calvelli, editor, Italy
- Clément Calvet, producer, France more
- Javier Calvo, director, Spain
- Salvador Calvo Torrejón, director, Spain
- Javier Cámara, actor, Spain
- Jaione Camborda, director, Spain
- Chloé Cambournac, production designer, France
- Christine Camdessus, producer, France
- Jocelyn Cammack, director, United Kingdom more
- Igor Čamo, sound designer, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Diogo Camões, casting director, Portugal
- Colin Campbell, editor, Ireland more
- Daniel Campos Pavoncelli, producer, Italy
- Ramón Campos Sáez, producer, Spain
- Henning Camre, institutional, Denmark
- Vicente Canales, int'l sales agent, Spain
- John Canciani, festival, Switzerland
- João Canijo, director, Portugal
- Iain Canning, producer, United Kingdom
- Viorica Capdefier, casting director, Romania
- Pascal Capitolin, sound designer, Germany
- Fabio Massimo Capogrosso, composer, Italy more
- Ciro Cappellari, director, Germany
- Enrica Capra, producer, Italy
- Peggy Carajopoulou-Vavali, distributor/exhibitor, Greece more
- Nae Caranfil, director, Romania
- Diana Caravia, producer, Romania
- Diego Carazo-Migerel, int'l sales agent, France more
- Nacho Carballo, festival, Spain
- Inti Carboni, producer, Italy more
- Elena Rebeca Carini, director, Italy
- Anna Carlson Nordqvist, institutional, Sweden
- Chen Carmi, costume designer, Israel
- Paolo Carnera, cinematographer, Italy
- Jonas Carpignano, director, Italy more
- Paolo Carpignano, producer, Italy
- Almudena Carracedo, director, Spain more
- Donato Carrisi, director, Italy
- Katarina Cas, actress, Slovenia more
- Carlota Casado, production designer, Spain more
- Julio Casal Fernández-Couto, producer, Spain
- Giovanni Casalnuovo, costume designer, Italy
- Laia Casanovas del Pino, sound designer, Spain
- Amira Casar, actress, France
- Nicolás Casariego, screenwriter, Spain
- Giulia Casavecchia, int'l sales agent, Italy
- Giuseppe Caschetto, producer, Italy
- Franco Casellato, technician, Italy more
- Kujtim Cashku, director, Albania
- Käte Caspar, producer, Germany
- Patrick Cassavetti, producer, United Kingdom
- Raffey Cassidy, actress, United Kingdom
- Stéphan Castang, director, France
- Sergio Castellitto, actor, Italy
- Prof. Dr. Oliver Hendrik Castendyk, institutional, Germany
- Arianna Castoldi, int'l sales agent, France
- Massimo Casula, producer, Italy
- İlker Çatak, director, Germany
- Pasquale Catalano, composer, Italy
- Olivier Catherin, producer, France
- Arnaldo Catinari, cinematographer, Italy more
- Ruth Cats, producer, Israel
- Carla Cattani, institutional, Italy
- Consuelo Catucci, editor, Italy
- Pascal Caucheteux, producer, France
- Massimo Causo, critic / journalist, Italy more
- Fabio Cavalli, screenwriter, Italy more
- Dr. Roberto Cavallini, producer, Italy more
- Grace Cavanagh-Butler, talent agent, United Kingdom
- Liliana Cavani, director, Italy
- Sebastian Cavazza, actor, Slovenia more
- Teresa Cavina, festival, Italy more
- Véronique Cayla, institutional, France
- Claudia Cazzorla, costume designer, Italy
- Claudio Cea, editor, Italy
- Jakob Cedergren, actor, Denmark
- Sehad Čekić, producer, Montenegro more
- Uldis Cekulis, producer, Latvia
- Stefania Cella, production designer, Italy
- Murat Cemcir, actor, Turkey
- Egle Cepaite, int'l sales agent, France
- Federica Ceraolo, critic / journalist, Italy
- Dārta Ceriņa, critic / journalist, Latvia more
- Marek Čermák, director, Czech Republic more
- Kateřina Černá, producer, Czech Republic
- Miha Černec, producer, Slovenia
- Vanja Černjul, ASC, cinematographer, Croatia more
- Carlotta Cerquetti, director, Italy more
- Lionello Cerri, producer, Italy
- Álvaro Cervantes Sorribas, actor, Spain
- Nuri Bilge Ceylan, director, Turkey
- Daniel Chabannes de Sars, distributor/exhibitor, France more
- Nikodem Chabior, editor, Poland
- Mariam Chachia, producer, Georgia more
- Volha Chaikouskaya, producer, Belarus
- Olga Chajdas, director, Poland
- Barbora Chalupová, director, Czech Republic
- Kevin Chan, distributor/exhibitor, United Kingdom
- Camille Chandellier, producer, France more
- Charlotte Chang, hair & make-up artist, Germany more
- Gilles Chanial, producer, Luxembourg
- Paulina Chapko, actress, Poland
- John Chapman, producer, United Kingdom
- Bruno Chatelin, institutional, France
- Pascaline Chavanne, costume designer, Belgium
- Antonio Chavarrias Ocana, producer, Spain
- Sarah Chazelle, distributor/exhibitor, France
- Mélanie Chebance, distributor/exhibitor, Germany
- Adrien Chef, producer, Luxembourg
- Nadim Cheikhrouha, producer, France more
- Ivan Chertov, cinematographer, Bulgaria
- Jacopo Chessa, institutional, Italy more
- Andro Chichinadze, actor, Georgia more
- Carine Chichkowsky, producer, France
- Gianni Chiffi, talent agent, Italy more
- Martin Childs, production designer, United Kingdom
- Luigi Chimienti, producer, Italy more
- Brahim Chioua, producer, France
- Mihai-Cristian Chirilov, festival, Romania
- Jane Chirwa, actress, Germany
- Dan Chișu, director, Romania
- Margherita Chiti, producer, Italy
- Gaga Chkheidze, institutional, Georgia
- Matěj Chlupáček, director, Czech Republic more
- Oleksandr Chornyi, editor, Ukraine more
- Maria Choustova, producer, The Netherlands more
- Magdalena Chowańska, editor, Poland
- Jesús Choya Zataraín, producer, Spain
- Lamia Chraibi, producer, France
- Merete Christensen, distributor/exhibitor, Denmark
- Sarita Christensen, producer, Denmark
- Emely Christians, producer, Germany more
- Lisy Christl, costume designer, Germany
- Dr. Elena Christodoulidou, institutional, Cyprus
- George Christopoulos, talent agent, Greece more
- Dora Chrysikou, actress, Greece
- Stéphanie Chuat, director, Switzerland more
- Sashko Chubko, producer, Ukraine
- Cheng-Hsu Chung, director, Germany
- Mel Churcher, institutional, United Kingdom
- Stefano Ciammitti, costume designer, Italy
- Daniela Ciancio, costume designer, Italy
- Roberto Cicutto, producer, Italy more
- José Luis Cienfuegos, festival, Spain
- Arda Çiltepe, director, Turkey
- Francesca Cima, producer, Italy
- Šárka Cimbalová, producer, Czech Republic more
- Roberto Cimpanelli, director, Italy
- Radu Ciorniciuc, director, Romania more
- Stefano Cipani, director, Italy
- Domnica Circiumaru, casting director, Romania
- Luca Ciriello, director, Italy more
- Jana Cisar, producer, Germany
- Vanessa Ciszewski, producer, Germany more
- Lum Çitaku, director, Kosovo
- Samantha Cito, producer, Italy
- Fiona Clark, festival, Ireland more
- Manuel Alberto Claro, cinematographer, Denmark
- Birger Clausen, composer, Germany more
- Jakob Claussen, producer, Germany more
- Friede Clausz, BVK, cinematographer, Germany more
- Dan Clifton, director, United Kingdom more
- Igor Cobileanski, director, Romania more
- Carmen Cobos, producer, The Netherlands more
- Matteo Cocco, cinematographer, Italy more
- Sophie Cocco, producer, Germany more
- Kharmel Cochrane, casting director, United Kingdom
- Philippe Coeytaux, producer, Switzerland more
- Miljenka Čogelja, producer, Croatia
- Danny Cohen, cinematographer, United Kingdom more
- Marco Cohen, producer, Italy more
- Arthur Cohn, producer, Switzerland
- Jorge Coira, director, Spain more
- Isabel Coixet, director, Spain
- Costanza Coldagelli, producer, Italy
- Stijn Cole, composer, Belgium
- Meritxell Colell Aparicio, director, Spain more
- Rolando Colla, director, Switzerland
- Luis Collar, producer, Spain
- Daniela Cölle, int'l sales agent, Germany
- Dr. John Collee, screenwriter, United Kingdom
- David Collins, producer, Ireland more
- Merry Colomer, producer, Spain
- Gana Čomagić, director, Montenegro more
- Yohann Comte, int'l sales agent, France
- Tamara Conboy, production designer, Ireland
- Coline Confort, director, Switzerland
- Federico Conforti, editor, Italy more
- Michele Conforti, director, Italy
- Ersan Çongar, producer, Turkey
- Tom Conroy, production designer, Ireland
- Dr. Costas Constandinides, critic / journalist, Cyprus more
- Elena Conte, producer, United Kingdom more
- Steve Coogan, actor, United Kingdom
- Jon Coplon, producer, Italy
- Diego Corapi, institutional, Italy
- David N. Cormican, producer, Ireland
- Séverine Cornamusaz, director, Switzerland
- Christopher Cornelsen, producer, Germany more
- Frédéric Cornet, distributor/exhibitor, Belgium
- Andrea Cornwell, producer, United Kingdom
- Rubén Corral, festival, Spain
- Tilde Corsi, producer, Italy
- Catherine Corsini, director, France
- Paola Cortellesi, actress, Italy
- Marina Ćosić Mirković, actress, Serbia
- Mahmut Fazıl Coşkun, director, Turkey
- Florian Cossen, director, Germany more
- Vincent Cosson, sound designer, France more
- Laia Costa Bertran, actress, Spain
- Marco Costa, editor, Italy
- Pau Costa Moeller, visual effects supervisor, Spain
- Lisa Costa Tsouloupa, production designer, Cyprus more
- Costa-Gavras, director, France
- Paolo Costella, screenwriter, Italy more
- Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, actor, Denmark
- Gilles Coulier, director, Belgium
- Solal Coutard, producer, France more
- Ghislaine Couvillat, producer, France more
- Bénédicte Couvreur, producer, France
- Emily Cox, actress, Austria
- Peter Craeymeersch, institutional, Belgium
- Daniel Craig, actor, United Kingdom
- Gary Cranner, producer, Norway more
- Stefano Cravero, editor, Italy more
- Caprice Crawford, talent agent, Germany more
- Marc-Benoît Créancier, producer, France
- Louis Crelier, composer, Switzerland more
- Carlo Cresto-Dina, producer, Italy
- Adrian Cristea, production designer, Romania
- Carmen Cristian, director, Romania
- Gianluca Cristofari, editor, Italy
- Cătălin F. Cristuțiu, editor, Romania more
- Alba Cros, director, Spain
- Elliot Crosset Hove, actor, Denmark
- Sarah Crowe, casting director, United Kingdom
- Penélope Cruz, actress, Spain
- Géza Csákvári, critic / journalist, Hungary more
- Eszter Csepeli, cinematographer, Hungary more
- Francisco Cuadrado, composer, Spain more
- Dan Cukier, institutional, Belgium
- Síle Culley, distributor/exhibitor, Ireland more
- Sergiu Cumatrenco Jr., producer, Moldova more
- John Cummings, composer, United Kingdom
- Pandora Cunha Teles, producer, Portugal
- Cristian Curus, critic / journalist, Romania
- Horatiu Curutiu, producer, Romania more
- Diana Cuyàs, visual effects supervisor, Spain
- Roberto Cuzzillo, director, Italy more
- Svetozar Cvetkovic, actor, Serbia
- Ilija Cvetkovski, director, North Macedonia more
- Drs Ludmila Cvikova, festival, Slovakia more
- Narcisa Cvitanović, talent agent, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Jan Cvitkovič, director, Slovenia
- Judit Czakó, editor, Hungary more
- Kuba Czekaj, director, Poland more
- Caterina Czepek, costume designer, Austria
- Piotr Czerkawski, critic / journalist, Poland more
- Gabriele Czypionka, talent agent, Germany
- Enzo d'Alò, director, Italy
- Caterina d'Amico, institutional, Italy
- Toni D'Angelo, director, Italy more
- Danièle D'Antoni, talent agent, France
- Daniela D'Antonio, critic / journalist, Italy
- François d'Artemare, producer, France
- Michele D'Attanasio, cinematographer, Italy more
- Ciro D'Emilio, director, Italy more
- Antoni D'Ocon Guerrero, producer, Spain more
- Basil Da Cunha, cinematographer, Switzerland
- Sandra da Fonseca, producer, France
- Eduard Dabrowski, composer, Romania more
- Dela Dabulamanzi, actress, Germany
- Zeynep Dadak, director, Germany more
- Willem Dafoe, actor, Italy
- Elif Dağdeviren, producer, Turkey more
- Jan Daghelinckx, visual effects supervisor, Belgium more
- Maria Dahlin, producer, Sweden
- Bina Daigeler, costume designer, Spain
- Chiara Dainese, editor, Italy
- Guy Daleiden, institutional, Luxembourg
- Nicola Daley, cinematographer, United Kingdom
- Nigel Daly OBE, critic / journalist, United Kingdom
- Eugen Damaschin, director, Moldova more
- Prof. Manuel José Damásio, institutional, Portugal
- Per Damgaard Hansen, producer, Denmark more
- Anca Damian, director, Romania
- Anghel Damian, screenwriter, Romania
- Oliver Damian, producer, Germany more
- Nataša Damnjanović, producer, Serbia more
- Catrinel Danaiata, director, Romania more
- Charles Dance, actor, United Kingdom
- Paul Dandos, festival, Sweden
- Ketie Danelia, producer, Georgia
- Lorenz Dangel, composer, Germany
- Christoph Daniel, producer, Germany
- Laura Daniel, institutional, Switzerland more
- Ales Danielis, distributor/exhibitor, Czech Republic
- Claas Danielsen, institutional, Germany more
- Helena Danielsson, producer, Sweden more
- Cosima Dannoritzer, director, Germany more
- Ambra Danon, costume designer, Italy
- Pepe Danquart, director, Germany
- Thomas Darchinger, actor, Germany
- Jean-Pierre Dardenne, director, Belgium
- Luc Dardenne, director, Belgium
- Matthieu Darras, institutional, France
- Csanad Darvas, producer, Hungary more
- George Dăscălescu, cinematographer, Romania
- Dr. Robert Dassanowsky, institutional, Austria more
- Corinna Dästner, producer, Switzerland
- Dascha Dauenhauer, composer, Germany more
- Rimante Daugelaite, institutional, Lithuania
- Charlotte Dauphin, director, France
- Adam Davenport, actor, Serbia more
- Alina Maria David, producer, Romania
- Ana David, festival, Portugal more
- Karolina Davidova, producer, Czech Republic more
- Ari Davidovich, director, Israel more
- Amy Davies, talent agent, United Kingdom
- Ben Davis, cinematographer, United Kingdom
- Brian Philip Davis, editor, Ireland more
- Victoria Davis, director, United Kingdom
- Leszek Dawid, director, Poland more
- Cecilia Dazzi, actress, Italy
- Elsje de Bruijn, production designer, The Netherlands
- Erik de Bruyn, director, The Netherlands more
- Charlotte De Bruyne, actress, Belgium more
- Pierre De Clercq, screenwriter, Belgium
- Mark de Cloe, director, The Netherlands
- Balthazar de Ganay, producer, United Kingdom
- Reginald de Guillebon, producer, France
- Prof. Dr. Cathy de Haan, institutional, Germany
- Moritz de Hadeln, institutional, Switzerland more
- Ate de Jong, director, The Netherlands more
- Mieke de Jong, screenwriter, The Netherlands
- Mijke de Jong, director, The Netherlands
- Margje de Koning, festival, The Netherlands
- Raúl de la Fuente Calle, director, Spain
- Julio de la Rosa, composer, Spain
- Antonio de la Torre Martín, actor, Spain
- Pablo De Lario, producer, United Kingdom more
- Pelayo De Lario, director, United Kingdom
- Guido de Laurentiis, producer, Italy
- Greta De Lazzaris, cinematographer, Italy
- Derek de Lint, actor, The Netherlands more
- Sabine de Mardt, producer, Germany
- Maria de Medeiros, actress, Portugal
- Ana de Mier y Ortuño, editor, Germany more
- Salvatore De Mola, screenwriter, Italy more
- Natalia De Molina, actress, Spain
- Jason de Ridder, actor, The Netherlands more
- Simón de Santiago Aréizaga, producer, Spain
- Gilles De Schryver, actor, Belgium
- Christian De Schutter, institutional, Belgium more
- Andrea De Sica, director, Italy more
- Cláudia Rita de Sousa Oliveira, editor, Portugal more
- Martin de Thurah, director, Denmark
- Alexia De Vito, festival, Italy
- Simon de Waal, screenwriter, The Netherlands
- Ellen De Waele, producer, Belgium more
- Wim de Witte, institutional, Belgium more
- Hans de Wolf, producer, The Netherlands
- James Dearden, director, Ireland
- Radzimir Dębski, composer, Poland
- Dirk Decker, producer, Germany more
- Heino Deckert, producer, Germany more
- Yan Decoppet, producer, Switzerland more
- Antonin Dedet, producer, France more
- Mathilde Dedye, producer, Sweden more
- Carlo Degli Esposti, producer, Italy
- Mehdi Dehbi, actor, France more
- Paolo Del Brocco, producer, Italy
- Alberto Del Campo, editor, Spain more
- María del Puy Alvarado, producer, Spain more
- Philip Delaquis, producer, Switzerland
- Paco Delgado, costume designer, Spain
- Valérie Delpierre, producer, Spain more
- Julie Delpy, director, France
- Yuval Delshad, director, Israel more
- Yann Demange, director, France
- Olena Demianenko, director, Ukraine
- Esra Demirkıran, institutional, Turkey more
- Ilya Demutsky, composer, Russian Federation more
- Sandra den Hamer, institutional, The Netherlands
- Viktor Dénes, actor, Hungary
- Mimi Denissi, actress, Greece
- Louisa Dent, distributor/exhibitor, United Kingdom
- Charlotta Denward, institutional, Sweden
- Mag. Sabine Derflinger, director, Austria more
- Tasos Dertilis, critic / journalist, Greece
- Dominique Deruddere, director, Belgium more
- Jacob Derwig, actor, The Netherlands more
- Nainita Desai, composer, United Kingdom
- Dmytro Desiateryk, critic / journalist, Ukraine
- Alexandre Desplat, composer, France
- Boris Despodov, director, Germany
- Aggela Despotidou, editor, United Kingdom more
- Kristina Despotova, producer, Bulgaria more
- Alain Dessauvage, editor, Belgium
- Piera Detassis, institutional, Italy
- Tatiana Detlofson, institutional, Czech Republic
- Stephen Deuters, producer, United Kingdom more
- Anne Devauchelle, festival, France
- Nino Devdariani, producer, Georgia more
- Virginie Devesa, int'l sales agent, France more
- Mark Devine, producer, United Kingdom more
- Florian Deyle, producer, Germany more
- Valentijn Dhaenens, actor, Belgium more
- Michiel Dhont, producer, Belgium more
- Andrea Di Blasio, producer, Italy more
- Ippolita di Majo, screenwriter, Italy more
- Antonella Di Nocera, producer, Italy
- Maurizio di Rienzo, festival, Italy
- Rita Di Santo, critic / journalist, United Kingdom more
- Sandro Di Stefano, composer, Italy more
- Nikita Diakur, director, Germany more
- Alberto Díaz López, director, Spain
- Sebastian DiBona, talent agent, Germany more
- Marc-Daniel Dichant, producer, Germany more
- Marcella Dichmann, producer, Denmark more
- Patrick Dickinson, director, United Kingdom
- Aikaterini Didaskalou, actress, Greece
- Jakob Diehl, actor, Germany more
- Anina Diener, production designer, Germany
- Armin Dierolf, cinematographer, Germany more
- Trygve Allister Diesen, director, Norway
- Bárbara Díez, producer, Spain more
- Anja Dihrberg-Siebler, casting director, Germany
- Sander Dikhoff, producer, The Netherlands
- Loek Dikker, composer, The Netherlands
- Heinz Dill, producer, Switzerland
- Tolga Dilsiz, producer, Switzerland more
- Thania Dimitrakopoulou, int'l sales agent, Germany
- Marija Dimitrova, producer, North Macedonia more
- Helmuth Dimko, producer, Austria more
- Sofia Dimopoulou, casting director, Greece more
- Maria Dinulescu, actress, Romania more
- Giorgio Diritti, director, Italy
- Aistė Diržiūtė, actress, Lithuania more
- Kasper Dissing, producer, Denmark
- Alexander Dittner, editor, Germany
- Karin Dix, festival, Germany
- Adis Djapo, producer, Bosnia and Herzegovina more
- Nana Djordjadze, director, Georgia
- Urška Djukić, director, Slovenia
- Jasna Đuričić, actress, Serbia
- Ivan Đurović, producer, Montenegro more
- Saša Dlouhý, director, Czech Republic more
- Kata Dobó, actress, Hungary
- Anthony Dod Mantle, cinematographer, United Kingdom
- Evgenia Dodina, actress, Israel
- Jan Doense, festival, The Netherlands
- Kanat Doğramacı, producer, Turkey more
- Kamila Dohnalová, producer, Czech Republic more
- Christine Dollhofer, festival, Austria more
- Arielle Dombasle, actress, France
- Didar Domehri, producer, France
- Aya Domenig, director, Switzerland
- Agron Domi, festival, Albania more
- Joana Domingues, producer, Portugal more
- Gianmarco Donaggio, director, Norway
- Oriol Donat i Martos, sound designer, Spain
- Stéphanie Doncker, director, France
- Elisa Dondi, screenwriter, Italy more
- Tomas Donela, director, Lithuania more
- Alexander Donev, producer, Bulgaria
- Andreas Donhauser, production designer, Austria more
- Emma Donoghue, screenwriter, Ireland
- Walter Donohue, screenwriter, United Kingdom
- Marta Donzelli, producer, Italy
- Janneke Doolaard, producer, The Netherlands more
- Jana Dopitová, hair & make-up artist, Czech Republic
- Milan Dor, screenwriter, Austria
- Marion Döring, institutional, Germany
- Jonas Dornbach, producer, Germany more
- Mark Dornford-May, director, United Kingdom
- Robert Dornhelm, director, Austria
- Emmanuelle Döry, institutional, France more
- Slaven Došlo, actor, Serbia
- Nikolay Dostal, director, Russian Federation
- Ariadna Dot, producer, Spain
- Anastasia Nataly Douka, producer, Greece
- Vassilis Douvlis, director, Greece more
- Mike Downey, producer, Ireland more
- Patrick Doyle, composer, United Kingdom
- Roddy Doyle, screenwriter, Ireland
- Slava Doytcheva, director, Bulgaria more
- Radosław Drabik, producer, Poland more
- Svetoslav Draganov, director, Bulgaria more
- Ana Drăghici, cinematographer, Romania more
- Srdjan Dragojević, director, Serbia
- Maria-Victoria Dragus, actress, Germany
- Sanja Drakulić, casting director, Croatia more
- Maria Drandaki, producer, Greece more
- Kęstutis Drazdauskas, producer, Lithuania more
- Jan Drbohlav, screenwriter, Czech Republic more
- Benny Drechsel, producer, Germany
- Daniel Dreifuss, producer, United Kingdom
- Andreas Dresen, director, Germany
- Nadia Dresti, festival, Switzerland more
- Agnieszka Drewno, producer, Spain more
- Fabian Driehorst, producer, Germany more
- Ellis Driessen, int'l sales agent, The Netherlands more
- Kees Driessen, critic / journalist, The Netherlands
- Anna Drijver, actress, The Netherlands
- Alen Drljevic, director, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Matija Drniković, producer, Croatia
- Taras Dron, director, Ukraine more
- Natalia Drozd, producer, Germany
- Anna Drubich, composer, Germany
- Coréon Dú, director, Portugal
- Marc Du Pontavice, producer, France more
- Kateryna Dubchak, hair & make-up artist, Ukraine
- Clément Duboin, producer, France
- Vladyslav Dudko, producer, Ukraine
- J. Patrick Duffner, editor, Ireland
- Barbara Dukas, director, Greece
- Nenad Dukić, institutional, Serbia
- Tomasz Dukszta, sound designer, Poland
- George Dimitrov Dulgerov, director, Bulgaria
- Orlane Dumas, producer, France more
- Sidonie Dumas, distributor/exhibitor, France
- Alexandru Dumitru, sound designer, Romania more
- Alexander Dumreicher-Ivanceanu, producer, Austria
- Yura Dunay, cinematographer, Ukraine more
- Johannes Duncker, screenwriter, Germany more
- Petar Dundakov, composer, Bulgaria
- Nils Dünker, producer, Germany
- Marie-France Dupagne, critic / journalist, Belgium
- Riton Dupire-Clément, production designer, France more
- François Duplat, producer, France
- Emmanuelle Duplay, production designer, France
- Jasmin Duraković, director, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Pauline Durand-Vialle, institutional, Belgium
- Alican Durbaş, director, Turkey
- Juliette Duret, institutional, Belgium more
- Derya Durmaz, director, Germany more
- Miriam Düssel, producer, Germany
- Jakub Duszyński, distributor/exhibitor, Poland
- Nicolas Duval Adassovsky, producer, France
- Kateřina Dvořáková, distributor/exhibitor, Czech Republic more
- Klemen Dvornik, director, Slovenia more
- Ron Dyens, producer, France
- Jolanta Dylewska, cinematographer, Poland
- Roman Dymny, sound designer, France more
- Trine Dyrholm, actress, Denmark
- Łukasz Dzięcioł, producer, Poland more
- Stanisław Dziedzic, producer, Poland
- Daria D’Antonio, cinematographer, Italy
- Halfdan E, composer, Denmark
- Graham Easton, institutional, United Kingdom
- Bukonla Ebiesuwa Hernández, costume designer, United Kingdom
- Cemre Ebüzziya, actress, Germany
- Michael Eckelt, producer, Germany
- Marianna Economou, director, Greece more
- Klaus Eder, institutional, Germany
- Teboho Edkins, director, Germany more
- Cia Edström, festival, Sweden
- Maren Eggert, actress, Germany
- Eðvarð Egilsson, composer, Iceland
- Ólafur Egilsson, screenwriter, Iceland
- Elham Ehsas, director, United Kingdom more
- Stefan Eichenberger, producer, Switzerland more
- Andreas Eicher, producer, Germany
- Kristian Selin Eidnes Andersen, composer, Denmark
- Laëtitia Eïdo, actress, France more
- Peter Eiff, producer, Germany
- Elle Márjá Eira, director, Norway
- Hans Robert Eisenhauer, producer, Germany
- Aurelius Eisenreich, producer, Switzerland
- Chiwetel Ejiofor, director, United Kingdom
- Marcin Ejsmund, sound designer, Poland
- Maria Ekerhovd, producer, Norway
- Jan Pieter Ekker, critic / journalist, The Netherlands
- Mattias Eklund, sound designer, Sweden
- Madeleine Ekman, producer, Sweden more
- Robbie Eksiel, critic / journalist, Greece
- Nana Ekvtimishvili, director, Georgia
- Adolf El Assal, director, Luxembourg more
- Omar El Kadi, producer, France
- Rabih El-Khoury, festival, Germany more
- May el-Toukhy, director, Denmark more
- Judit Elek, director, Hungary
- Blanka Elekes Szentagotai, critic / journalist, Hungary
- Michael Eley BSC, cinematographer, United Kingdom
- Prof. Karim Sebastian Elias, composer, Germany
- Anna Eliseeva, producer, Ukraine
- Daniel Elliott, director, United Kingdom more
- Mike Elliott, producer, United Kingdom
- Pierre Ellul, producer, Malta
- Satu Elo, institutional, Luxembourg more
- Şiir Eloğlu, actress, Germany
- Christine Eloy, institutional, Belgium
- Keren Elrom, casting director, Israel more
- Anita Elsani, producer, Germany
- Daniela Elstner, int'l sales agent, France
- Matthias Elwardt, distributor/exhibitor, Germany
- Andreas Emanuelsson, producer, Sweden more
- Nick Emerson, editor, Ireland
- Fredrik Emilson, composer, Sweden
- Licia Eminenti, screenwriter, France
- Başak Emre Pundurs, festival, Turkey
- Lena Endre, actress, Sweden
- Constantin Ene Jr., cinematographer, Romania more
- Dirk Engelhardt, producer, Germany more
- Philipp Engelhorn, producer, Germany more
- Igor Engler, producer, Slovakia more
- Michał Englert, cinematographer, Poland
- Rikke Louise Ennis, int'l sales agent, Denmark
- Ildikó Enyedi, director, Hungary
- Jánnos Eolou, composer, Greece more
- David Epiney, producer, Switzerland more
- Maryna Er Gorbach, director, Ukraine more
- Mehmet Bahadır Er, director, Turkey more
- Sophie Erbs, producer, France more
- İpek Erden, producer, Turkey more
- Can Erdoğan-Sus, composer, Germany
- Su Erdt, production designer, Switzerland
- Sabina Eremeeva, producer, Russian Federation more
- Halit Ergenç, actor, Turkey
- Hazar Ergüçlü, actress, Turkey
- Selcen Ergun, director, Turkey
- Emre Erkmen, cinematographer, Turkey more
- Fabian Erlinghäuser, director, Germany more
- Benedikt Erlingsson, director, Iceland
- Dmitry Ermakov, cinematographer, Russian Federation
- Vildan Erşen, producer, Turkey more
- Sophia Ersson, composer, Sweden more
- Jakob M. Erwa, director, Germany more
- Eduardo M. Escribano Solera, producer, Spain more
- Alexandre Espigares, director, Germany more
- Laura Espinel, editor, Germany more
- Daniél Espinosa, director, Sweden
- Claudio Esposito, producer, Italy more
- Marta Esteban Roca, producer, Spain
- Pau Esteve Birba, cinematographer, Spain
- Ralph Etter, director, Switzerland
- Bernd Euscher, editor, Germany more
- Hans Everaert, producer, Belgium
- Demet Evgar, actress, Turkey
- Antonio Exacoustos, int'l sales agent, Germany
- Sofia Exarchou, director, Greece
- Jallo Faber, cinematographer, Sweden
- Anthony Fabian, director, United Kingdom more
- Maegene Fabias, institutional, The Netherlands more
- Slawomir Fabicki, director, Poland
- Anne Fabini, editor, Germany more
- Matteo Faccenda, director, Italy more
- Jérémie Fajner, producer, France
- Edoardo Maria Falcone, director, Italy
- Claudio Falconi, producer, Italy
- Feliks Falk, director, Poland
- Andreas Fallscheer, distributor/exhibitor, Switzerland
- Luigi Falorni, director, Germany
- Popo Fan, director, Germany
- Rana Farahani, actress, Germany more
- Franciska Farkas, actress, Hungary
- Kaveh Farnam, producer, Czech Republic
- Saeed Taji Farouky, director, United Kingdom
- Susie Farrell, screenwriter, United Kingdom
- Michele Fasano, producer, Italy
- Walter Fasano, editor, Italy
- Ernst Fassbender, producer, Germany
- Davide Favargiotti, sound designer, Italy more
- Hector Faver, director, Spain
- Charlène Favier, director, France
- Pierfrancesco Favino, actor, Italy
- Sara Fazilat, producer, Germany more
- Lise Fearnley, producer, Norway
- Francesca Feder, producer, France
- Alfredo Federico, producer, Italy more
- Alexey Fedorchenko, director, Russian Federation
- Alexander Fehling, actor, Germany
- Uliks Fehmiu, actor, Serbia
- Mátyás Fekete, editor, United Kingdom more
- Monica Felea, distributor/exhibitor, Romania
- Bruno Felix, producer, The Netherlands
- Ulrich Felsberg, producer, Germany
- Ruurd M. Fenenga, NSC, cinematographer, The Netherlands more
- Dr. Nir Ferber, festival, Germany more
- Heino Ferch, actor, Germany
- Marko Ferković, editor, Croatia
- Marta Fernandes, distributor/exhibitor, Portugal
- Marisa Fernández Armenteros, producer, Spain more
- José M. Fernández de Vega, producer, Spain
- Vanesa Fernández Guerra, festival, Spain more
- Álvaro Fernández Longoria, producer, Spain
- Flora Fernandez Marengo, producer, United Kingdom
- Julio Fernández Rodriguez, producer, Spain
- Gustavo Ferrada Lavall, producer, Spain
- Luca Ferrario, institutional, Italy more
- Ludovica Ferrario, production designer, Italy more
- Francisco Ferreira, critic / journalist, Portugal more
- Ivo M. Ferreira, director, Portugal
- Andréa Ferréol, actress, France
- Noemi Ferrer Schwenk, institutional, Denmark
- Veronica Ferres, actress, Germany
- Costas Ferris, director, Greece
- Brand Ferro, cinematographer, North Macedonia
- Juan Ferro, sound designer, Spain more
- Federico Ferrone, director, Italy more
- Anna Ferzetti, actress, Italy
- Milena Fessmann, producer, Germany more
- Olena Fetisova, director, Ukraine more
- Sara Fgaier, director, Italy more
- Andrzej Fidyk, director, Poland
- Ralph Fiennes, actor, United Kingdom
- Mike Figgis, director, United Kingdom
- Olmo Figueredo González-Quevedo, producer, Spain
- Yevhen Filatov, composer, Ukraine
- Eliza Claudia Filimon, institutional, Romania more
- Ioan Filip, sound designer, Romania
- Stevan Filipović, director, Serbia
- Alice Filippi, director, Italy
- Vincenzo Filippo, producer, Italy more
- Katia Filippova, producer, Russian Federation
- Adam Finch, editor, United Kingdom more
- Urte Fink, producer, Germany
- Levana Finkelstein, actress, Israel
- Angus Finney, institutional, United Kingdom
- Frauke Finsterwalder, director, Germany more
- Samuel Finzi, actor, Germany
- Titta Fiore, critic / journalist, Italy
- Beatrice Fiorentino, critic / journalist, Italy more
- Frauke Firl, costume designer, Germany
- Colin Firth, actor, United Kingdom
- Bernd Fischer, cinematographer, Germany more
- Karl Fischer, actor, Austria more
- Pamela Fischer, talent agent, Germany more
- Wolfgang Fischer, director, Germany more
- Jessie Fisk, producer, Ireland
- Mahdi Fleifel, director, Denmark
- Tobias Fleig, sound designer, Germany
- Matthias Fleischer, cinematographer, Germany more
- Michael Fleischer, producer, Denmark more
- Andrea Flesch, costume designer, Hungary
- Denys Fleutot, producer, France
- Ingo Fliess, producer, Germany more
- Peter Flinckenberg, cinematographer, Finland
- Markku Flink, producer, Finland more
- Peter Flinth, director, Denmark
- Ioana Flora, actress, Romania
- Floros Floridis, composer, Greece
- Hermann Florin, producer, Germany
- Harry Flöter, producer, Germany more
- Rosanne Flynn, screenwriter, United Kingdom
- Annette Focks, composer, Germany
- Ron Fogel, critic / journalist, Israel
- Frédérique Foglia, hair & make-up artist, France more
- Michał Fojcik, sound designer, Poland more
- Guendalina Folador, producer, Italy more
- Antoni Folguera, producer, Spain
- Teresa Font Guiteras, editor, Spain
- Xavier Font, composer, Spain more
- Andreas Fontana, director, Switzerland
- Mathias Forberg, producer, Austria
- Dagmar Forelle, institutional, Germany
- Pierre Forette, producer, France
- Antonie Formanová, actress, Czech Republic more
- Anastasia Formenskaya, producer, Germany more
- Michele Fornasero, director, Italy more
- Iain Forsyth, director, United Kingdom more
- Elena Fortes, producer, Mexico
- Kim Foss, distributor/exhibitor, Denmark
- Antonia Fotaras, actress, Greece
- Carla Fotea, producer, Romania more
- Marianna Francese, director, France
- William Edouard Franck, sound designer, Germany more
- Lizzie Francke, producer, United Kingdom
- Fernando Franco, director, Spain more
- Aurora Franco Vögeli, editor, United Kingdom
- Nanna Frank Møller, director, Denmark more
- Holger Franke, screenwriter, Germany
- Anna Franklin, institutional, United Kingdom
- Peter Franzén, actor, France
- Patrick Frater, institutional, United Kingdom
- Sir Stephen Frears, director, United Kingdom
- Paola Freddi, editor, Italy more
- Torsten Frehse, distributor/exhibitor, Germany more
- Christian Frei, director, Switzerland more
- Michael Frenschkowski, producer, Germany
- Giorgos Frentzos, cinematographer, Greece more
- Damien Frenzel, institutional, Luxembourg
- Urs Frey, director, Switzerland more
- Denis Freyd, producer, France
- Jutta Freyer, production designer, Germany
- Vojtěch Frič, producer, Czech Republic more
- Karl Frid, composer, Sweden
- Pär Frid, composer, Sweden
- Lisabi Fridell, cinematographer, Sweden
- Christoph Friedel, producer, Germany
- Juliane Friedrich, production designer, Germany
- Jantje Friese, screenwriter, Germany more
- Emita Frigato, production designer, Italy
- Mattias Frik, talent agent, Germany
- Rainer Frimmel, director, Austria
- Wolfgang Frisch, composer, Austria more
- Jean-Marc Fröhle, producer, Switzerland more
- Anja Fröhner, festival, Switzerland more
- Samuel Fröler, actor, Sweden
- Hans Fromm, cinematographer, Germany
- Viola Fügen, producer, Germany
- Mihai Fulger, institutional, Romania more
- Andreu Fullana, institutional, Spain
- József Fülöp, producer, Hungary
- Giovanni Funiati, actor, France more
- Julia Furer, producer, Switzerland
- Gaia Furrer, festival, Italy
- Marco Valerio Fusco, int'l sales agent, Italy
- Flemming Fynsk, director, United Kingdom
- Tim Fywell, director, United Kingdom
- Manuel G. Romero, cinematographer, Spain
- Sereina Gabathuler, producer, Switzerland
- Sasson Gabay, actor, Israel
- Marc Gabizon, distributor/exhibitor, France
- Miroslav Gábor, cinematographer, Czech Republic more
- Laurence Gachet, distributor/exhibitor, France
- Jan Moritz Gadermann, director, Germany
- Kerstin Gaecklein, hair & make-up artist, Germany
- Álvaro Gago Díaz, director, Spain
- Valentina Gaia, screenwriter, Italy more
- Charlotte Gainsbourg, actress, France
- Anila Gajević, talent agent, Bosnia and Herzegovina more
- Koby Gal Raday, producer, Israel
- Giovanni Galavotti, screenwriter, Italy
- Zoran Galić, producer, Bosnia and Herzegovina more
- Massimo Galimberti, institutional, Italy
- Louise C Galizia, director, Malta
- Viktor Gallandi, screenwriter, Germany
- Živilė Gallego, producer, Lithuania more
- Nicola Galliner, institutional, Germany
- Guillaume Galliot, producer, France
- Giuseppe Gallo, producer, Italy more
- Chiara Galloni, producer, Italy more
- Gonçalo Galvão Teles, director, Portugal
- Dr. Loreta Gandolfi, festival, Italy more
- Simone Gandolfo, producer, Italy more
- Dennis Gansel, director, Germany
- Nina Gantz, director, United Kingdom
- Ksenia Gapchenko, producer, Germany
- Curru Garabal, production designer, Spain
- Elisabeth Garbar, producer, Switzerland
- Sam Garbarski, director, Belgium
- José Luis Garci, director, Spain
- Rocío García Beato, critic / journalist, Spain
- Christian Garcia, composer, Switzerland more
- Santiago García de Leániz Caprile, producer, Spain more
- Otilio García Gobeo, distributor/exhibitor, Spain
- Guillermo García López, director, Spain more
- Mónica García Massagué, festival, Spain
- Raúl García, director, Spain
- Esther García Rodríguez, producer, Spain
- Roger Garcia, festival, Hong Kong
- Alsira García-Maroto, institutional, Spain
- Javor Gardev, director, Bulgaria more
- Rachel Gardner, producer, United Kingdom
- Matteo Gariglio, director, Switzerland more
- Stephen Garrett, producer, United Kingdom
- Rebekka Garrido, producer, Germany
- Matteo Garrone, director, Italy
- Anne Gaschütz, festival, Germany more
- Alush Gashi, distributor/exhibitor, Kosovo
- Fabian Gasmia, producer, Germany
- Jan Gassmann, director, Switzerland more
- Marco Gastine, director, Greece
- Steven Gätjen, critic / journalist, Germany
- Andrea Gatopoulos, director, Italy more
- Massimo Gaudioso, screenwriter, Italy
- Nils Gaup, director, Norway
- Katja Gauriloff, director, Finland more
- Anna Gawlita, producer, Poland
- Steven Gaydos, critic / journalist, United Kingdom
- Prof. Gyula Gazdag, director, Hungary more
- Makis Gazis, casting director, Greece
- Julia Gebauer, producer, Sweden more
- Monika Gebauer, costume designer, Germany
- Katrin Gebbe, director, Germany
- Martina Gedeck, actress, Germany
- Adam Gee, producer, United Kingdom more
- Stefan Gehrke, critic / journalist, Germany more
- Halldóra Geirharðsdóttir, actress, Iceland
- Anna Geislerová, actress, Czech Republic
- Hans-W. Geißendörfer, producer, Germany
- Lina Geissmann, producer, Switzerland
- Dzintra Geka-Vaska, director, Latvia
- Archil Gelovani, producer, Georgia more
- Alise Ģelze, producer, Latvia more
- François-Eric Gendron, actor, France
- Emilie Georges, int'l sales agent, France
- Lucian Georgescu, distributor/exhibitor, Romania
- Georg Georgi, talent agent, Germany more
- Atanas Georgiev, editor, North Macedonia more
- Dimitris Georgiev, director, Bulgaria more
- Ivan Georgiev, actor, Switzerland
- Tanja Georgieva-Waldhauer, producer, Germany more
- Dr. Christina Georgiou, composer, Cyprus more
- Carl Gerber, screenwriter, Germany
- Manu Gerber, sound designer, Switzerland more
- Ruedi Gerber, producer, Switzerland
- Kristof Gerega, producer, Germany
- Angela Gerekou, actress, Greece more
- Ivan Gergolet, director, Italy more
- Nicole Gerhards, producer, Germany
- Lisa Gerig, director, Switzerland
- Emanuele Gerosa, director, Italy more
- Jon Gerrans, distributor/exhibitor, United States
- Heleen Gerritsen, festival, Germany
- Jan-Ole Gerster, director, Germany
- Magnus Gertten, director, Sweden more
- Matti Geschonneck, director, Germany
- Priscilla Gessati, distributor/exhibitor, France
- Amos Geva, producer, Germany
- Christine Ghazarian, institutional, France more
- Francesco Giai Via, festival, Italy more
- Simone Gialdini, institutional, Italy
- Giorgio Giampà, composer, Italy more
- Raffaella Giancristofaro, critic / journalist, Italy
- Yorgos Giannelis, cinematographer, Greece
- Claudio Giapponesi, producer, Italy
- Richard Gibb, talent agent, United Kingdom
- Olga Gibelinda, producer, Ukraine
- Arek Gielnik, producer, Germany
- Krzysztof Gierat, institutional, Poland
- Barbara Gies, editor, Germany
- Paul Gies, sound designer, The Netherlands more
- Godehard Giese, actor, Germany
- Carlos Gil, director, Spain
- Cíntia Gil, festival, Portugal more
- Nitzan Gilady, director, Israel more
- Marco Gilles, producer, Germany
- Xavi Giménez Capdevila, cinematographer, Spain
- Juanjo Giménez Peña, director, Spain
- Yevgeny Gindilis, producer, Russian Federation more
- Prof. Zuzana Gindl-Tatárová, screenwriter, Slovakia more
- Benoît Ginisty, institutional, France
- Lars Ginzel, sound designer, Germany
- Giovanni Giommi, director, Italy more
- Barbara Giordani, casting director, Italy more
- Claudio Giovannesi, director, Italy
- Ilann Girard, producer, France more
- Sabine Gisiger, director, Switzerland
- Ingvil Giske, producer, Norway
- Marcel Gisler, director, Switzerland
- Luisa Giuliani, institutional, Italy
- Nicola Giuliano, producer, Italy
- Oana Giurgiu, producer, Romania
- Tudor Giurgiu, director, Romania
- Ole Giæver, director, Norway
- Finn Gjerdrum, producer, Norway
- Dea Gjinovci, director, Switzerland more
- Elkjana Gjipali, producer, Albania more
- Mogens Glad, producer, Denmark more
- Illia Gladshtein, producer, Ukraine
- Vera Glagoleva, director, Russian Federation
- Jacquie Glanville, producer, Ireland
- Corinna Glaus, casting director, Switzerland more
- Brendan Gleeson, actor, Ireland
- Alexander Glehr, producer, Austria more
- Erik Glijnis, producer, The Netherlands
- Agnieszka Glińska PSM, editor, Poland more
- Lea Glob, director, Denmark
- Jurgita Globytė, hair & make-up artist, Lithuania
- Janja Glogovac, director, Slovenia more
- Beat Glur, critic / journalist, Switzerland more
- Mark Glynne, sound designer, The Netherlands
- Irya Gmeyner, composer, Sweden more
- Didi Gnocchi, director, Italy more
- Michał Godzic, screenwriter, Poland more
- Raimond Goebel, producer, Germany more
- Petra Goedings, producer, The Netherlands
- Tena Gojić, producer, Croatia
- Berke Göl, critic / journalist, Germany more
- Jelena Goldbach, producer, Germany more
- Christian M. Goldbeck, production designer, Germany more
- Berni Goldblat, director, Switzerland
- Arnon Goldfinger, director, Israel more
- Shai Goldman, cinematographer, Israel more
- John Goldschmidt, director, United Kingdom more
- Ralitsa Golemanova, producer, Bulgaria more
- Tristan Goligher, producer, United Kingdom
- Sveinung Golimo, producer, Norway more
- Valeria Golino, actress, Italy
- Pavel Golovin, director, Russian Federation more
- Srdan Golubovic, director, Serbia
- Ilaria Gomarasca, festival, France more
- Manuel Gómez Cardeña, producer, Spain
- Cosimo Gomez, director, Italy
- Marc Gómez del Moral, cinematographer, Spain more
- Nieves Gómez López, director, Spain
- Manuel González Mauricio, director, Spain
- Santiago González-Alverú Iturmendi, actor, Spain more
- Bobby Good, editor, Germany
- Mike Goodridge, producer, United Kingdom
- Dr. Eric Goossens, producer, Belgium more
- Jan Göransson, institutional, Sweden
- Egor Gorbunov, producer, Russian Federation more
- Alexander Gorchilin, director, Russian Federation
- Nassim Gordji-Tehrani, editor, France
- Rafael Gordon, director, Spain
- Juan Gordon Rico, producer, Spain
- Ewelina Gordziejuk, producer, Poland
- Eike Goreczka, producer, Germany
- Radu Gorgos, cinematographer, Romania more
- Andrea Gori, producer, Italy
- Alina Gorlova, director, Ukraine more
- Mojca Gorogranc Petrushevska, hair & make-up artist, Slovenia
- Anna Gorońska, hair & make-up artist, Poland
- Marleen Gorris, director, The Netherlands
- Nadezhda Gorshkova, producer, Russian Federation
- Stefan Gorski, actor, Germany
- Giorgio Gosetti, festival, Italy
- Wojciech Gostomczyk, producer, Poland
- Arsen Gottlieb, producer, Russian Federation
- Ester Gould, director, The Netherlands
- Mara Gourd-Mercado, festival, Denmark
- Jeanne Goursaud, actress, Germany
- Akis Gourzoulidis, casting director, Greece more
- Miguel Angel Govea, int'l sales agent, France more
- Tara Grace, producer, United States
- Itshak Grad, director, Israel more
- Michael Graf, producer, Switzerland
- Dr. Paul Graf, distributor/exhibitor, Switzerland
- Detsky Graffam, director, Germany more
- Laura Gragg, institutional, France
- Eleonora Granata, producer, Italy
- Christopher Granier-Deferre, producer, United Kingdom more
- Helene Granqvist, producer, Sweden
- Mikk Granström, festival, Estonia more
- John Grant, talent agent, United Kingdom
- Andrii Granytsia, producer, Ukraine
- Elie Grappe, director, Switzerland
- Christian Grass, distributor/exhibitor, United Kingdom
- Helmut Grasser, producer, Austria
- Sisse Graum Jørgensen, producer, Denmark
- Dyveke Bjørkly Graver, producer, Norway
- Piotr Grawender, producer, Poland
- Viesturs Graždanovičs, festival, Latvia
- Izeta Građevic, festival, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Maria Grechishnikova, producer, Russian Federation more
- Stefanie Gredig, hair & make-up artist, Germany more
- Krzysztof Grędziński, producer, Poland
- Dominique Green, producer, United Kingdom more
- Eitan Green, director, Israel
- Paul Greengrass, director, United Kingdom
- Erika Gregor, institutional, Germany
- Ulrich Gregor, institutional, Germany
- Lucio Gregoretti, composer, Italy more
- Gabor Greiner, int'l sales agent, Germany
- Rémi Grellety, producer, France more
- Alena Gres, costume designer, Ukraine
- Sabine Greunig, costume designer, Germany
- Valentin Greutert, producer, Switzerland
- Alex Grigoras, cinematographer, United Kingdom more
- Timka Grin, casting director, Bosnia and Herzegovina more
- Xavier Grin, producer, Switzerland
- Olga Grinshpun, editor, Russian Federation
- Rajko Grlić, director, Croatia
- Leonard Grobien, screenwriter, Germany
- Sebastian Grobler, director, Germany
- Florian Grolig, director, Germany more
- Heidi Gronauer, institutional, Italy more
- Esther Gronenborn, director, Germany
- Christoph Gröner, festival, Germany
- Philip Gröning, director, Germany
- Alessandro Gropplero, institutional, Italy more
- Gijsje Grosfeld, talent agent, The Netherlands more
- Itay Gross, cinematographer, Israel more
- Manuel Grosso Galván, institutional, Spain
- Gints Grūbe, producer, Latvia
- Aleksandra Gruber, casting director, Poland
- K.D. Gruber, production designer, Germany
- Torstein Ruwê Grude-Yuxinawa, director, Norway
- Malte Grunert, producer, Germany
- Alex Gruz, composer, United Kingdom
- Dorka Gryllus, actress, Hungary more
- Ida Grøn, director, Denmark
- Pernille Rose Grønkjaer, director, Denmark
- Sturla Brandth Grøvlen, cinematographer, Denmark more
- Roger Gual Duran, director, Spain
- Ignasi Guardans, institutional, Spain
- Daniele Guarnera, sound designer, Italy
- Marino Guarnieri, director, Italy more
- Manu Guddait, festival, Germany
- Adam Gudell, producer, Poland
- Birgit Gudjonsdottir, cinematographer, Germany
- Laufey Guðjónsdóttir, institutional, Iceland
- Ágúst Gudmundsson, director, Iceland more
- Guðmundur Arnar Guðmundsson, director, Iceland more
- Hildur Guðnadóttir, composer, Iceland
- Maëlle Guenegues, int'l sales agent, France
- Jean-Pierre Guérin, producer, France
- Olivier Guerpillon, producer, Sweden more
- Andrea Guerra, composer, Italy
- Leonardo Guerra Seràgnoli, director, Italy
- Griselda Guerrasio, institutional, Italy
- Jorge Guerricaechevarría, screenwriter, Spain
- Reta Guetg, festival, Switzerland
- Elda Guidinetti, producer, Switzerland
- Anne Guimet de la Martinière, institutional, France
- Ed Guiney, producer, Ireland
- Danielle Guirguis, producer, The Netherlands more
- Beatrice Gulino, distributor/exhibitor, Italy more
- Professor Rafig Guliyev, cinematographer, Azerbaijan
- Renée Gundelach, producer, Germany more
- Gaia Gunetti, institutional, Italy more
- Una Gunjak, director, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Hrafnhildur Gunnarsdóttir, director, Iceland
- Vigfús Gunnarsson, casting director, Iceland
- Mehmet Günsür, actor, Italy
- Selin Gürel, critic / journalist, Turkey
- Irina Gurova, producer, Bulgaria
- John Gürtler, composer, Germany
- Irune Gurtubai, producer, Spain more
- Gaumaya Gurung, actress, United Kingdom more
- Mika Gustafson, director, Sweden
- Jón Einarsson Gústafsson, director, Iceland more
- Frida Gustavsson, actress, Sweden
- Roman Gutek, distributor/exhibitor, Poland
- Marion Guth, producer, Luxembourg more
- F. Javier Gutierrez, director, Spain more
- Gabriel Gutiérrez, sound designer, Spain more
- María Luisa Gutiérrez Gómez, producer, Spain
- Ulrik Gutkin, producer, Denmark more
- Simon Gutknecht, editor, Germany more
- Łukasz Gutt, director, Poland
- Faruk Güven, institutional, Turkey
- Pierre Guyard, producer, France
- Zeynep Güzel, director, Germany more
- Andrea Guzmán, institutional, Spain
- Robert Gwisdek, actor, Germany
- Pauline Gygax, producer, Switzerland
- Eurydice Gysel, producer, Belgium more
- Enikő Gyureskó, festival, Hungary
- Alli Haapasalo, director, Finland more
- Jella Haase, actress, Germany
- Thomas Häberle, producer, Germany
- Marta Habior, producer, Poland more
- Felix Hächler, distributor/exhibitor, Switzerland
- Daniel Hadenius-Ebner, festival, Austria
- Josef Hader, screenwriter, Austria
- Andrey Hadjivasilev, director, Bulgaria more
- Petra Haffter, director, Germany
- Gabriel Hafner, sound designer, Switzerland more
- Even Hafnor, director, Norway
- Sheri Hagen, director, Germany more
- Lisa Hagmeister, actress, Germany
- Berry Hahn, int'l sales agent, France more
- Christoph Hahnheiser, producer, Germany
- Thomas Hailer, festival, Germany
- Julian Haisch, producer, Germany
- Mazen Haj Kassem, director, Denmark
- Jiří Hájek, composer, Czech Republic
- Sherwan Haji, actor, Finland more
- Teymur Hajiyev, director, Azerbaijan
- Thomas Hakim, producer, France more
- Grímur Hákonarson, director, Iceland
- Bella C. Halben, cinematographer, Germany
- Mascha Halberstad, director, The Netherlands
- Michèle Halberstadt-Pétin, producer, France
- Birgitte Hald, producer, Denmark
- Pedro Haldemann, producer, Switzerland
- Sylvía Dögg Halldórsdóttir, costume designer, Iceland
- Fionnuala Halligan, critic / journalist, United Kingdom
- Arto Halonen, director, Finland
- Jonathan Halperyn, producer, Hungary more
- Linda Hambäck, director, Sweden
- Frédéric Hambalek, director, Germany
- Jacek Hamela, sound designer, Poland
- Maciek Hamela, director, Poland
- Bert Hamelinck, producer, Belgium
- Bent Hamer, director, Norway
- Birch Hamilton, institutional, Ireland
- Michael Hamlyn, producer, United Kingdom
- Cornelia Hammelmann, institutional, Germany
- Karin Hammer, editor, Austria
- Martin Hampel, producer, Germany more
- Maja Hamplová, producer, Czech Republic
- Christopher Hampton, screenwriter, United Kingdom
- Nermin Hamzagić, director, Bosnia and Herzegovina more
- Cassandra Han, casting director, Germany more
- Klaus Händl, director, Austria
- Joshua Handler, distributor/exhibitor, United States more
- Stella Händler, producer, Switzerland
- Henk Handloegten, director, Germany more
- Michael Haneke, director, Austria
- Gunter Hanfgarn, producer, Germany more
- Aka Hansen, director, Greenland
- Klaus Hansen, institutional, Denmark
- Klaus Georg Hansen, institutional, Greenland more
- Börje Hansson, producer, Sweden
- Pauline Hansson, casting director, Sweden
- Lena Hansson Varhegyí, producer, Sweden
- Alexander Hant, director, Russian Federation
- Michael Hapeshis, director, Cyprus
- Simon Happ, producer, Germany
- Iram Haq, director, Norway
- Renos Haralambidis, actor, Greece
- Kristin Thora Haraldsdottir, actress, Iceland
- Paul Harather, director, Austria more
- Dr. Neasa Hardiman, director, Ireland more
- Thomas Hardmeier AFC, cinematographer, France more
- Oliver Hardt, director, Germany more
- Lady Sharon Harel, producer, United Kingdom
- László Hargittai, editor, Hungary more
- Suzie Harman, costume designer, United Kingdom
- Sallie Harmsen, actress, The Netherlands
- Iwona Harris, producer, Poland
- Adrian Harrison, producer, United Kingdom more
- Anna Sofie Hartmann, director, Germany more
- Nikolai Hartmann, editor, Germany
- Lilia Hartmann Trapani, casting director, Italy more
- Nina Hartstone, sound designer, United Kingdom
- Susanna Harutyunyan, institutional, Armenia more
- Rufat Hasanov, director, Azerbaijan
- Ilaha Hasanova, actress, Azerbaijan
- Maxi Haslberger, producer, Germany
- Fabian Haslob, talent agent, Germany
- Shivani Hassard, cinematographer, Germany more
- Jenna Hasse, director, Switzerland more
- Dr. Volker Hassemer, institutional, Germany
- Sten Hassing Møller, talent agent, Denmark more
- Bertrand Hassini-Bonnette, producer, France
- Alex Hasskerl, cinematographer, Germany
- Martina Haubrich, producer, Germany more
- Anne Haug, actress, Germany
- Étienne Haug, sound designer, Germany
- Emilia Haukka, producer, Finland
- Lissandra Haulica, producer, France more
- Nina Haun, casting director, Germany more
- Christine Haupt, producer, Germany more
- Stefan Haupt, director, Switzerland more
- Jessica Hausner, director, Austria
- Tanja Hausner, costume designer, Austria
- Sylva Häutle, institutional, Germany more
- Ellen Havenith, producer, The Netherlands
- Linnéa Haviland, director, Sweden more
- Tijn Hazen, sound designer, The Netherlands more
- Emir Külal Haznevi, producer, Turkey more
- Karin Heberlein, director, Switzerland more
- Elisa Heene, producer, Belgium
- Robert Hefter, sound designer, Germany more
- Clementina Hegewisch, producer, Germany more
- Rasmus Heide, director, Denmark more
- Birgit Heidsiek, institutional, Germany
- Dr. Veit Heiduschka, producer, Austria
- Reinhold Heil, composer, Germany more
- Yoshi Heimrath, cinematographer, Germany
- Sonja Heinen, institutional, Germany
- Fredrik Heinig, producer, Sweden
- Maike Heinlein, hair & make-up artist, Germany
- Benjamin Heisenberg, director, Germany
- Anna Heiskanen, producer, Finland
- Martin Heisler, producer, Germany
- Rasmus Heisterberg, screenwriter, Denmark
- Hulda Helgadóttir, production designer, Iceland more
- Axel Helgeland, producer, Norway
- Susanna Helke, director, Finland
- Jukka Helle, producer, Finland more
- Sigrid Helleday, producer, Sweden
- Søren Hellerup, actor, Portugal more
- Lucy Hellier, casting director, United Kingdom more
- Venla Hellstedt, producer, Finland more
- Annika Hellström, producer, Sweden
- Monica Hellström, producer, Denmark more
- Veit Helmer, director, Germany
- Nina Helveg, producer, Denmark
- Erik Hemmendorff, producer, Sweden
- Heike Hempel, institutional, France
- Anna Henckel-Donnersmarck, festival, Germany
- Zuzanna Hencz, producer, Poland more
- Monic Hendrickx, actress, The Netherlands
- Vanessa Henneman, talent agent, The Netherlands more
- Xavier Henry-Rashid, distributor/exhibitor, United Kingdom
- Marcel Hensema, actor, The Netherlands
- Filip Heraković, director, Croatia
- Francisco Heras De La Calle, institutional, Spain
- Katja Herbers, actress, The Netherlands
- Laurent Herbiet, director, France more
- Hans Herbots, director, Belgium
- David Herdies, producer, Sweden more
- Benedikt Herforth, production designer, Germany
- Isabel Herguera, director, Spain
- Polina Herman, producer, Ukraine more
- Villi Hermann, director, Switzerland
- Sandra Hermida, producer, Spain
- Alejandro Hernández, screenwriter, Spain
- Ángeles Hernández, producer, Spain
- Mónica Hernández Rejón, producer, Sweden
- Sophie Herr, talent agent, France
- Gerardo Herrero, producer, Spain
- Xavi Herrero, festival, Spain more
- Benjamin Herrmann, producer, Germany more
- Jules Herrmann, director, Germany more
- Peter Herrmann, producer, Germany
- Florent Herry, cinematographer, France
- Laurence Herszberg, institutional, France
- Nathalie Hertzberg, screenwriter, France
- Yoel Herzberg, production designer, Israel more
- Rudolph Herzog, director, Germany more
- Hannah Herzsprung, actress, Germany
- Barbara Hessová, producer, Slovakia more
- Kristina Hetherington, editor, United Kingdom
- Olivia Hetreed, screenwriter, United Kingdom more
- Astrid Heubrandtner, cinematographer, Austria more
- Jens Heuler, composer, Germany
- Joseph Hewitt, int'l sales agent, United Kingdom more
- David Heyman, producer, United Kingdom
- James Hickey, institutional, Ireland
- Pia Hierzegger, actress, Austria
- Anna Higgs, talent agent, United Kingdom more
- Niklaus Hilber, director, Switzerland more
- Marie-Eve Hildbrand, cinematographer, Switzerland
- Silvan Hillmann, cinematographer, Switzerland
- Hera Hilmar, actress, Iceland
- Peter Hiltunen, producer, Sweden
- Bragi Thor Hinriksson, producer, Iceland more
- Anna Hints, director, Estonia more
- Michael Hinz Arendsee, institutional, Germany
- Hogir Hirori, director, Sweden
- Oliver Hirschbiegel, director, Germany
- Peter Hjorth Olsen, director, Denmark
- Veronika Hlawatsch, sound designer, Austria more
- Peter Hledík, director, Slovakia more
- Danijel Hočevar, producer, Slovenia more
- Yair Hochner, festival, Israel
- Teresa Hoefert de Turégano, institutional, Germany
- Marcel Hoehn, producer, Switzerland
- Sylvia Hoeks, actress, The Netherlands more
- Mona Johanne Hoel, director, Norway
- Sigrid Hoerner, producer, Germany
- Abbey Hoes, actress, The Netherlands more
- Leopold Hoesch, producer, Germany
- Alexandra Hoesdorff, producer, Luxembourg
- Frank Hoeve, producer, The Netherlands
- Andreas Höfer, cinematographer, Germany
- Brigitte Hofer, producer, Switzerland
- Åge Hoffart, distributor/exhibitor, Norway
- Robert Hofferer, producer, Austria more
- Tomáš Hoffman, producer, Czech Republic
- Anna Hoffmann, festival, Germany
- Björn Hoffmann, distributor/exhibitor, Germany more
- Jerry Hoffmann, director, Germany more
- Judith Hofmann, actress, Germany
- Mischa Hofmann, producer, Germany
- Joanna Hogg, director, United Kingdom
- Fritjof Hohagen, producer, Germany more
- Prof. Maike Mia Höhne, festival, Germany
- Markos Holevas, director, Greece
- Alfred Holighaus, institutional, Germany
- Agnieszka Holland, director, Poland
- Barbara Hollender-Kwiatkowska, critic / journalist, Poland
- Teréz Hollo-Klausen, producer, Norway
- Fabienne Elaine Hollwege, actress, Luxembourg
- Katie Holly, producer, Ireland
- Hannes Holm, director, Sweden
- Jonas Holmberg, festival, Sweden more
- Liisa Holmberg, institutional, Finland
- Ann Holmgren Aurebekk, director, Norway
- Lisa Holmqvist, composer, Sweden
- Oleh Holovoshkin, sound designer, Ukraine more
- Jan Erik Holst, institutional, Norway
- Mechthild Holter, talent agent, Germany
- Michal Holubec, sound designer, Czech Republic
- Šimon Holý, director, Czech Republic
- Philipp Homberg, producer, Germany
- Benjamin Hopkins, director, United Kingdom more
- Deirdre Hopkins, institutional, United Kingdom
- Pia Horlacher, critic / journalist, Switzerland more
- Sherry Hormann, director, Germany
- Synnøve Hørsdal, producer, Norway
- Martin Horyna, critic / journalist, Czech Republic
- Nina Hoss, actress, Germany
- Louis Hothothot, director, The Netherlands
- Marianne Hougen-Moraga, director, Denmark more
- Banafshe Hourmazdi, actress, Germany more
- Rebecca Houzel, producer, France
- Marek Hovorka, festival, Czech Republic
- Daniel Howald, director, Switzerland more
- Melanie Hoyes, institutional, United Kingdom more
- Błażej Hrapkowicz, critic / journalist, Poland
- Tonislav Hristov, director, Finland more
- Mariana Hristova, critic / journalist, Bulgaria more
- Tomáš Hrubý, producer, Czech Republic
- Marcus Hu, distributor/exhibitor, United States
- Amy Hubbard, casting director, United Kingdom
- Ros Hubbard, producer, Ireland
- Eva Hubert, institutional, Germany
- Charly Hübner, actor, Germany more
- Christoph Hübner, director, Germany
- Lars Hubrich, screenwriter, Germany more
- Michael Hudecek, editor, Austria
- Robin Hudson, talent agent, United Kingdom
- Michał Hudzikowski, distributor/exhibitor, Poland more
- Klemens Hufnagl, cinematographer, Austria
- Ceri Hughes, institutional, United Kingdom
- Olli Huhtanen, sound designer, Finland more
- Raakel Huikuri, talent agent, Finland
- Sandra Hüller, actress, Germany
- Maximilian Hult, director, Sweden
- Gudny Hummelvoll, producer, Norway
- Gráinne Humphreys, festival, Ireland
- Dodo Hunziker, producer, Switzerland
- Isabelle Huppert, actress, France
- Dritan Huqi, producer, Albania more
- Dušan Husar, cinematographer, Czech Republic
- Kristina Husová, producer, Czech Republic more
- Dr. Anna Huth, institutional, Poland
- Hanno Huth, producer, Germany
- Peter Paul Huth, critic / journalist, Germany
- Tamás Hutlassa, producer, Hungary more
- Tuomo Hutri, cinematographer, Finland
- Stephan Hutter, distributor/exhibitor, Germany more
- Sidsel Hybschmann, producer, Denmark
- Aleksi Hyvärinen, producer, Finland
- Katja Høgset, director, Norway
- Oana Iancu, producer, Romania
- Hussen Ibraheem, director, Germany more
- Maria Ibrahimova, director, Azerbaijan
- Damir Ibrahimović, producer, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Gervasio Iglesias Macias, producer, Spain
- Goran Ignjatovski, hair & make-up artist, North Macedonia more
- Boštjan Ikovic, producer, Slovenia more
- Kicki Ilander, costume designer, Sweden
- Eirik Ildahl, screenwriter, Norway more
- Frank Hayim Ilfman, composer, United Kingdom more
- Danilo-Lola Ilić, director, Serbia more
- Nikola Ilić, director, Switzerland
- Maria Iliou, director, Greece
- Diana Iljine, festival, Germany
- Mykhailo Illienko, director, Ukraine
- Pylyp Illienko, producer, Ukraine more
- Thomas Imbach, director, Switzerland
- Yunus Roy Imer, cinematographer, Germany more
- Markus Imhoof, director, Switzerland
- Dirk Impens, producer, Belgium
- Ruben Impens, cinematographer, Belgium
- Kaya Inan, editor, Switzerland more
- Stefano Incerti, director, Italy more
- Ágnes Incze, director, Hungary
- Peter Indergand, cinematographer, Switzerland more
- Dave Ingham, screenwriter, United Kingdom
- Anne Ingvar, producer, Sweden
- Mălina Ionescu, production designer, Romania
- Dina Iordanova, institutional, United Kingdom more
- Michele Iosia, composer, Italy more
- Stefania Ippoliti, institutional, Italy more
- Pablo Iraola, producer, Portugal
- John Irvin, director, United Kingdom
- Boris Isaković, actor, Serbia
- Valentina Iusuphodjaev, institutional, Moldova more
- Stefan Ivančić, director, Serbia more
- Denis Ivanov, producer, Ukraine
- Natalia Ivanova, producer, Russian Federation
- Petra Iványi, producer, Hungary more
- Luis Ivars, composer, Spain
- Moshe Ivgy, director, Israel
- Misha Jaari, producer, Finland
- Fahad Falur Jabali, producer, Iceland
- Benny Jaberg, screenwriter, Switzerland
- Dariusz Jabłoński, producer, Poland
- Antoine Jaccoud, screenwriter, Switzerland
- Janine Jackowski, producer, Germany
- Gemma Jackson, production designer, United Kingdom
- Mardou Jacobs, producer, The Netherlands more
- Timo Jacobs, director, Germany more
- Dagmar Jacobsen, producer, Germany more
- John M. Jacobsen, producer, Norway
- Nino Jacobsen, sound designer, Denmark more
- Åsa Jacobsson, institutional, Sweden
- Joshua Jádi, director, Austria more
- Gesa Jäger, editor, Germany
- Knut Jäger, producer, Germany
- Stefan Jäger, director, Switzerland more
- Ruben Jaghinyan, producer, Armenia more
- Rahela Jagrič Pirc, director, Slovenia more
- Ewa Jakimowska, production designer, Poland
- Andrzej Jakimowski, director, Poland
- Eva Jakobsen, producer, Denmark more
- Maarja Jakobson, actress, Estonia
- Valon Jakupaj, producer, Kosovo more
- Paula L. Jalfon, producer, United Kingdom
- Vanja Jambrović, producer, Croatia more
- Alby James, institutional, United Kingdom more
- Lisa James Larsson, director, Sweden
- Johannes Jancke, producer, Germany more
- Dávid Jancsó, editor, Hungary
- Krzysztof A. Janczak, composer, Poland more
- Magdalena Jangard, institutional, Sweden
- Pavla Janoušková Kubečková, producer, Czech Republic
- Cindy Jansen, director, The Netherlands
- Wolfgang Janßen, institutional, Germany
- Wouter Jansen, int'l sales agent, Austria
- Tobias Janson, producer, Sweden more
- Peter Jansson, talent agent, Sweden
- Agnès Jaoui, director, France
- Simon Jaquemet, director, Switzerland
- Miha Jaramaz, sound designer, Slovenia more
- Jacob Jarek, producer, Denmark more
- Julian Jarrold, director, United Kingdom
- Ilkka Jarvilaturi, director, Finland more
- Paweł Jarzębski, production designer, Poland
- Salomé Jashi, director, Georgia
- Carl Javér, director, Sweden
- Rajko Jazbec, producer, Switzerland more
- Delphine Jeanneret, festival, Switzerland
- Eugen Jebeleanu, director, Romania
- Peter Jecklin, actor, Switzerland more
- Katarzyna Jędrzejczyk, production designer, Poland
- Vadim Jendreyko, director, Switzerland
- Anders Thomas Jensen, director, Denmark
- Beate Jensen, actress, Germany
- Bo Green Jensen, critic / journalist, Denmark
- Knut Erik Jensen, director, Norway
- Malene Choi Jensen, director, Denmark more
- Ove Rishøj Jensen, producer, Denmark more
- Svend Bolstad Jensen, distributor/exhibitor, Norway
- Joël Louis Jent, producer, Switzerland more
- Julia Jentsch, actress, Germany
- Mirijam Verena Jeremic, actress, Germany more
- Andraž Jerič, producer, Slovenia more
- Jerca Jerič, producer, Slovenia
- Jessica Jessica Eskilsson Ask, producer, Sweden more
- Boban Јevtić, institutional, Serbia
- Marek Jícha, cinematographer, Czech Republic
- Linda Jildmalm, editor, Sweden
- Maria João Mayer, producer, Portugal more
- Nikola Joetze, festival, Germany
- Bjørn Olaf Johannessen, screenwriter, Norway
- Valdimar Jóhannsson, director, Iceland
- Louise Højgaard Johansen, festival, Denmark more
- Malin Ingrid Johansson, director, Sweden more
- Roan Johnson, director, Italy
- Rico Johnson-Sinclair, director, United Kingdom
- Ines Johnson-Spain, director, Germany
- Adrian Johnston, composer, United Kingdom
- Petri Jokiranta, producer, Finland
- James Jolliffe, cinematographer, United Kingdom
- Rokas Jonas, distributor/exhibitor, Lithuania more
- Margrét Jónasdóttir, producer, Iceland
- Agnieszka Jońca, hair & make-up artist, Poland
- Rachel Leah Jones, director, Israel
- Dino Jonsäter, editor, Sweden
- Sigrid Jonsson Dyekjær, producer, Denmark
- Grímar Jónsson, producer, Iceland
- Lars Jönsson, producer, Sweden
- Patrick Jonsson, composer, Sweden
- Petra Jönsson, producer, Sweden
- Dr. Tamás Joó, producer, Germany more
- Anja Joos, talent agent, Germany
- Vanessa Jopp, director, Germany
- Neil Jordan, director, Ireland
- Richard Jordan, director, United Kingdom more
- Joy Jorgensen, producer, Germany
- Soni Jorgensen, screenwriter, Sweden more
- Ragna Jorming, cinematographer, Sweden
- Tejinder Jouhal, int'l sales agent, United Kingdom
- Daiva Jovaišienė, producer, Lithuania
- Dragana Jovović, producer, Serbia
- Declan Joyce, actor, Ireland
- László Józsa, producer, Hungary more
- Julia Juaniz Martinez, editor, Spain
- Urs Jucker, actor, Switzerland more
- Radu Jude, director, Romania more
- Eva Juel Hammerich, producer, Denmark
- Natalia Jugheli, actress, Georgia more
- Agata Jujeczka, producer, Poland more
- Anita Juka, producer, Croatia
- Ivona Juka, director, Croatia
- Gunnar Juncken, producer, Germany
- Alexis Juncosa, festival, Luxembourg more
- Christian Jungen, festival, Switzerland
- Sara Sofia Junker-Kasper, hair & make-up artist, Denmark
- Vanja Juranić, director, Croatia
- Josip Jurčić, critic / journalist, Croatia
- Małgorzata Jurczak, producer, Poland more
- Nikolas Jürgens, institutional, Germany
- Jürgen Jürges, cinematographer, Germany
- Jozo Jurič, talent agent, Germany more
- Ankica Jurić Tilić, producer, Croatia more
- Siniša Juričić, producer, Croatia more
- Sergej Jurisdizki, cinematographer, Russian Federation
- Dr. Jonas Jurkūnas, composer, Lithuania more
- Inuk Jørgensen, director, Greenland more
- Coti K., producer, Greece
- Hyo Soon Kaag, director, The Netherlands
- Dr. Wojciech Kabarowski, producer, Poland more
- Astrit Kabashi, actor, Kosovo
- Mukharam Kabulova, editor, France
- Beso Kacharava, sound designer, Georgia more
- Laura Kaehr, director, Switzerland more
- Csaba Káel, institutional, Hungary
- Eylem Kaftan, director, Turkey
- Ernestine Kahn, sound designer, Germany
- Anton Kaiser, producer, Germany
- Christoph M. Kaiser, composer, Germany more
- Rok Kajzer Nagode, cinematographer, Slovenia
- Konstantinos Kakarountas, producer, Greece more
- Alexander Kakavas, producer, Greece more
- Monika Kaleta, costume designer, Poland more
- Karlo Kalezić, producer, Montenegro
- Stefan Kälin, editor, Switzerland
- Dr. Christina Kallas, director, Germany
- Henrik Källberg, editor, Sweden
- Ludwig Källén, visual effects supervisor, Sweden
- Maria Kallimani, actress, Greece
- Valeriy Kalmykov, producer, Ukraine
- Yana Kalmykova, producer, Ukraine
- Vilnis Kalnaellis, producer, Latvia more
- Vanja Kaludjercic, festival, The Netherlands
- Ondřej Kamenický, festival, Czech Republic
- Violetta Kamińska, producer, Poland
- Dr. Jarosław Kamiński, editor, Poland more
- Fariborz Kamkari, director, Italy
- Henning Kamm, producer, Germany more
- Felix Kammerer, actor, Austria
- Stelios Kammitsis, director, Cyprus
- Kari Kankaanpää, production designer, Finland
- Ineke Kanters, producer, The Netherlands
- Marcos Kantis, producer, Germany
- László Kántor, producer, Hungary
- Asif Kapadia, director, United Kingdom more
- Emir Kapetanovic, director, Bosnia and Herzegovina more
- Goran Kapetanović, director, Sweden more
- Semih Kaplanoğlu, director, Turkey more
- Meltem Kaptan, actress, Germany
- Anna Kapustina, producer, Ukraine
- Serhat Karaaslan, director, Turkey more
- Tolga Karaçelik, director, Turkey
- Ferit Karahan, director, Turkey more
- Samir Karahoda, director, Kosovo more
- Tara Karajica, critic / journalist, Serbia more
- Kosta Karakashyan, director, Bulgaria
- Sıla Karakaya, production designer, Turkey
- Behrooz Karamizade, director, Germany
- Karyofyllia Karampeti, actress, Greece more
- Mirjana Karanović, actress, Serbia
- Sigvaldi J. Kárason, editor, Iceland
- Thanassis Karathanos, producer, Germany more
- Polina Karcheva, costume designer, Ukraine
- Ali Kareem, director, Germany more
- Max Karli, producer, Switzerland
- Anna María Karlsdóttir, producer, Iceland
- Elizabeth Karlsen, producer, United Kingdom
- Jimmy Karlsson, screenwriter, Sweden
- Maria Karlsson, screenwriter, Sweden
- Ewa Karlström, producer, Germany
- Anja Karmanski, actress, Germany
- Elisha Karmitz, distributor/exhibitor, France
- Nathanaël Karmitz, producer, France
- Giorgos Karnavas, producer, Greece more
- Dr. György Kárpáti, critic / journalist, Hungary
- Anastasia Karpenko, actress, Ukraine
- Maciej Karpinski, screenwriter, Poland
- Anneli Karppinen, actress, Finland more
- Johanna Karppinen, institutional, Finland
- Marinos Kartikkis, director, Cyprus more
- Dome Karukoski, director, Finland more
- Dušan Kasalica, director, Montenegro
- Matt Kasmir, visual effects supervisor, United Kingdom more
- Dušan Kastelic, director, Slovenia
- Hanka Kastelicová, producer, Czech Republic more
- Serhii Kastornykh, screenwriter, Ukraine
- Antoneta Kastrati, director, Kosovo more
- Sevdije Kastrati, cinematographer, Kosovo more
- Vladimer Katcharava, producer, Georgia more
- Anna Katchko, producer, Germany
- Branka Katic, actress, Serbia more
- Vytautas Katkus, cinematographer, Lithuania
- Aris Katopodis, festival, Greece more
- Ionas Katrakazos, technician, Greece more
- Dimitris Katsikis, production designer, Greece
- Mag. Michael Katz, producer, Austria more
- Susa Katz, institutional, Switzerland more
- Jonas Katzenstein, producer, Germany more
- Judith Kaufmann, cinematographer, Germany
- Olina Kaufmanová, editor, Czech Republic more
- Arne Kaupang, visual effects supervisor, Norway
- Mikko Kauppila, actor, Finland
- Aki Kaurismäki, director, Finland
- Mika Kaurismäki, director, Finland
- Alanté Kavaïté, director, France more
- David Kavanagh, institutional, Ireland
- Dean Kavanagh, director, Ireland
- Marija Kavtaradzė, director, Lithuania
- Bariş Kaya, director, Turkey
- Emre Kayiş, director, Turkey more
- Karl-Wilhelm Kayser, producer, Germany
- Matīss Kaža, director, Latvia
- Vesela Kazakova, director, Bulgaria
- Anna Kazejak, director, Poland more
- Peter Keglevic, director, Austria
- Anette Keiser, hair & make-up artist, Germany
- Sibel Kekilli, actress, Germany more
- Lisette Kelder, producer, The Netherlands
- Macdara Kelleher, producer, Ireland
- Bernhard Keller, cinematographer, Germany
- Gina Keller, sound designer, Switzerland
- Tonio Kellner, producer, Germany
- David Patrick Kelly, producer, United Kingdom more
- Nick Kelly, director, Ireland
- Eva Kemme, producer, Germany
- Júlíus Kemp, director, Iceland
- Petri Kemppinen, institutional, Finland more
- Morgan Kennedy, production designer, United Kingdom more
- Ademir Kenovic, director, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Duncan H. Kenworthy, producer, United Kingdom
- Peter Kerekes, producer, Slovakia
- Katarína Kerekesová, director, Slovakia more
- Gerald Kerkletz, cinematographer, Austria more
- Christian Kermer, cinematographer, Austria
- Amanda Kernell, director, Sweden
- Ercan Kesal, actor, Turkey more
- Eggert Ketilsson, production designer, Iceland
- Harutyun Khachatryan, director, Armenia
- Vahagn Khachatryan, director, Armenia
- Andriy Khalpakhchi, festival, Ukraine
- Mariam Khatchvani, director, Georgia
- Olga Khlasheva, producer, Kazakhstan
- George Khleifi, producer, Palestinian Territories
- Roshanak Khodabakhsh, producer, Germany
- Tetiana Khodakivska, editor, Ukraine more
- Vladimir Khotinenko, director, Russian Federation
- Ilya Khrzhanovsky, director, Russian Federation more
- Jörg Kidrowski, sound designer, Germany
- Kilian Kiefel, int'l sales agent, France
- Jacques Kieffer, sound designer, Switzerland
- Thomas W. Kiennast, cinematographer, Austria
- Katrine Kiilgaard, festival, Denmark
- Jakob Kijas, distributor/exhibitor, Germany more
- Sonja Kilbertus, producer, Switzerland
- Lotta Kilian, cinematographer, Germany
- Uljana Kim, producer, Lithuania
- Fabian Kimoto, cinematographer, Switzerland
- Patrick R. J. King, director, United Kingdom
- Sir Ben Kingsley, actor, United Kingdom
- Kalle Kinnunen, critic / journalist, Finland more
- Robert Kirchhoff, director, Slovakia more
- Kiril Kirilov, producer, Bulgaria
- Svetlana Kirilova, editor, Bulgaria
- Per K. Kirkegaard, editor, Denmark
- Sarah Kirkegaard, producer, Germany
- Jakob Kirstein Høgel, institutional, Denmark
- Nino Kirtadzé, director, France more
- Veselka Kiryakova, producer, Bulgaria
- Dmitri Kiselev, director, Russian Federation more
- Viki Réka Kiss, producer, Hungary
- Katrin Kissa, producer, Estonia
- Izabela Kiszka-Hoflik, institutional, Poland
- Stefan Kitanov, producer, Bulgaria
- Michael Kitzberger, producer, Austria
- Jarmo Kiuru, cinematographer, Finland more
- Emil Klang, cinematographer, Sweden
- Sara Klänge, hair & make-up artist, Sweden
- Rainer Klausmann, cinematographer, Switzerland
- Burghart Klaußner, actor, Germany
- Arnd Klawitter, actor, Germany
- Naum Kleiman, institutional, Russian Federation
- Gerrit Klein, producer, Germany
- Andrea Kleverlaan, talent agent, The Netherlands
- Vladyslav Klimchuk, director, Ukraine more
- Pavla Klimešová, producer, Czech Republic
- Uwe Klimmeck, editor, Germany more
- Sara Klimoska, actress, North Macedonia
- Kriton Klingler-Ioannides, composer, Germany
- Tine Klint, int'l sales agent, Denmark
- Jeanette Klintberg, casting director, Sweden
- Stefan Kloos, producer, Germany more
- Piotr Kmiecik, editor, Poland
- Daniela Knapp, cinematographer, Germany
- Herbert Knaup, actor, Germany
- Zazie Knepper, production designer, Germany more
- Elina Knithilä, actress, Finland
- Dagmar Knöpfel, director, Germany more
- Wolfgang Knöpfler, producer, Austria more
- Kristine M. I. Knudsen, producer, Germany
- Johannes Kobilke, composer, Germany more
- Piotr Kobus, producer, Poland more
- Ekin Koç, actor, Turkey more
- Karin Koch, producer, Switzerland
- Michael Koch, director, Switzerland more
- Sebastian Koch, actor, Germany
- Klara Kochańska-Bajon, director, Poland
- Nerina T. Kocjančič, institutional, Slovenia more
- Dr Ágnes Kocsis, director, Hungary more
- Damian Kocur, director, Poland
- Sabina Kodra, producer, Albania
- Christian Koerner, actor, Germany more
- Gennady Kofman, producer, Ukraine more
- Anja Kofmel, director, Switzerland
- Levan Koguashvili, director, Georgia
- Juliane Köhler, actress, Germany
- Kathrin Kohlstedde, festival, Germany more
- Arne Kohlweyer, screenwriter, Switzerland more
- Tero Koistinen, institutional, Finland
- Sophia Kokkali, actress, Greece
- Anna Kokoszka-Romer, director, Poland
- Cedomir Kolar, producer, France more
- Frauke Kolbmüller, producer, Germany more
- Petr Koliha, director, Czech Republic more
- Dimitris Koliodimos, institutional, Greece
- Eran Kolirin, director, Israel
- Artem Koliubaiev, producer, Ukraine more
- Melina Koljević, screenwriter, Serbia more
- Martin Kollar, cinematographer, Slovakia
- Xavier Koller, director, Switzerland
- Ināra Kolmane, director, Latvia
- Rainer Kölmel, producer, Germany more
- Nicolas Kolovos, director, Greece
- Kristina Kolytė, casting director, Lithuania more
- Stephan Komandarev, director, Bulgaria
- Krzysztof Komander, director, Poland
- Antoni Komasa–Łazarkiewicz, composer, Germany more
- Alex Komlew, composer, Germany more
- Adrian Konarski, composer, Poland more
- Mirosław Koncewicz, production designer, Poland
- Andrei Konchalovsky, director, Russian Federation
- Cornelia Köndgen, actress, Germany
- Jiří Konečný, producer, Czech Republic more
- Stephan Konken, sound designer, Germany more
- Kristina Konrad, director, Switzerland more
- Christos V. Konstantakopoulos, producer, Greece
- Thanasis Konstantopoulos, cinematographer, Greece more
- Truls Kontny, producer, Norway more
- Konstantinos Kontovrakis, producer, Greece
- Martin Koolhoven, director, The Netherlands more
- Krzysztof Kopczyński, producer, Poland more
- Maria Köpf, producer, Germany
- Lena Koppel, director, Sweden
- Marion Koppel, editor, Estonia more
- Meike Kordes, producer, Germany
- Pietu Korhonen, sound designer, Finland more
- Baltasar Kormákur, director, Iceland
- Shoshi Korman, int'l sales agent, Israel more
- Nadia Korotushka, producer, Ukraine
- Andrej Korovljev, director, Croatia
- Hani Kort, producer, Palestinian Territories
- Sebastian Korteweg, producer, The Netherlands
- Natalia Koryncka-Gruz, director, Poland
- Abel Korzeniowski, composer, Poland
- Olga Kosanović, director, Austria more
- Mateusz Kościukiewicz, actor, Poland
- Nadejda Koseva, director, Bulgaria
- Alexandra Kosevic, producer, United Kingdom
- Pietari Koskinen, sound designer, Finland more
- Kuba Kosma, producer, Poland more
- Krista Kosonen, actress, Finland
- Tajana Kosor, int'l sales agent, Greece
- Victor Kossakovsky, director, Russian Federation
- Heikki Kossi, sound designer, Finland
- Victor Kössl, producer, Austria more
- Dieter Kosslick, institutional, Germany
- Eleni Kossyfidou, producer, Greece
- Jakub Košťál, producer, Czech Republic
- Aleksandra Kostina, producer, Ukraine more
- Clemens Köstlin, producer, Germany more
- Karina Kostyna, producer, Ukraine
- Iryna Kostyuk, producer, Ukraine more
- Marcin Koszałka, cinematographer, Poland
- Andrii Kotliar, cinematographer, Ukraine
- Rein Kotov, cinematographer, Estonia more
- Alexander Kott, director, Russian Federation
- Konstantina Kotzamani, director, Greece
- Diomedes Koufteros, actor, Cyprus
- Andrei Kourkov, screenwriter, Ukraine
- Yorgos Koutsaliaris, cinematographer, Greece
- Dimitris Koutsiabasakos, director, Greece more
- Theodoros Koutsogiannopoulos, critic / journalist, Greece more
- Aleksandra Kovac, composer, Serbia more
- Claudia Kovács, cinematographer, Hungary more
- Alisa Kovalenko, director, Ukraine more
- Philippa Kowarsky, int'l sales agent, Israel
- Marek Kozakiewicz, director, Poland
- Damjan Kozole, director, Slovenia more
- Kaya Kołodziejczyk, actress, Belgium more
- Christian Kracht, screenwriter, Switzerland more
- Thomas Krag, editor, Denmark
- Paulina Krajnik, casting director, Poland
- Thomas Král, producer, Germany
- Marek Kráľovský, editor, Slovakia more
- Felix Kramer, actor, Germany
- Rogier Kramer, producer, The Netherlands
- Besnik Krapi, producer, Kosovo more
- Juraj Krasnohorsky, producer, Slovakia
- Jurģis Krāsons, director, Latvia
- Boyko Krastanov, actor, Bulgaria
- Lars Kraume, director, Germany
- Chris Kraus, director, Germany
- Javier Krause, producer, Switzerland more
- Liz Krause, costume designer, Italy more
- Christoph Krauss, cinematographer, Germany more
- Danny Krausz, producer, Austria
- Mischa Krausz, composer, Austria more
- Oleksandra Kravchenko, producer, Ukraine
- Kaja Krawczyk-Wnuk, screenwriter, Poland more
- Nicolette Krebitz, director, Germany
- Michal Křeček, producer, Czech Republic
- Yochanan Kredo, producer, Israel
- Melia Kreiling, actress, Greece more
- Daniel Kresmery, producer, Hungary more
- Eric Kress, cinematographer, Denmark
- Marie Kreutzer, director, Austria
- Freya Kreutzkam, actress, Germany
- Pipaluk Kreutzmann Jørgensen, producer, Greenland
- Barbara Kreuzer, hair & make-up artist, Germany more
- Philipp Kreuzer, producer, Germany more
- Marco Kreuzpaintner, director, Germany more
- Titus Kreyenberg, producer, Germany more
- Vicky Krieps, actress, Luxembourg
- Steve Krikris, director, Greece more
- Giedrė Kriščiūnaitė, distributor/exhibitor, Lithuania more
- Hrönn Kristinsdóttir, producer, Iceland
- Ari Kristinsson, producer, Iceland
- Þorvaldur Davíð Kristjánsson, actor, Iceland
- Viktor Krivosudský, sound designer, Slovakia more
- Katarína Krnáčová, producer, Slovakia
- Timm Kröger, director, Germany
- Judith Kröher Falch, hair & make-up artist, Germany
- Zuzana Kronerová, actress, Slovakia
- Christian Krönes, director, Austria more
- Magdalena Kronschläger, actress, Austria more
- Peter Kropénin, producer, Sweden
- Michael Krotkiewski , producer, Sweden
- Julian Krubasik, cinematographer, Germany more
- Beatrice Kruger, casting director, Italy more
- Diane Kruger, actress, Germany
- Jan Krüger, producer, Germany
- Adam Kruk, critic / journalist, Poland more
- Michael Krummenacher, director, Germany more
- Sofie Krunegård, costume designer, Sweden
- Denis Krupnov, producer, United Kingdom more
- Anna Krupnova, int'l sales agent, United Kingdom more
- Kathrin Kruschke, talent agent, Germany
- Visar Krusha, producer, Kosovo more
- Halyna Kryvorchuk, producer, Ukraine
- Maciej Kubicki, producer, Poland more
- Mgr. Jaroslav Kučera, producer, Czech Republic more
- Stefanie Kuchler, distributor/exhibitor, Switzerland
- Esin Küçüktepepınar, critic / journalist, Turkey
- Nataly Kudiabor, producer, Germany
- Mateusz Kudła, director, Poland more
- Nadiia Kudriavtseva, costume designer, Ukraine
- Amira Kudumović, producer, Bosnia and Herzegovina more
- Thomas Kufus, producer, Germany
- Harald Kügler, producer, Germany
- Andrea Kuhn, festival, Germany more
- Rainer Kühn, composer, Germany more
- Johannes Kuhnke, actor, Sweden
- Veronika Kührová, producer, Czech Republic more
- Pieter Kuijpers, producer, The Netherlands
- Piotr Kukla, cinematographer, The Netherlands more
- Christoph Kukula, producer, Germany
- Barbara Kulcsar, director, Switzerland
- Joanna Kulig, actress, Poland
- Josef Kullengård, festival, Sweden more
- Dea Kulumbegashvili, director, Georgia
- Laëtitia Kulyk, institutional, France
- Ashvin Kumar, director, United Kingdom more
- Ivo Kummer, institutional, Switzerland more
- Ika Künzel, screenwriter, Germany
- Juho Kuosmanen, director, Finland
- Nil Kural, festival, Turkey
- Juris Kursietis, director, Latvia more
- Hakki Kurtuluş, director, Turkey
- Mehmet Kurtulus, actor, Germany
- Sibylle Kurz, institutional, Germany more
- Agnieszka Kurzydło, producer, Poland
- Stéphane Kuthy, cinematographer, Switzerland more
- Stein B. Kvae, producer, Norway more
- Elsa Kvamme, director, Norway more
- Rolandas Kvietkauskas, institutional, Lithuania
- Elisabeth Kvithyll, producer, Norway
- Jerry Kwarteng, actor, Germany more
- Krzysztof Kwiatkowski, critic / journalist, Poland
- Michał Kwieciński, producer, Poland
- Genoveva Kylburg, costume designer, Germany more
- George Kyriakos, producer, Greece
- Kaleo La Belle, producer, Switzerland
- Claire La Combe, producer, France more
- Luigi La Monica, festival, Italy more
- Jukka-Pekka Laakso, festival, Finland
- Jolein Laarman, screenwriter, The Netherlands
- Giovanni Labadessa, producer, Italy more
- Jean Labadie, distributor/exhibitor, France
- Wilma Labate, director, Italy
- Nikos Labôt, director, Greece more
- Costas Labropoulos, producer, Greece
- Magdalena Labuz, costume designer, Luxembourg more
- Vera Lacková, director, Slovakia
- Klaus Lackschéwitz, institutional, Germany
- Amel Lacombe, distributor/exhibitor, France
- Radoslaw Ładczuk, cinematographer, Poland
- Claus Ladegaard, institutional, Denmark
- Rebecka Lafrenz, producer, Sweden
- Álex Lafuente Aguilar, producer, Spain
- Felipe Lage Coro, producer, Spain more
- Eric Lagesse, int'l sales agent, France
- Timo T. Lahtinen, producer, Denmark more
- Henrik Laier, producer, Denmark
- Aet Laigu, producer, Estonia more
- Maria Lainas, casting director, Greece
- Claire Lajoumard, producer, France more
- Hanna Lajunen, distributor/exhibitor, Finland
- Zvonko Lakčević, actor, Slovakia more
- Sarika Hemi Lakhani, producer, Germany
- Dubravka Lakić, institutional, Serbia
- Armağan Lale, producer, Turkey
- Maarit Lalli, director, Finland
- Serge Lalou, producer, France
- Thomas Lambert, producer, France more
- Marie Lamboeuf, int'l sales agent, France
- Giacomo Lamborizio, producer, Italy more
- Håkon Lammetun, sound designer, Norway more
- Olga Lamontanara, producer, Switzerland more
- Samuel Lampaert, director, Belgium
- Tusse Lande, casting director, Sweden
- Nuria Landete, producer, Spain
- Sylvie Landra, editor, France
- Claudia Landsberger, institutional, The Netherlands more
- Maria Lanfranchi, int'l sales agent, Italy
- Fredrik Lange, producer, Sweden
- Heike Lange, production designer, Germany
- Dr. André Lange-Medart, institutional, France more
- Line Langebek, screenwriter, United Kingdom
- Martin Langer, cinematographer, Germany more
- Timo Langer, editor, United Kingdom
- Vincent Langouche, festival, Belgium
- Yorgos Lanthimos, director, Greece more
- Robert Lantos, producer, Canada
- Dario Lanzellotti, composer, Italy more
- Janez Lapajne, director, Slovenia
- Joanna Łapińska, festival, Poland
- Anastasia Lapsui, director, Finland
- Alexandra Maria Lara, actress, Germany
- Saioa Lara, costume designer, Spain
- Angunnguaq Larsen, actor, Greenland
- Björne Larson, director, Sweden
- Love Larson, hair & make-up artist, Sweden
- Maria Larsson Guerpillon, producer, Sweden
- Mårten Larsson, visual effects supervisor, Sweden
- Laurence Lascary, producer, France
- Jakob Lass, director, Germany
- Rolf Lassgård, actor, Sweden
- Sára László, producer, Hungary
- Enrico Latella, production designer, Italy
- Francesco Lattarulo, producer, Italy
- Titas Laucius, director, Lithuania
- Angelo Laudisa, producer, France
- Anne Laurent-Delage, institutional, Austria
- Hrvoje Laurenta, distributor/exhibitor, Croatia
- Paul Laverty, screenwriter, United Kingdom
- Frédéric Lavigne, institutional, France
- Serge Lavrenyuk, producer, Ukraine more
- Jude Law, actor, United Kingdom
- Tony Lawson, editor, United Kingdom
- Robert Laycock, producer, United Kingdom
- Alain Layrac, screenwriter, France
- Rodica Lazăr, actress, Romania
- Christina Lazaridi, screenwriter, Greece
- Gabriela Łazarkiewicz-Sieczko, screenwriter, Poland
- Paz Lázaro, producer, Spain more
- Milko Lazarov, director, Bulgaria
- Prof. Dr.Sc. Nikolay Lazarov, cinematographer, Bulgaria more
- Monica Lazurean-Gorgan, producer, Romania
- Alessio Lazzareschi, producer, Italy
- Luigia Lazzaro, institutional, Italy
- Axl Yi Le, director, Norway more
- Damian Le Bas, director, United Kingdom
- Véronique Le Bris, critic / journalist, France more
- Catherine Le Clef, int'l sales agent, France more
- Mark Le Fanu, institutional, United Kingdom more
- Lone Le Floch-Andersen, institutional, Denmark
- Trang Le Hong, actress, Germany
- Hervé Le Phuez, institutional, Belgium more
- Marco Leão, director, Portugal more
- Nikolay Lebedev, director, Russian Federation
- Carine Leblanc, producer, France
- Alexandra Lebret, institutional, France
- Katia Leclerc O'Wallis, actress, Greece
- Marsha Nuriya Lee, producer, United Kingdom
- Marius Leftărache, sound designer, Romania
- Aron Lehmann, director, Germany
- Jette Lehmann, production designer, Denmark
- Tobias Lehmann, distributor/exhibitor, Germany
- Veli-Pekka Lehtonen, critic / journalist, Finland more
- Signe Leick Jensen, producer, Denmark
- Dylan Leiner, distributor/exhibitor, United Kingdom
- Charlotte Lelong, producer, France
- Claude Lelouch, director, France
- Geneviève Lemal, producer, Belgium
- Christian Juhl Lemche, institutional, Denmark
- Kathrin Lemme, producer, Germany more
- Jürg Lempen, sound designer, Switzerland
- Emmo Lempert, producer, Germany
- Andrei Lenart, actor, Slovenia more
- Monika Lenczewska, cinematographer, Poland
- Sanna Lenken, director, Sweden more
- Rebecca Lenkiewicz, screenwriter, United Kingdom
- Denis Lenoir, cinematographer, France
- Luci Lenox, casting director, Spain
- Ellen Lens, costume designer, The Netherlands more
- Lise Lense-Møller, producer, Denmark
- Françoise Lentz, institutional, Luxembourg
- Hanno Lentz, cinematographer, Germany
- Jannis Lenz, director, Germany more
- Marcel Lenz, producer, Germany
- Maximilian Leo, producer, Germany more
- olga Fernando León de Aranoa, director, Spain
- Lydia Leonard, actress, United Kingdom
- Nanouk Leopold, director, The Netherlands
- Christophe Leparc, festival, France
- Juliette Lepoutre, producer, France
- Anne Leppin, institutional, Germany more
- Sylvie Leray, distributor/exhibitor, Spain more
- Juraj Lerotić, director, Croatia
- Dmitry Lesnevsky, producer, Russian Federation
- Aneta Lesnikovska, producer, North Macedonia more
- Alice Lesort, int'l sales agent, France
- Michal Leszczylowski, editor, Sweden
- Giampaolo Letta, institutional, Italy
- René Letzgus, producer, France
- Pamela Leu, int'l sales agent, France more
- Marie Leuenberger, actress, Germany more
- Elmer Leupen, NCE, editor, The Netherlands
- Malin Levanon, actress, Sweden more
- Pessi Levanto, composer, Finland
- Sydney Levine, critic / journalist, Germany
- Alina Levshin, actress, Germany
- Dani Levy, director, Germany
- Judith Lou Lévy, producer, France
- Marta Lewandowska, producer, Poland more
- Rafael Lewandowski, director, Poland more
- Andreas Lewin, festival, Germany
- Katarzyna Lewińska, costume designer, Poland
- Micha Lewinsky, director, Switzerland more
- Yony Leyser, director, Germany
- Vladimír Lhoták, producer, Czech Republic
- Vigdis Lian, institutional, Norway more
- Natalia Libet, producer, Ukraine more
- André Libik, producer, Hungary
- Peter Lichtefeld, director, Germany more
- Bernd Lichtenberg, screenwriter, Germany more
- Judith Lichtneckert, producer, Switzerland more
- Sandy Lieberson, producer, United Kingdom
- Hans-Martin Liebing, producer, Germany more
- Jan Josef Liefers, actor, Germany
- Jens Lien, director, Norway more
- Richard Lightstone, sound designer, Italy more
- Marge Liiske, institutional, Estonia
- Wolfgang Limmer, screenwriter, Germany
- Thomas Lindahl, composer, Sweden more
- Anne Lindberg, talent agent, Denmark
- David Linde, producer, United States
- Lasse Linder, director, Switzerland more
- Gustav Lindh, actor, Sweden
- Thure Lindhardt, actor, Denmark
- Håkan Lindhé, director, Sweden
- David Lindner Leporda, producer, Germany
- Henrik Lindstrand, composer, Sweden
- Kristina Lindström, director, Sweden
- Dana Linssen, critic / journalist, The Netherlands more
- Branko Linta, cinematographer, Croatia more
- Théo Lionel, int'l sales agent, France more
- Sabina Lisievici, director, Romania
- Kacper Lisowski, director, Poland
- Mag. Rafał Listopad, editor, Poland more
- Dr. Yuri Litovchin, institutional, Russian Federation more
- Vladimir Litrovnik, sound designer, Russian Federation
- Elina Litvinova, producer, Estonia more
- Xuan Liu, producer, United Kingdom
- Amanda Livanou, producer, Greece more
- Marios Lizides, festival, Cyprus more
- Marc Lizier, composer, The Netherlands more
- Samir Ljuma, cinematographer, North Macedonia more
- Eva Llorach, actress, Spain
- Rupert Lloyd, producer, United Kingdom
- Christian Lo, director, Norway more
- Enrico Lo Verso, actor, Italy
- Ken Loach, director, United Kingdom
- Kevin Loader, producer, United Kingdom more
- Gabriel Lobos, cinematographer, Switzerland
- Miloš Lochman, producer, Czech Republic
- Anastasiia Lodkina, screenwriter, Ukraine
- Yaroslav Lodygin, director, Ukraine
- Erlend Loe, screenwriter, Norway
- Thomas Loeder, visual effects supervisor, Germany more
- Claudia Loewe, institutional, Germany
- Prof. Annette Lofy, production designer, Germany more
- Prof. Henning Lohner, composer, Germany more
- Prof. Dr. Skadi Loist, institutional, Germany
- Maxim Lojevsky, producer, Russian Federation
- Tiina Lokk-Tramberg, festival, Estonia
- Manuel Lombardero, director, Spain more
- Antonino Lombardo, producer, Belgium
- Levan Lomjaria, institutional, Georgia more
- Faruk Lončarević, director, Bosnia and Herzegovina more
- Francesca Longardi, producer, Italy
- Clara Longhi, festival, Italy more
- Hans Lönnerheden, producer, Sweden more
- Elwin Looije, producer, The Netherlands more
- Ana López Cobos, costume designer, Spain more
- Pilar López de Ayala, actress, Spain more
- Marco Lopez, sound designer, Cyprus more
- Elena López Riera, director, Switzerland
- Beatriz López-Nogales, composer, Spain
- Izabela Łopuch, producer, Poland
- Konstantin Lopushansky, director, Russian Federation more
- Àlex Lora Cercós, director, Spain
- Monika Lorber, costume designer, Slovenia more
- Rob Lord, composer, United Kingdom more
- Claudia Lorenz, director, Switzerland
- Juliane Lorenz, editor, Germany
- Paulina Lorenz, producer, Germany
- José Manuel Lorenzo Torres, producer, Spain
- Barbara Lorey de Lacharrière, critic / journalist, France
- Jeanne Loriotti, int'l sales agent, France
- Grzegorz Łoszewski, institutional, Poland
- Aku Louhimies, director, Finland
- Theodora Loukas (P), actress, Greece more
- Carlos Loureda, critic / journalist, Spain
- Matteo Lovadina, int'l sales agent, France
- Branislava Lovre, distributor/exhibitor, Serbia more
- Victor Löw, actor, The Netherlands
- Andrew Lowe, producer, Ireland
- Roberto Lozano Bruna, director, Spain
- Marcel Lozinski, director, Poland
- Paweł Łoziński, director, Poland
- Tadeusz Lubelski, institutional, Poland
- Luca Lucchesi, director, Germany
- Paweł Lucewicz, composer, Poland more
- Daniele Luchetti, director, Italy more
- Laura Luchetti, director, Italy
- Nadine Lüchinger, producer, Switzerland
- Alberto Luchini, critic / journalist, Spain
- Marie-Ange Luciani, producer, France
- Jara Lucieer, talent agent, The Netherlands
- Federica Lucisano, producer, Italy
- Fulvio Lucisano, producer, Italy
- Olga Lucovnicova, director, Moldova more
- Marcin Łuczaj, int'l sales agent, Poland
- Kai Lüde-Martens, sound designer, Germany more
- Christine Ludwig, costume designer, Austria
- Carla Luffe, editor, Denmark
- Péter Benjámin Lukács, sound designer, Hungary
- Natalia Lukic Abós, talent agent, Spain
- Antonio Lukich, director, Ukraine
- Oleg Lukichev, cinematographer, Russian Federation
- Charlotte Lund Thomsen, institutional, Denmark more
- Pia Lundberg, institutional, Sweden
- Daniel Lundquist, festival, Sweden
- Ana Lungu, director, Romania
- Jacek Lusiński, director, Poland more
- Andreas Lust, actor, Austria
- Franz Paul Lustig, cinematographer, Germany more
- Matthias Luthardt, director, Germany more
- Maren Lüthje, producer, Germany
- Matevž Luzar, director, Slovenia
- Olga Lvoff, director, Russian Federation more
- Mark Lwoff, producer, Finland
- Elena Lyadova, actress, Russian Federation
- Thomas Lydholm, producer, Denmark
- Nina Lyng, producer, Denmark
- Mikisoq H. Lynge, director, Greenland
- Wiesław Łysakowski, producer, Poland
- Andrii Lysetskyi, cinematographer, Ukraine more
- Olga Lyubarova, casting director, Ukraine more
- Leila Lyytikäinen, producer, Finland more
- Sidsel Lønvig Siersted, producer, Denmark
- Denise M'Baye, actress, Germany
- Toni M. Mir, composer, Spain more
- Dan Maag, producer, Germany more
- Georg Maas, director, Germany more
- Julian Maas, composer, Germany
- Angelina Maccarone, director, Germany
- Iain B. MacDonald, director, United Kingdom more
- Anna Machukh, institutional, Ukraine more
- Juliusz Machulski, director, Poland
- Łukasz Maciejewski, critic / journalist, Poland more
- Jan-Eric Mack, director, Switzerland more
- Nicole Mackey, int'l sales agent, United Kingdom
- Jan Macola, producer, Czech Republic
- Paul-Răzvan Macovei, director, Romania
- Ivan Mactaggart, producer, United Kingdom
- Marcin Macuk, composer, Poland more
- Katarzyna Madaj-Kozłowska, producer, Poland
- John Madden, director, United Kingdom
- Ivan Madeo, producer, Switzerland more
- Jiří Mádl, director, Czech Republic
- Gwen Maduro, talent agent, The Netherlands more
- Henri Magalon, producer, France
- Andrea Magnani, director, Italy
- Kim Magnusson, producer, Denmark more
- Tivi Magnusson, producer, Denmark
- Roni Mahadav-Levin, institutional, Israel more
- Alan Maher, producer, Ireland more
- Annick Mahnert, festival, Austria
- Christine A. Maier, cinematographer, Germany
- Heiko Maile, composer, Germany more
- Xénia Maingot, producer, France
- Sophie Maintigneux, cinematographer, Germany
- Gaetano Maiorino, producer, Italy more
- Matic Majcen, critic / journalist, Slovenia more
- Montse Majench, institutional, Spain more
- Timur Makarević, editor, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Mikko Mäkelä, director, United Kingdom
- Eduart Makri, director, Albania more
- Babis Makridis, director, Greece
- Alina Maksimenko, director, Ukraine
- Jelena Maksimović, editor, Serbia more
- Oleksandr Maksymchuk, producer, Ukraine
- Guslagie Malanda, actress, France
- Irina Malcea-Candea, producer, Romania
- Olga Malea, director, Greece
- Stefan Malešević, director, Serbia more
- Stephen Malit, producer, United Kingdom more
- Konstantin Malkin-Fam, producer, Russian Federation more
- Alexandre Mallet-Guy, producer, France
- Oliver Mallia, producer, Malta
- Nils Malmros, director, Denmark
- Ivan Maloča, producer, Croatia
- Fabrizio Maltese, director, Luxembourg
- Mikkel Maltha, composer, Denmark
- Feliks Mamczur, director, Poland more
- Kanan Mammadov, cinematographer, Azerbaijan more
- Lynda Mamy, talent agent, United Kingdom
- Milcho Manchevski, director, North Macedonia
- Laura Mancilla, distributor/exhibitor, United Kingdom more
- Marko Mandić, actor, Slovenia
- Maurilio Mangano, casting director, Italy more
- Paulus Manker, director, Austria
- Agnieszka Mankiewicz, producer, Poland
- Susanne Mann, producer, Germany more
- Molly Manning Walker, director, United Kingdom
- Miki Manojlovic, actor, Serbia
- Ilinca Manolache, actress, Romania more
- Yiannis Manolopoulos, cinematographer, United Kingdom more
- Tatevik Manoukyan, producer, Armenia more
- Bojidar Manov, critic / journalist, Bulgaria
- Måns Månsson, director, Sweden
- Brigitta Manthey, institutional, Germany more
- Simon Manyonda, actor, United Kingdom
- Francesco Manzato, director, Italy
- Michele Manzolini, director, Italy
- Samuel Maoz, director, Israel
- Katerina Maragoudaki, cinematographer, Greece more
- Pia Marais, director, Germany
- Adnan Maral, actor, Germany
- Vincent Maraval, int'l sales agent, France
- Kostis Maraveyas, composer, Greece
- MarBelle, festival, United Kingdom more
- Grégoire Marchal, distributor/exhibitor, France
- Riccardo Marchegiani, producer, France more
- Flavio Marchetti, producer, Austria
- Lele Marchitelli, composer, Italy more
- Francesca Marciano, screenwriter, Italy more
- Christopher P. Marcich, institutional, Croatia
- Mikael Marcimain, director, Sweden
- Filip Marczewski, producer, Poland
- Iván Marín Idiáquez, technician, Spain
- Anamaria Marinca, actress, Romania
- Sotiria Marini, casting director, Greece
- Tamara Marini, production designer, Italy
- Pavo Marinković, director, Croatia more
- Hrönn Marinósdóttir, institutional, Iceland more
- Ivan Marinović, director, Montenegro more
- Stefano Mariotti, editor, Italy more
- Magnus Mariuson, actor, Iceland
- Jovan Marjanović, producer, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Petros Markaris, screenwriter, Greece
- Stavros Markonis, composer, Greece more
- Natasha Markou, producer, United Kingdom
- Constantine Markoulakis, actor, Greece more
- Teodora Markova, screenwriter, Bulgaria more
- Goran Marković, actor, Croatia
- Christopher André Marks, director, Greece
- Sebastian Markt, festival, Germany
- Gary Marlowe, composer, Germany more
- Yves Marmion, producer, France
- Janine Marmot, producer, United Kingdom more
- Suse Marquardt, casting director, Germany
- Jaime Marques Olarreaga, director, Spain
- Gesa Marten, editor, Germany more
- Meike Martens, producer, Germany
- Sina Martens, actress, Germany
- Christian Fredrik Martin, producer, Norway
- Manuel Martín Cuenca, director, Spain
- Javier Martín Domínguez, institutional, Spain more
- Renate Martin, production designer, Germany
- Jesús Martínez Asencio, producer, Spain more
- Luis Martínez López, critic / journalist, Spain
- Elsa Martinez Portero, institutional, Spain
- Fernando Martínez Sosa, editor, Spain
- Lóránd Márton, cinematographer, Romania more
- Vessela Martschewski, editor, Germany
- Markel Martynov, visual effects supervisor, Russian Federation more
- Vyacheslav Marusenkov, institutional, Russian Federation
- Diego Mas Trelles, director, Spain more
- Massimo Mascolo, institutional, Italy more
- Alessandro Masi, int'l sales agent, Italy more
- Giovanni Massa, director, Italy
- Fabian Massah, producer, Germany more
- Christos Massalas, director, Greece more
- Stefano Massenzi, producer, Italy
- Lionel Massol, producer, France
- Valerio Mastandrea, actor, Italy
- Giulio Mastromauro, director, Italy
- Anders Mastrup, producer, Denmark
- Marian Matachana, producer, Spain
- David Matamoros Manteca, producer, Spain more
- Dalibor Matanić, director, Croatia more
- Olha Matat, producer, Ukraine more
- Arunas Matelis, director, Lithuania more
- Ivo Mathé, institutional, Czech Republic more
- Tibor Mathé, cinematographer, Hungary
- Jan Matheu, producer, Spain
- Mathis Ståle Mathisen, producer, Norway
- Claire Mathon, cinematographer, France
- Boris T. Matić, producer, Croatia
- Gordan Matić, director, Serbia more
- Lana Matić, producer, Croatia
- Ilkka Yrjö Lauri Matila, producer, Finland
- Mate Matišić, screenwriter, Croatia
- Dr. Aranka Matits, distributor/exhibitor, The Netherlands
- Minos Matsas, composer, Greece
- Frank Matter, director, Switzerland more
- Eva Mattes, actress, Germany
- Ulrich Matthes, actor, Germany
- Daniel Mattig, producer, Germany more
- Petter Mattsson, institutional, Sweden
- Jan P. Matuszyński, director, Poland more
- Fabian Maubach, producer, Germany
- Max Mauff, actor, Germany more
- Carmen Maura, actress, Spain
- Gørild Mauseth, actress, Norway more
- Nicolas Mauvernay, producer, France
- Iraklis Mavroeidis, producer, Greece
- Manolis Mavromatakis, actor, Greece more
- Yorgos Mavropsaridis, editor, Greece
- Jan Maxa, producer, Czech Republic more
- Fisnik Maxville, director, Switzerland
- Michael Mayer, director, Israel
- Sylvia Mayer, actress, Germany more
- Alfred Mayerhofer, costume designer, Austria more
- Maryna Maykovska, editor, Ukraine more
- Oriol Maymó, producer, Spain
- Vassilis Mazomenos, director, Greece more
- Jesse Mazuch, cinematographer, Germany
- Moira Mazzantini, talent agent, Italy
- Mario Mazzarotto, producer, Italy
- Mario Mazzetti, institutional, Italy
- Miha Mazzini, screenwriter, Slovenia more
- Daniele Mazzocca, producer, Italy more
- Damien Mc Donald, producer, France
- Sarah Mc Teigue, editor, Italy
- Claire McCaughley, producer, Ireland
- Barrie McCulloch, technician, United Kingdom
- Kate McCullough, cinematographer, Ireland
- Camille McCurry, talent agent, United Kingdom
- Andrea McDonaldová, hair & make-up artist, Czech Republic
- Seamus McGarvey, cinematographer, Ireland
- Piers McGrail, cinematographer, Ireland
- Lesley McKimm, producer, Ireland
- Eimhear McMahon, producer, United Kingdom
- Sir Steve McQueen, director, United Kingdom
- Mónika Mécs, producer, Hungary
- Suki Medencevic, cinematographer, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Tamás A. Méder, cinematographer, Germany
- Antonio Medici, distributor/exhibitor, Italy
- Avi Medina, composer, Turkey
- Edgar Medina, screenwriter, Portugal
- Mar Medir, producer, Spain
- Ilya Medovyy, producer, Estonia
- Prof. Jeanine Meerapfel, director, Germany
- Krijn Meerburg, distributor/exhibitor, The Netherlands more
- Muriël Megens, talent agent, The Netherlands more
- Damien Megherbi, producer, France
- Luis Megino Grande, producer, Spain
- Nerma Mehadžić, producer, Croatia more
- Selma Mehadžić, festival, Croatia
- Huseyn Mehdiyev, director, Azerbaijan
- Marco Mehlitz, producer, Germany
- Corinna Mehner, producer, Germany
- Zorana Meic, costume designer, Croatia more
- Isabel Meier, editor, Switzerland
- Ursula Meier, director, Belgium
- Bram Meindersma, composer, The Netherlands
- Sebastian Meise, director, Austria
- Shira Meishar, director, Israel more
- Gerhard Meixner, producer, Germany
- Alana Mejía González, cinematographer, United Kingdom
- Mela Melak, production designer, Poland more
- Eva Melander, actress, Sweden
- Stephen Melchiori, festival, France more
- Olimpia Melinte, actress, Romania
- Sergey Melkumov, producer, Russian Federation
- Sunnyi Melles, actress, Switzerland
- Francesco Dino Antonio Melzi d'Eril, distributor/exhibitor, Italy
- Reza Memari, screenwriter, Germany more
- Juliette Ménager, casting director, France
- Urša Menart, director, Slovenia more
- Javier Méndez Zori, producer, Spain
- Benjamin Menekshe, actor, Kosovo
- Christophe Mercier, distributor/exhibitor, France
- Salvatore Mereu, director, Italy
- Elodie Merlier, hair & make-up artist, France
- Lorenz Merz, director, Switzerland
- Michelangelo Messina, festival, Italy more
- Ernő Mesterházy, producer, Hungary
- Michal Mészáros, director, Slovakia
- Saul Metzstein, director, United Kingdom more
- Jens Meurer, director, Germany more
- Susanne Regina Meures, director, Germany more
- Zviad Mgebry, composer, Georgia more
- Luca Miano, int'l sales agent, Italy
- Justė Michailinaitė, producer, Lithuania more
- Jakub Michalczuk, director, Poland more
- Kristýna Michálek Květová, producer, Czech Republic
- Bernard Michaux, producer, Luxembourg more
- Laurent Micheli, director, Belgium
- Ellen Sofie Michelsen, casting director, Norway
- Anastas Michos, cinematographer, Greece
- Lorenzo Mieli, producer, Italy
- Helena Mielonen, producer, Finland
- Vicky Miha, producer, Greece
- Teodora Ana Mihai, director, Belgium more
- Alexander Mihalkovich, director, Belarus
- Vera Mijojlic, festival, United States
- Eglė Mikalauskaitė-Gricienė, hair & make-up artist, Lithuania
- Ninos Feneck Mikelides, festival, Greece
- Katerina Mikhaylova, producer, Russian Federation
- Mads Mikkelsen, actor, Denmark
- Tine Mikkelsen, producer, Denmark
- Magdalena Mikołajczyk, editor, Poland more
- Kuba Mikurda, director, Poland
- Axel Milberg, actor, Germany
- Alessandra Miletto, institutional, Italy more
- Mina Mileva, director, United Kingdom
- Djordje Milicevic, screenwriter, Montenegro
- Magnus Millang, actor, Denmark
- Heather Millard, producer, Iceland
- Barbara Miller, director, Switzerland more
- Marvin Miller, composer, Germany
- Paul Miller, producer, Greece more
- Alan R. Milligan, producer, Norway
- Anne Milne, director, United Kingdom
- Stefan Milovic, producer, Luxembourg more
- Ditte Milsted, producer, Denmark more
- Luis Miñarro Albero, producer, Spain more
- Bady Minck, director, Luxembourg more
- Billie Mind, editor, Germany
- Birgit Minichmayr, actress, Austria
- Hadewych Minis, actress, The Netherlands
- Patrick Minks, editor, The Netherlands more
- Roelof Jan Minneboo, screenwriter, The Netherlands more
- Erol Mintaş, director, Finland
- Dmytro Minzianov, producer, Ukraine
- Yurii Minzianov, producer, Ukraine more
- Francisco de Paula Mir Maluquer, director, Spain
- Benjamina Mirnik, distributor/exhibitor, Germany
- Sergey Miroshnichenko, director, Russian Federation more
- Sophie Mirouze, festival, France
- Dame Helen Mirren, actress, United Kingdom
- Jelena Mišeljić, producer, Montenegro more
- Tonia Mishiali, director, Cyprus more
- Igor Mishin, producer, Russian Federation
- Péter Miskolczi, producer, Hungary
- Carlo Missidenti, sound designer, Italy more
- Zuzana Mistríková, producer, Slovakia
- Claudiu Mitcu, director, Romania
- Labina Mitevska, actress, North Macedonia
- Teona Strugar Mitevska, director, North Macedonia
- Hélène Mitjavile, producer, France more
- Petar Mitric, institutional, Denmark
- Pandelis Mitropoulos, institutional, Greece more
- Jelena Mitrovic, producer, Serbia more
- Marion Mitterhammer, actress, Austria more
- Catalin Mitulescu, director, Romania
- Rusta Mizani, institutional, Germany more
- Kobi Mizrahi, producer, Israel
- Kjersti Mo, institutional, Norway
- Steffen Moestrup, critic / journalist, Denmark
- Miroslav Mogorović, producer, Serbia
- Maria Beatrice Moia, distributor/exhibitor, Italy more
- Mykyta Moiseiev, composer, Ukraine
- Frank Moiselle, casting director, Ireland more
- Martha Mojet, casting director, The Netherlands
- Hans Petter Moland, director, Norway more
- Kate Molchanova, actress, Ukraine more
- Dr. Ferenc Moldoványi, director, Hungary more
- Víctor Molero, production designer, Spain
- Ángela Molina, actress, Spain
- Roland Møller, actor, Denmark
- Sirkka Möller, festival, Germany
- Ulrich Møller-Jørgensen, talent agent, Denmark
- Fabio Mollo, director, Italy
- Levente Molnár, actor, Hungary more
- Alan Moloney, producer, Ireland
- Pol Monen, actor, Spain more
- Teresa Moneo, producer, United Kingdom
- Colin Monie, editor, United Kingdom
- Antoine Monot, actor, Switzerland more
- Alexandra Montag, casting director, Germany
- Lars Montag, director, Germany
- Francesco Montagner, director, Italy more
- Nikolas Montaldi, festival, Germany more
- Luís Manuel Monteiro Galvão Teles, producer, Portugal
- Zeltia Montes, composer, Spain
- Daniel Monzón, director, Spain
- Nashen Moodley, festival, Australia more
- Agnieszka Moody, institutional, United Kingdom
- Tomm Moore, director, Ireland
- Antonio Morabito, director, Italy more
- Sebastián Moradiellos, casting director, Belgium
- Silvia Moraes, sound designer, Italy
- Rafael Morais, actor, Portugal more
- José María Morales, producer, Spain
- Adeline Moreau, actress, France
- Juan Antonio Moreno, director, Spain more
- Olena Morentsova-Shulyk, producer, Ukraine
- Paolo Moretti, distributor/exhibitor, Switzerland more
- Emily Morgan, producer, United Kingdom
- Anders Morgenthaler, director, Denmark
- Fredrik Morheden, editor, Sweden more
- Áine Moriarty, producer, Ireland
- Cyril Morin, composer, France
- Visar Morina, director, Germany more
- Fabienne Moris, festival, France
- François Morisset, producer, France
- Prof. Sebastian Morsch, sound designer, Germany more
- Viggo Mortensen, actor, Denmark
- Mehrdad Mortezai, producer, Austria more
- Sudabeh Mortezai, director, Austria more
- Jesper Morthorst, producer, Denmark more
- Koen Mortier, producer, Belgium
- Fabrizio Mosca, producer, Italy
- Sabine Moser, producer, Austria more
- Oleksii Moskalenko, cinematographer, Ukraine more
- Paweł Mossakowski, producer, Poland
- Niki Mossböck, editor, Austria more
- Mag. Philipp Mosser, sound designer, Austria more
- Charlotte Most, producer, Sweden
- Martin Moszkowicz, producer, Germany
- Lina Motsiou, production designer, Greece more
- Lukáš Moudrý, sound designer, Czech Republic
- Despina Mouzaki, producer, Greece
- Donald Mowat, hair & make-up artist, United Kingdom more
- Richard Mowe, festival, United Kingdom
- Yariv Mozer, director, Israel more
- Jakub Mroz, producer, Poland
- Gabriele Muccino, director, Italy
- Laura Muccino, casting director, Italy
- Jan P. Muchow, composer, Czech Republic more
- Andreas Mücke Niesytka, producer, Germany
- Katharina Mückstein, director, Austria
- Benito Mueller, producer, Switzerland
- Matt Mueller, critic / journalist, United Kingdom
- Dr. Wolfgang Mueller, producer, Germany
- Armin Mueller-Stahl, actor, Germany
- Nele Mueller-Stöfen, actress, Germany
- Alejandra Múgica Codina, institutional, Spain
- Jo C. Mühlberger, institutional, Germany
- Daniel Mühlendorph, producer, Denmark
- Anthony Muir, institutional, Sweden more
- Mia Mullarkey, director, Ireland more
- Christoph Müller, producer, Germany
- Julia M. Müller, producer, Germany
- Petra Müller, institutional, Germany
- Richy Müller, actor, Germany
- Tue Steen Müller, critic / journalist, Denmark
- Ulrike Müller, casting director, Germany more
- Charlotte Munch Bengtsen, editor, Denmark more
- Isabelle Münch, talent agent, Germany
- Charlotte Munck, actress, Denmark
- Kornél Mundruczó, director, Hungary
- Maximilian Mundt, actor, Germany
- Cristian Mungiu, director, Romania
- Pernille Munk Skydsgaard, producer, Denmark more
- Andrea Muñoz, editor, Germany
- Laura Munsterhjelm, talent agent, Finland
- Elena Muntoni, production designer, United Kingdom
- Alexei Muradov, director, Russian Federation
- Selin Murat, festival, France
- Bogdan Mureşanu, director, Romania
- Caterina Murino, actress, France
- Elchin Musaoglu, director, Azerbaijan more
- Laura Musat, institutional, Romania
- Michael Muschner, director, Germany
- Giancarlo Muselli, production designer, Italy more
- Aleksander Musialowski, composer, Poland
- Olivia Musini, producer, Italy
- Trim Musliu, producer, Kosovo
- Matthias Müsse, production designer, Germany more
- Sami Mustafa, director, France
- Prof. Vagif Mustafayev, director, Azerbaijan more
- Nedin Mutic, institutional, Norway more
- Oleg Mutu, cinematographer, Romania
- Lizette Gram Mygind, institutional, Denmark more
- Eirik Myhr, composer, Norway more
- Gyda Velvin Myklebust, festival, Norway
- Lynda Myles, producer, United Kingdom
- Iya Myslytska, producer, Ukraine
- Olympia Mytilinaiou, cinematographer, Greece more
- Maria Møller Christoffersen, producer, Denmark more
- Maria Møller Kjeldgaard, producer, Denmark more
- Aka Niviâna Mørch Pedersen, actress, Greenland
- Hetty Naaijkens-Retel Helmrich, director, The Netherlands
- Faridah S. Nabaggala, festival, Norway
- Gijs Naber, actor, The Netherlands
- Johannes Naber, director, Germany
- Marko Naberšnik, director, Slovenia more
- Selman Nacar, director, Turkey more
- Raoul Nadalet, producer, Luxembourg
- Doroteja Nadrah, actress, Slovenia more
- Fruzsina Nagy, actress, The Netherlands more
- Ilgar Najaf, director, Azerbaijan
- Ayat Najafi, director, Germany more
- Najwa Najjar, screenwriter, Palestinian Territories more
- Monica Naldi, distributor/exhibitor, Italy
- Pan Nalin, director, France more
- Sara Nameth, screenwriter, Sweden
- Alexander Nanau, director, Romania more
- Jorgo Narjes, producer, Germany
- Sigrid Narjes, talent agent, Germany
- Ibrahim Nash'at, director, Germany
- Robert Naskov, producer, North Macedonia more
- Sara Nassim, producer, Iceland more
- Jan Naszewski, int'l sales agent, Poland
- Eva Nathena, director, Greece
- Guy Nattiv, director, United States more
- Tino Navarro, producer, Portugal
- Elene Naveriani, director, Switzerland more
- Mary Nazari, distributor/exhibitor, Russian Federation more
- Giona A. Nazzaro, festival, Italy
- Dana Nechushtan, director, The Netherlands
- Blagoja Nedelkovski, editor, North Macedonia more
- Paul Negoescu, director, Romania more
- Alessandro Negrini, director, Italy more
- Jacob Neiiendam, institutional, Denmark more
- Josefin Neldén, actress, Sweden more
- Koji Nelissen, producer, The Netherlands
- Paul Jan Nelissen, screenwriter, The Netherlands
- Damian Nenow, director, Poland
- Thanasis Neofotistos, director, Greece more
- Christof Neracher, producer, Switzerland
- Candis Nergaard, actress, United Kingdom
- Dr. Louis Nero, director, Italy more
- Emanuele Nespeca, producer, Italy more
- Markus Nestroy, cinematographer, Germany
- Sandra Nettelbeck, director, Germany
- Benedict Neuenfels, cinematographer, Germany more
- Mathias Neumann, cinematographer, Germany
- Oliver Neumann, producer, Austria more
- Per Neumann, institutional, Denmark
- Maaike Neve, producer, The Netherlands
- Charles Newland, director, United Kingdom more
- Patrice Nezan, producer, France more
- Annabella Nezri, producer, Belgium more
- Diana Cam Van Nguyen, director, Czech Republic more
- Neasa Ní Chianáin, director, Ireland more
- Eimer Ní Mhaoldomhnaigh, costume designer, Ireland
- Susanna Nicchiarelli, director, Italy
- Ivan Nichev, director, Bulgaria
- Frederik Nicolai, producer, Belgium more
- Argyro Nicolaou, festival, Cyprus
- Nazareno Manuel Nicoletti, director, Italy more
- Dr. Walter Nicoletti, producer, Italy more
- Tom Nicoll, director, United Kingdom more
- Kirsten Niehuus, institutional, Germany
- Connie Nielsen, actress, Denmark
- Drs Hanneke Niens, producer, The Netherlands more
- Julia Nietlispach, hair & make-up artist, Switzerland
- Clara Nieto Martínez, producer, Spain
- Marcus Nigsch, composer, Austria more
- Jasper Nijsmans, institutional, Belgium more
- Marija Nikčević, producer, Montenegro more
- Vladimir Nikiforov, costume designer, Russian Federation more
- Diomides Nikita, institutional, Cyprus
- Nikolaj Nikitin, institutional, Germany more
- Marysia Nikitiuk, director, Ukraine more
- Teemu Nikki, director, Finland
- Minos Nikolakakis, director, Greece
- Bianca Nikolareizi, costume designer, Greece
- Martina Niland, producer, Ireland
- Liis Nimik, producer, Estonia
- Merab Ninidze, actor, Georgia
- Udi Nir, director, Israel more
- Debora Nischler, producer, Italy more
- Louize Nissen, costume designer, Denmark
- Anatol Nitschke, distributor/exhibitor, Germany
- Simona Nobile, screenwriter, Italy more
- Giovanna Nodari, actress, Germany
- Marie Noëlle Sehr, director, Germany more
- Ulrich Noethen, actor, Germany
- Juan Manuel Nogales Muriel, technician, Spain
- Piia Nokelainen, institutional, Finland
- Mark Noonan, director, Ireland more
- Cristina Nord, festival, Germany
- Adam Nordén, composer, Sweden
- Sven Nordin, actor, Norway
- Lina Nordqvist, production designer, Sweden
- Anita Norfolk, producer, Norway more
- Theis Nørgaard, producer, Denmark more
- Ieva Norvilienė, producer, Lithuania
- Désirée Nosbusch, director, Luxembourg
- Clara Notari, production designer, Spain more
- Anette Novak, institutional, Sweden
- Marek Novák, producer, Czech Republic more
- Svetlana Novak, producer, France more
- Kumjana Novakova, director, North Macedonia
- Masha Novikova, director, The Netherlands
- Michal Novinski, composer, Slovakia more
- Tuva Novotny, director, Denmark
- Till Nowak, director, Germany more
- Przemyslaw Nowakowski, screenwriter, Poland more
- Marek Nowowiejski, producer, Poland more
- Menashe Noy, actor, Israel
- Tonya Noyabrova, director, Ukraine
- Aristeidis Ntagios, producer, Greece
- Leandros Ntounis, sound designer, Greece more
- Annabella Nucara, institutional, Italy more
- Veton Nurkollari, festival, Kosovo more
- Mehmet Ali Nuroğlu, actor, Turkey
- Kristjan-Jaak Nuudi, cinematographer, Estonia more
- Tereza Nvotová, director, Slovakia more
- Torunn Nyen, institutional, Norway more
- Rungano Nyoni, director, United Kingdom more
- Catharina Nyqvist Ehrnrooth, production designer, Sweden
- Rebecca O'Brien, producer, United Kingdom more
- Stephen O'Connell, editor, Ireland
- Michael O'Connor, costume designer, United Kingdom
- Denise O'Dell, producer, Spain
- Patrick O'Neill, producer, Ireland
- Imelda O'Reilly, director, Ireland
- Brigid O'Shea, institutional, Germany
- Fionn O'Shea, actor, Ireland
- Aoife O'Sullivan, producer, Ireland
- Bianca Oana, producer, Romania
- Michael Obel, producer, Denmark more
- Birgit Oberkofler, institutional, Italy
- Bettina Oberli, director, Switzerland
- Davide Oberto, festival, Germany more
- Timm Oberwelland, producer, Germany
- Andrea Occhipinti, distributor/exhibitor, Italy more
- Karel Och, institutional, Czech Republic
- Baran bo Odar, director, Germany more
- Egil Ødegård, producer, Norway more
- May Odeh, producer, Palestinian Territories more
- Isabella Odoffin, casting director, United Kingdom
- Vladlen Odudenko, production designer, Ukraine more
- David Oelhoffen, director, France
- Ian Oggenfuss, cinematographer, Switzerland
- Piotr Ogiński, editor, Poland more
- Prof. Zrinko Ogresta, director, Croatia
- Azra Deniz Okyay, director, Turkey
- Ólafur Darri Ólafsson, actor, Iceland more
- Thomas Oláh, costume designer, Germany more
- Camilla Olai-Lindblom, costume designer, Sweden
- Zuhal Olcay, actress, Turkey more
- William Oldroyd, director, United Kingdom more
- Egor Olesov, producer, Ukraine
- Dr Michał Oleszczyk, screenwriter, Poland
- Ivan Olgiati, producer, Italy more
- Margreth Olin, director, Norway
- Helen Olive, producer, France more
- Melanie Ann Oliver, editor, United Kingdom
- Roberto Olla, institutional, Italy
- Etienne Ollagnier, distributor/exhibitor, France
- Christina Olofson, director, Sweden more
- Jonathan Olsberg, producer, United Kingdom
- Carl Olsson, director, Sweden more
- Claes Olsson, director, Finland
- Iris Olsson, director, Finland
- Sophia Maria Catarina Olsson, cinematographer, Sweden
- Julita Olszewska, screenwriter, Poland
- Bogdan Theodor Olteanu, director, Romania
- Yves-Marie Omnes, sound designer, France
- David Ondříček, director, Czech Republic more
- Emma Onrust, talent agent, The Netherlands
- Floor Onrust, producer, The Netherlands more
- Daria Onyshchenko Gold, director, Ukraine more
- Evalotte Oosterop, hair & make-up artist, The Netherlands
- Zala Opara, producer, Slovenia more
- Nadir Öperli, producer, Turkey
- Stine Oppegaard, institutional, Norway more
- Joshua Oppenheimer, director, Denmark
- Iiris Orasmaa, director, Finland more
- Mika Orasmaa, cinematographer, Finland
- Lise Orheim Stender, producer, Denmark
- Yuval Orr, editor, Israel
- France Orsenne, producer, Germany
- David Ortiz, producer, Spain
- Joachim Ortmanns, producer, Germany more
- Katarzyna Orysiak-Marrison, distributor/exhibitor, Poland
- Lawrence Osborne, screenwriter, United Kingdom
- Roman Osin, cinematographer, United Kingdom
- Sara Margrethe Oskal, director, Norway more
- Jesper Osmund, editor, Denmark
- Ruben Östlund, director, Sweden
- Arsen Anton Ostojic, director, Croatia
- Marianne Ostrat, producer, Estonia more
- Pavlo Ostrikov, director, Ukraine more
- Ivan Ostrochovský, director, Slovakia more
- Petr Ostrouchov, composer, Czech Republic more
- Hrvoje Osvadić, producer, Croatia more
- Andrea Osvárt, actress, Hungary more
- Gábor Osváth, producer, Hungary more
- Christoph Ott, distributor/exhibitor, Germany more
- Volker Otte, institutional, Germany
- Iris Ruchama Otten, producer, The Netherlands
- Stephan Ottenbruch, festival, Germany more
- Martin Otterbeck, cinematographer, Norway
- Andrea Berentsen Ottmar, producer, Norway
- Petr Oukropec, producer, Czech Republic
- Amir Ovadia Steklov, director, Germany more
- Amaury Ovise, producer, France
- Ed Owles, producer, United Kingdom more
- Zeynep Özbatur Atakan, producer, Turkey more
- Barış Özbiçer, cinematographer, Turkey
- Ceylan Özgün Özçelik, director, Turkey more
- Asli Özge, director, Germany
- Abdullah Emre Öztürk, actor, Germany more
- Harald Gunnar Paalgard, cinematographer, Norway
- Marie Paccou, director, France more
- Piotr Pacek, actor, Poland
- Valerie Pachner, actress, Austria
- Klaudia Pachuta, producer, Poland
- Alessandro Padovani, screenwriter, Italy more
- Luca Padrini, director, Italy more
- Amedeo Pagani, producer, Italy
- Simona Paggi, editor, Italy
- Niels Pagh Andersen, editor, Denmark more
- Arturo Paglia, producer, Italy more
- Marie-Lou Pahud, institutional, Switzerland more
- Jérôme Paillard, festival, France
- Izabela Pająk, editor, Poland more
- Jerzy Palacz, cinematographer, Austria
- Donatella Palermo, producer, Italy
- Hynek Pallas, critic / journalist, Sweden
- Lilja Pálmadóttir, producer, Iceland
- Pilar Palomero, director, Spain more
- Aliaksei Paluyan, director, Belarus
- Rune Palving, technician, Denmark more
- Stavros Pamballis, screenwriter, Cyprus more
- Zinos Panagiotides S.A., distributor/exhibitor, Greece
- Panagiotis Panagopoulos, critic / journalist, Greece
- Silvia Panáková, producer, Slovakia more
- Penny Panayotopoulou, director, Greece
- Marius Panduru, cinematographer, Romania more
- Tudor Panduru, cinematographer, Romania
- Federica Paniccia, producer, Italy more
- Stefan Pannen, producer, Germany
- Tim Pannen, production designer, Germany
- Isabelle Pannetier, costume designer, France
- Sabine Panossian, cinematographer, Austria
- Themis Panou, actor, Greece more
- Jugoslav Pantelić, institutional, Serbia more
- Marcello Paolillo, producer, Italy more
- Laura Paolucci, screenwriter, Italy
- Keti Papadema, festival, Cyprus
- Solon Papadopoulos, producer, United Kingdom more
- Panos Papahadzis, producer, Greece more
- Lena Papaligoura, actress, Greece more
- Phedon Papamichael, ASC, GSC, cinematographer, Greece more
- Florenc Papas, director, Albania more
- Jorgo Papavassiliou, director, Greece more
- Jana Pape, cinematographer, Germany
- Angeliki Papoulia, actress, Greece more
- Pia Paprzik, hair & make-up artist, Germany
- John Pardue, cinematographer, United Kingdom
- Almudena Parejo Amor, actress, Spain
- Torstein Parelius, producer, Norway more
- Andrea Paris, producer, Italy
- Raymond Parizer, producer, France
- Isabella Parkinson, actress, Germany
- Laure Parleani, int'l sales agent, France
- Diana Păroiu, producer, Romania more
- Heike Parplies, editor, Germany
- Alain Parroni, director, Italy
- Bahar Pars, actress, Sweden
- Emanuel Pârvu, director, Romania more
- Luiza Pârvu, director, Romania more
- Selahattin Paşalı, actor, Turkey
- Katia Pascariu, actress, Romania
- Carlos Pasini-Hansen, producer, United Kingdom more
- Uberto Pasolini, producer, United Kingdom
- Angelo Pasquini, screenwriter, Italy
- Isona Passola, producer, Spain
- Jonatán Pastirčák, composer, Slovakia
- Carles Pastor Parés, producer, Spain more
- Alessandra Pastore, institutional, Italy more
- Feliks Pastusiak, producer, Poland
- Andy Paterson, producer, United Kingdom
- Kaisa Pätilä, hair & make-up artist, Finland
- Markku Pätilä, production designer, Finland
- Harry Patramanis, director, Greece
- Mário Patrocínio, director, Portugal
- Ursula Patzak, costume designer, Italy
- Christiane Paul, actress, Germany
- Roman Paul, producer, Germany
- Magnus Paulsson, producer, Sweden more
- Tobias Pausinger, institutional, Germany more
- Tomislav Pavlic, editor, Croatia
- Dr. Aleš Pavlin, producer, Slovenia more
- Jure Pavlović, director, Croatia
- Laura Pawela Kolankiewicz, editor, Poland
- Justyna Pawlak, producer, Poland
- Paweł Pawlikowski, director, United Kingdom
- Maciej Pawliński, editor, Poland
- Neil Pearson, actor, United Kingdom
- Matteo Pecorara, producer, Italy
- Anne Pedersen, costume designer, Norway
- Charlotte Pedersen, producer, Denmark
- Egil Pedersen, director, Norway
- Hálfdan Lárus Pedersen, production designer, Iceland
- Jonas Pedersen Hardebrant, distributor/exhibitor, Sweden
- Jacques Pedersen, sound designer, Denmark
- Nivi Pedersen, director, Greenland
- Gianfilippo Pedote, producer, Italy more
- Elena Pedrazzoli, producer, Switzerland
- Marina Pedreño, costume designer, Spain more
- Laura Pedro, visual effects supervisor, Spain more
- Federico Pedroni, festival, Italy more
- Adela Peeva, director, Bulgaria more
- Mees Peijnenburg, director, The Netherlands more
- Bárbara Peiró Aso, producer, Spain
- Robert Adrian Pejo, director, Hungary more
- Christina Pelekani, institutional, Greece more
- Borja Pena, producer, Spain
- Snežana Penev, producer, Serbia
- Evelin Penttilä, producer, Estonia
- Liisa Penttilä-Asikainen, producer, Finland
- Mark Peploe, screenwriter, United Kingdom
- Dimitris Peponis, editor, Greece more
- Nikos Perakis, director, Greece more
- Marina Perales Marhuenda, producer, France more
- Paulo Peralta, critic / journalist, Portugal more
- Damián Perea Lezcano, director, Spain more
- Nahuel Perez Biscayart, actor, France
- Pedro Pérez Fernández De La Puente, producer, Spain
- Antonio Pérez Pérez, producer, Spain more
- Lissy Pernthaler, actress, Germany more
- Emile Hertling Péronard, producer, Greenland more
- Mirko Perri, sound designer, Italy more
- Simon Perry, producer, United Kingdom
- Mikael Persbrandt, actor, Sweden
- Marten Persiel, director, Portugal more
- Milan Peschel, actor, Germany
- Andrea Peters, costume designer, Germany
- Caroline Peters, actress, Austria
- Elin Petersdottir, actress, Iceland more
- Anke Petersen, producer, Germany
- Leontine Petit, producer, The Netherlands
- Savina Petkova, critic / journalist, Bulgaria
- Vladan Petković, critic / journalist, Serbia more
- Sandro Petraglia, screenwriter, Italy more
- Kristian Petri, director, Sweden
- Vlad Petri, director, Romania more
- Dr. Sotiris Petridis, screenwriter, Greece more
- Titas Petrikis, composer, Lithuania
- Rūta Petronytė, producer, Lithuania more
- Martin I. Petrov, festival, United Kingdom
- Milena Z. Petrovic, editor, Serbia more
- Anna Petrus, director, Spain more
- Frank Petzold, visual effects supervisor, Germany more
- Metod Pevec, director, Slovenia
- Cecilia Pezzini, int'l sales agent, Germany
- Ana Pfaff, editor, Spain more
- Ella Pham, int'l sales agent, United Kingdom
- Barbara Philipp, actress, Germany
- Nora Philippe, institutional, France more
- Dries Phlypo, producer, Belgium
- Hanne Phlypo, director, Belgium
- Matteo Pianezzi, festival, Italy
- Urszula Piasecka, distributor/exhibitor, Poland more
- Bartłomiej Piasek, editor, Poland
- Ewa Piaskowska, producer, Poland
- Antonio Piazza, director, Italy
- Joanna Piechotta, cinematographer, Poland more
- Herman Pieëte, sound designer, The Netherlands more
- Karol Piekarczyk, festival, Poland more
- Marcin Pieńkowski, festival, Poland
- Joyce Pierpoline, producer, France more
- Bartosz Pietras, editor, Poland
- Suzel Pietri, institutional, France
- Aleksander Pietrzak, director, Poland
- Martin Piga, editor, Slovakia
- Janine Piguet, actress, Switzerland more
- Claire Pijman NSC, cinematographer, The Netherlands more
- Biene Pilavci, director, Germany more
- Katarina Pilić, costume designer, Croatia more
- Matthias Pilz, cinematographer, United Kingdom
- Manuela Pineschi, institutional, Italy more
- Artur Pinheiro, production designer, Portugal more
- Gertrud Pinkus, director, Switzerland
- Nicola Piovani, composer, Italy
- Marios Piperides, director, Cyprus
- Nenad Pirnat, editor, Serbia
- Yorgos Pirpassopoulos, actor, Greece
- Bruno Pischiutta, director, Italy more
- Theofano Pitsillidou, production designer, Cyprus
- Klearchos Pittas, institutional, Greece
- Nathalie Pitters, cinematographer, United Kingdom
- Pivio, composer, Italy more
- Alexis Place, sound designer, Belgium
- Andrei Plakhov, institutional, Russian Federation
- Jérôme Plan, distributor/exhibitor, France
- Carlota Planas i Silva, institutional, Spain
- Jenny Planthaber, talent agent, Sweden
- Tudor Platon, director, Romania more
- Nikos Platyrachos, composer, Greece more
- Iva Plemić Divjak, producer, Serbia
- Wolf Plesmann, institutional, Germany more
- Kajetan Plis, cinematographer, Poland
- Jana Plodková, actress, Czech Republic more
- Izabela Plucinska, director, Germany
- Marco Poccioni, producer, Italy
- Paco Poch, producer, Spain
- Dieter Pochlatko, producer, Austria
- Ewa Podgórska, director, Poland
- Lija Pogačnik, producer, Slovenia
- Gergely Pohárnok, cinematographer, Hungary
- Jonas Poher Rasmussen, director, Denmark
- Tatu Pohjavirta, director, Finland more
- Elina Pohjola, institutional, Finland
- Patricia Poienaru, producer, Romania
- Claude-Eric Poiroux, distributor/exhibitor, France
- Dina Pokrajac, distributor/exhibitor, Croatia more
- Mikołaj Pokromski, producer, Poland more
- Waldemar Pokromski, hair & make-up artist, Poland
- Tereza Polachová, producer, Czech Republic
- Sacha Polak, director, The Netherlands
- Roman Polanski, director, France
- Ayşe Polat, director, Germany
- Murat Polat, hair & make-up artist, Turkey
- Nefes Polat, producer, Turkey more
- Sevda Polat, actress, Germany more
- Tymur Polianskyi, composer, Ukraine more
- Federica Polidoro, critic / journalist, Italy more
- Adrian Politowski, producer, Belgium
- Boleslav Polívka, actor, Czech Republic
- Chiara Polizzi, casting director, Italy more
- Marco Pollini, director, Italy
- Asaph Polonsky, director, Israel
- Christy Polydorou, costume designer, Cyprus more
- Anna Pomara, institutional, Italy more
- Giovanni Pompili, producer, Italy more
- Andrey Ponkratov, production designer, Russian Federation
- Mariia Ponomarova, director, The Netherlands
- Queralt Pons Serra, distributor/exhibitor, Spain
- Frédéric Ponsard, critic / journalist, France
- Guendalina Ponti, institutional, Italy
- Constantin Popescu, director, Romania
- Marta Popivoda, director, Serbia more
- Alexei Popogrebsky, director, Russian Federation
- Fedor Popov, producer, Russian Federation
- Stole Popov, director, North Macedonia
- Dr. Erik Poppe, director, Norway more
- Ger Poppelaars, director, The Netherlands
- Enzo Porcelli, producer, Italy more
- Edward Porembny, producer, Poland more
- Katrin Pors, producer, Denmark
- Natalie Portman, actress, Israel
- Rachel Portman, composer, United Kingdom
- Corneliu Porumboiu, director, Romania
- Juris Poskus, director, Latvia
- Jani Pösö, producer, Finland
- Christian Potalivo, producer, Denmark
- Keith Potter, producer, United Kingdom
- José María Pou, actor, Spain more
- John Powell, composer, United Kingdom
- Derek Power, producer, United Kingdom
- Miléna Poylo, producer, France
- Alma Pöysti, actress, Finland
- Beata Poźniak, actress, Poland more
- Suzanne Pradel, institutional, Germany more
- José Maria Prado, institutional, Spain
- Johan Pram, sound designer, Norway
- Anna Maria Praßler, screenwriter, Germany
- Cora Pratz, production designer, Germany
- Zbigniew Preisner, composer, Poland
- Noemi Preiswerk, editor, Switzerland more
- Aner Preminger, director, Israel
- Viola Prestieri, producer, Italy
- Jakob Preuss, director, Germany
- Prof. Alessandra Priante, institutional, Italy
- Cristina Priarone, institutional, Italy more
- Erwin Prib, production designer, Germany more
- Lukas Pribyl, director, Czech Republic
- Tommy Pridnig, producer, Austria
- Tristan Priimägi, critic / journalist, Estonia more
- Giorgia Priolo, producer, Italy more
- Tom Prior, actor, United Kingdom more
- Beki Probst, distributor/exhibitor, Switzerland
- Domenico Procacci, producer, Italy
- Radim Procházka, producer, Czech Republic more
- Anna Próchniak, actress, Poland more
- Asimina Proedrou, director, Greece
- Roberto Proia, producer, Italy more
- Serhiy Prokopenko, sound designer, Ukraine more
- Aiken Veronika Prosenc, producer, Slovenia more
- Valentina Provini, cinematographer, Switzerland
- Martin Provost, director, France
- Rebecca Pruzan, producer, Denmark
- Jonathan Pryce, actor, United Kingdom
- Marios Psaras, institutional, Cyprus
- Elina Psykou, director, Greece
- Marco Simon Puccioni, director, Italy more
- Marco Valerio Pugini, producer, Italy
- Nenad Puhovski, producer, Croatia
- Carme Puig, institutional, Spain
- Juanjo Puigcorbé, actor, Spain more
- Anca Puiu, producer, Romania
- Cristi Puiu, director, Romania
- María Luisa Pujol Canals, institutional, Spain more
- Edvinas Pukšta, festival, Lithuania
- Andrea Purgatori, screenwriter, Italy
- Mirsad Purivatra, institutional, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Jaana Puskala, institutional, Finland
- Ewa Puszczyńska, producer, Poland
- Ferenc Pusztai, producer, Hungary
- Bartosz Szymon Putkiewicz, sound designer, Poland
- Jacopo Quadri, editor, Italy more
- Josep María Queraltó, institutional, Spain more
- Nelly Quettier, editor, France
- Patrick Quinet, producer, Belgium
- Elio Quiroga Rodriguez, director, Spain
- Nicolas Rabaeus, composer, Switzerland
- Malika Rabahallah, institutional, Germany more
- Marten Rabarts, institutional, The Netherlands more
- Micky Rabinovitz, producer, Israel
- Evelyn Rack, editor, Germany more
- Sarah Radclyffe, producer, United Kingdom more
- Nadja Radojevic, institutional, Germany
- Marcin Radomski, critic / journalist, Poland
- Damjan Radovanović, cinematographer, Serbia more
- Andreas Radtke, editor, Germany
- Martón Ragályi, cinematographer, Hungary
- Fatih Rağbet, sound designer, The Netherlands more
- Mandy Rahn, institutional, Germany
- Aage Rais, director, Denmark more
- Alessandro Raja, institutional, Italy
- Rea Rajčić, producer, Croatia
- Gábor Rajna, producer, Hungary
- Alessandro Rak, director, Italy
- Marta Ramírez González, producer, Spain
- Charlotte Rampling, actress, United Kingdom
- Ludovica Rampoldi, screenwriter, Italy
- Agnieszka Ramu, producer, Switzerland
- Roger Randall-Cutler, producer, United Kingdom more
- Andrea Randazzo, producer, Italy
- Ulrika Rang, editor, Sweden more
- Jari Olavi Rantala, screenwriter, Finland more
- Jussi Rantamäki, producer, Finland more
- Georgette Ranucci, distributor/exhibitor, Italy
- Noomi Rapace, actress, Sweden
- Lorenzo Rapetti, producer, Italy
- Panagiotis Rappas, director, Greece more
- Stavros Raptis, casting director, Greece more
- Ene Katrine Rasmussen, institutional, Denmark
- Manon Rasmussen, costume designer, Denmark
- Gioia Raspé, costume designer, Germany more
- Dimitri Rassam, producer, France
- Anne Ratte-Polle, actress, Germany
- Martin Rattini, producer, Italy more
- Eilon Ratzkovsky, producer, Israel
- Jussi Rautaniemi, editor, Finland more
- Michèle Ray-Gavras, producer, France
- Emmanuel-Alain Raynal, producer, France
- Julien Razafindranaly, int'l sales agent, Germany more
- Marina Razbezhkina, director, Russian Federation
- Marija Razgutė, producer, Lithuania more
- Stefano Reali, director, Italy
- Peeter Rebane, director, Estonia more
- José Luís Rebordinos, institutional, Spain
- Lucia Recalde Langarica, institutional, Belgium
- Marc Recha, director, Spain more
- Juri Rechinsky, director, Austria more
- Declan Recks, director, Ireland
- Maryanne Redpath, festival, Germany
- Adrianna Rędzia, producer, Poland more
- Benjamin Ree, director, Norway
- Øistein Refseth, distributor/exhibitor, Norway more
- Dr. Noa Regev, institutional, Israel
- Julie-Jeanne Régnault, institutional, Belgium more
- Anita Reher, festival, Denmark more
- Lena Rehnberg, producer, Sweden
- Anita Rehoff Larsen, producer, Norway more
- Peter Reichenbach, producer, Switzerland
- Thomas Reichlin, producer, Switzerland
- Thomas Reider, screenwriter, Austria
- Antoine Rein, producer, France
- Raoul Reinert, producer, Germany more
- Renate Reinsve, actress, Norway
- Piotr Adam Reisch, producer, Poland
- Niki Reiser, composer, Switzerland
- Sophie Reiter, editor, France more
- Prof. Bettina Reitz, producer, Germany
- Prof. Dr. Edgar Reitz, director, Germany
- Klementina Remeikaitė, producer, Lithuania
- Amaia Remírez García, producer, Spain
- Filip Remunda, director, Czech Republic
- Guy Renardeau, composer, France more
- Sasha Rendulic, cinematographer, Croatia more
- Jean Reno, actor, France
- Gilles Renouard, institutional, France
- Katrin Renz, producer, Germany
- Tommaso Renzoni, screenwriter, Italy
- Christine Repond, director, Switzerland
- Anastasia Reshetnikova, actress, The Netherlands more
- Karina Ressler, editor, Austria
- Thekla Reuten, actress, The Netherlands
- Jasmin Reuter, composer, Germany
- Michael Reuter, producer, Germany
- Steffen Reuter, producer, Germany
- Yael Reuveny, director, Germany more
- Johannes Rexin, producer, Germany more
- Francisco Reyes, actor, Spain
- Fikret Reyhan, director, Turkey
- Bulut Reyhanoğlu, producer, Turkey more
- Jean-Christophe Reymond, producer, France
- Véronique Reymond, director, Switzerland more
- Philippe Reynaert, festival, Belgium more
- Emer Reynolds, editor, Ireland
- David Rhodes, composer, United Kingdom
- Vladyslav Riashyn, producer, Ukraine more
- Elias Ribeiro, producer, Ireland
- João Ribeiro, cinematographer, Portugal
- Giovanna Ribes, producer, Spain more
- Lila Ribi, director, Switzerland
- Anna-Sophia Richard, director, Germany
- Simon Richards D.O.P., cinematographer, United Kingdom more
- Marina Richter, critic / journalist, Austria more
- Max Richter, composer, Germany
- René Richter, cinematographer, Germany more
- Stephan Richter, director, Austria more
- MA Valeria Richter, institutional, Denmark more
- Wolfgang Richter, director, Germany more
- Roxana Richters, producer, Germany more
- Pia Rickman, director, United Kingdom more
- Jonathan Ricquebourg , cinematographer, France
- Kim Riedle, actress, Germany
- Mikael Chr. Rieks, producer, Denmark
- Katja Riemann, actress, Germany
- Antonio Riestra, cinematographer, Czech Republic
- Stéphane Riethauser, director, Germany more
- Dita Rietuma, critic / journalist, Latvia
- Jacqueline Rietz, casting director, Germany more
- Petr Říha, editor, Czech Republic
- Oliver Rihs, director, Switzerland
- Eran Riklis, director, Israel
- Michael Riley, producer, United Kingdom more
- Gian-Piero Ringel, producer, Germany more
- Tormod Ringnes, sound designer, Norway
- Jaume Ripoll Vaquer, distributor/exhibitor, Spain more
- Esko Rips, producer, Estonia
- Alexander Ris, producer, Germany
- Marc Rißmann, actor, Germany more
- Mariëtte Rissenbeek, institutional, Germany more
- Lazar Ristovski, actor, Serbia more
- Mika Ritalahti, producer, Finland
- Merja Ritola, producer, Finland more
- Susanne Ritter, casting director, Germany more
- Thorsten Ritter, int'l sales agent, Germany
- Margrit Ritzmann, producer, Switzerland
- Edon Rizvanolli, director, Kosovo more
- Giovanni Robbiano, screenwriter, Italy more
- Eve Robin, producer, France
- Estelle Robin You, producer, France more
- Nina Robnik, producer, Slovenia
- Stefania Rocca, actress, Italy more
- Edmon Roch Colom, producer, Spain
- Andreas Rocksén, producer, Sweden more
- Julian Rodd, editor, United Kingdom more
- Silke Rodenbach, talent agent, Germany
- Franz Rodenkirchen, institutional, Germany more
- Maggie Rodford, producer, United Kingdom
- Valeria Rodnianski, institutional, Russian Federation
- Alexander Rodnyansky, producer, Russian Federation
- Gerard Rodríguez, producer, Spain
- Krum Rodriguez, cinematographer, Bulgaria
- Lilianne Rodríguez Nieto, producer, Spain more
- Luc Roeg, producer, United Kingdom
- Yoav Roeh, producer, Israel
- Joachim Roenning, director, Norway
- Annika Rogell, producer, Sweden more
- Franz Rogowski, actor, Germany
- Marko Röhr, producer, Finland
- Christian Röhrs, costume designer, Germany
- Alba Rohrwacher, actress, Italy
- Alice Rohrwacher, director, Italy
- Guillermo Rojas Rivadulla, screenwriter, Spain more
- Sonja Rom, cinematographer, Germany
- Raul Romanillos, visual effects supervisor, Spain
- Alexandros Romanos Lizardos, critic / journalist, Greece
- Henryk Romanowski, producer, Poland
- Xavier Rombaut, producer, Belgium more
- Evi Romen, editor, Austria more
- Andrea Romeo, distributor/exhibitor, Italy more
- Fabian Römer, composer, Germany
- Rosa Romero, producer, United Kingdom
- Patricia Rommel, editor, Germany more
- Giovanni Romoli, screenwriter, Italy
- Alvaro Ron, director, Spain
- Elisabet Ronaldsdóttir, editor, Iceland more
- Nicolas Ronchi, casting director, France more
- Łukasz Ronduda, director, Poland
- Mika Ronkainen, director, Finland more
- Antony Root, producer, United Kingdom
- Dorota Roqueplo, costume designer, Poland
- Hugo Rosak, festival, Czech Republic more
- Jaime Rosales, director, Spain
- Ivana Roščić, actress, Croatia more
- Roger Rosenberg, production designer, Sweden more
- Johannes Rosenberger, producer, Austria
- David Rosier, producer, France
- Valéry Rosier, director, Belgium
- Otto Rosing, director, Denmark more
- Juha Rosma, director, Finland
- Tessa Ross, producer, United Kingdom
- Marisella Rossetti, festival, Belgium more
- Alexandra Rossi, distributor/exhibitor, Italy
- Catia Rossi, int'l sales agent, Italy
- Corinne Rossi, distributor/exhibitor, Switzerland
- Christophe Rossignon, producer, France
- Lot Rossmark, editor, The Netherlands
- Benjamin Rost, director, Germany
- Łukasz Rostkowski, composer, Poland
- Dorota Roszkowska, producer, Poland
- Dana Rotberg, director, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Marc Rothemund, director, Germany
- Dr. Rainer Rother, institutional, Germany
- Jonas Rothlaender, director, Germany more
- Julius Pollux Rothlaender, composer, Germany
- Esther Rots, director, The Netherlands
- Linn Rott, institutional, Austria more
- Enis Rotthoff, composer, Germany
- Monica Rottmeyer, production designer, Switzerland more
- Donato Rotunno, producer, Luxembourg more
- Brigitte Roüan, actress, France
- Jaume Roures Llop, producer, Spain
- Bet Rourich, cinematographer, Spain
- Heleen Rouw, festival, The Netherlands
- Sonia Rovai, producer, Italy
- Matteo Rovere, director, Italy
- Scott Roxborough, critic / journalist, Germany
- Rajendra Roy, institutional, United States more
- Tucké Royale, actor, Germany more
- Vassilia Rozana, costume designer, Greece more
- Mila Rozanova, producer, Russian Federation
- Marek Rozenbaum, producer, Israel more
- Michael Rozenbaum, producer, Israel
- Brigita Rozenbrika, producer, Latvia
- Vuk Ršumović, director, Serbia
- Michel Rubén, producer, Spain
- Matthieu Rubin, producer, Switzerland more
- Dan-Ștefan Rucăreanu, sound designer, Romania more
- Marianna Rudas, editor, Hungary
- Jon Rudberg, cinematographer, Sweden more
- Susann Rüdlinger, producer, Switzerland more
- Belén Rueda, actress, Spain
- Orlin Ruevski, cinematographer, Bulgaria
- Nicola Ruffo, institutional, Switzerland more
- Andreas Ruft, sound designer, Germany more
- Dennis Ruh, institutional, Germany more
- Siemen Rühaak, actor, Germany
- Martin Ruhe, cinematographer, Germany
- Alauda Ruiz de Azúa, director, Spain more
- Xavier Ruiz, producer, Switzerland
- Dr. Stefan Rüll, institutional, Germany more
- Rúnar Rúnarsson, director, Iceland
- Liana Ruokytė-Jonsson, institutional, Lithuania more
- Ester Nyakato Rüppel, hair & make-up artist, Germany
- Zaza Rusadze, director, Georgia more
- Petro Rusanienko, actor, Ukraine
- Jan Ruschke, editor, Germany more
- PhD. Elena Rusinova, institutional, Russian Federation
- Antoine Russbach, director, Switzerland
- Lucy Russell, actress, United Kingdom more
- Lisa Marie Russo, producer, United Kingdom
- Rosa Russo, producer, United Kingdom
- Kanan Rustamli, composer, Azerbaijan
- Lala Rustamova, producer, Azerbaijan
- Jožko Rutar, producer, Slovenia
- Roberta Rutigliano, critic / journalist, Italy more
- Jonathan Rutter, talent agent, United Kingdom
- Dmitry Ruzhentsev, producer, Russian Federation more
- Louise Ryan, institutional, Ireland
- Robert Ryan, cinematographer, Ireland
- Simona Rybáková, costume designer, Czech Republic more
- Patrick Ryborn, producer, Sweden
- Tereza Rychnovská, institutional, Czech Republic
- Karin Rywkind Segal, festival, Israel
- Anna Rzeźniczek, production designer, Poland
- Beata Rzeźniczek, producer, Poland
- Espen Rønning, sound designer, Norway
- Lasse Saarinen, producer, Finland more
- Pilar Saavedra Perrotta, producer, Italy
- Lihi Sabag, festival, Israel
- Dr. Agostino Saccà, producer, Italy more
- Dr. Giuseppe Saccà, producer, Italy more
- Fabrizia Sacchi, actress, Italy
- Martin Sacha, cinematographer, Czech Republic
- José Sacristán Turiégano, actor, Spain
- Gilles Sacuto, producer, France
- Jiří Sádek, producer, Czech Republic
- Benjamin Sadler, actor, Germany
- Jarosław Sadowski, sound designer, Poland
- Yngve Sæther, producer, Norway
- Ludivine Sagnier, actress, France
- Latifa Saïd, director, France
- Marcela Said, director, France
- Federica Sainte-Rose, producer, France more
- Marco Saitta, sound designer, Italy more
- Kira Saksaganskaya, producer, Russian Federation
- Kolja Saksida, producer, Slovenia more
- Joan Sala, distributor/exhibitor, Spain
- Ayhan Salar, cinematographer, Germany more
- Ivan Salatić, director, Montenegro more
- Ayaz Salayev, director, Azerbaijan
- Ignacio Salazar-Simpson, producer, Spain
- Viktoria Salcher, producer, Austria
- Elisa Saldaña Martínez, producer, Spain
- Ricard Sales Lacima, producer, Spain
- Ulaa Salim, director, Denmark
- Arttu Salmi, editor, United Kingdom more
- Iikka Salminen, cinematographer, United Kingdom more
- Risto Salomaa, producer, Finland
- Sten-Kristian Saluveer, institutional, Estonia
- Ola Salwa, critic / journalist, Poland
- Joseph Samaan, producer, Greece
- Laura Samani, director, Italy
- Annamaria Sambucco, casting director, Italy
- Yasemin Şamdereli, director, Germany more
- Dionysios Samiotis, producer, Greece
- Mr. Samir, director, Switzerland more
- Bartholomew Sammut, festival, Malta
- Alla Samoilenko, casting director, Ukraine
- Elad Samorzik, festival, Israel more
- Baltasar Breki Samper, actor, Iceland more
- Martín Samper, director, Spain
- Rasa Samuolytė, actress, Lithuania
- Victor Manuel San José Sanchez, producer, Spain
- Daniel Sánchez Arévalo, director, Spain more
- Pilar Sánchez Díaz, cinematographer, Spain
- Enrique Sánchez Lansch, director, Germany
- Guillermo Sánchez Maldonado, editor, Spain
- Susana Sanchez, hair & make-up artist, Spain
- Espen Sandberg, director, Norway
- Matthew Sanders, critic / journalist, United Kingdom
- Gabriel Sandru, cinematographer, Switzerland
- Pernilla Sandström, producer, Sweden more
- Lamberto Sanfelice, director, Italy more
- Eva Sangiorgi, festival, Italy more
- Silvana Santamaria, producer, Germany more
- Tommaso Santambrogio, director, Italy
- Miguel Santesmases Navarro de Palencia, director, Spain more
- Marko Šantić, director, Croatia
- Pierre Santini, actor, France
- Gianluca Santoni, director, Italy
- Cosimo Santoro, int'l sales agent, Italy more
- Renata Santoro, festival, Italy more
- André Santos, director, Portugal more
- Tiago R. Santos, screenwriter, Portugal more
- Markéta Šantrochová, institutional, Czech Republic
- Elle Sofe Sara, director, Norway
- Christa Saredi, int'l sales agent, Switzerland more
- Maria Nevina Satta, institutional, Italy
- Anno Saul, director, Germany
- Valerie Edwina Saunders, director, Denmark more
- Antonio Saura, int'l sales agent, Spain more
- Igor Savychenko, producer, Ukraine more
- Jarosław Sawko, producer, Poland
- Michael Saxer, cinematographer, Switzerland more
- Greta Scacchi, actress, Italy
- Dr. Giacomo Scarpelli, screenwriter, Italy more
- Patrick Schaaf, institutional, Germany
- Prof. Thomas Schadt, director, Germany
- Michael Schaerer, director, Switzerland more
- Reto Schaerli, producer, Switzerland
- Astrid Schäfer, producer, Germany
- Angela Schanelec, director, Germany
- Jens Schanze, director, Germany more
- Christoph Schaub, director, Switzerland more
- Cyril Schäublin, director, Switzerland more
- Alexander Scheer, actor, Germany
- Philip Scheffner, director, Germany
- Chantal Scheiner, producer, Switzerland
- Sabine Schenk, producer, Germany
- Alexander Schepelern, visual effects supervisor, Denmark
- Peter Scherer, composer, Switzerland
- Jan Schermer, sound designer, The Netherlands
- Johanna Scherz, producer, Austria
- Marie Scherzer, director, Germany more
- Git Scheynius, festival, Sweden
- Clemens Schick, actor, Germany
- Benedikt Schiefer, composer, Germany more
- Joe Schievano, composer, Italy more
- Verena Schilling, producer, Germany more
- Laurette Schillings, producer, The Netherlands
- Delia Schiltknecht, director, Switzerland
- Jenny Schily, actress, Germany more
- Susann Schimk, producer, Germany
- Mischa Schiwow, institutional, Switzerland more
- Frieder Schlaich, producer, Germany more
- Ruth Schläpfer, editor, Switzerland
- Polina Schlicht, distributor/exhibitor, Germany
- Andreas Schlieter, talent agent, Germany
- Volker Schlöndorff, director, Germany
- Nicolas Schmerkin, producer, France
- Alice Schmid, director, Switzerland
- Aline Schmid, producer, Switzerland
- Johannes Schmid, director, Germany
- Rachel Schmid, institutional, Switzerland more
- Rolf Schmid, producer, Switzerland
- Marc Schmidheiny, producer, Germany
- Alexandra Schmidt, festival, Germany more
- Fabian Schmidt, sound designer, Germany more
- Marie-Luise Schmidt, talent agent, Germany
- Marion Schmidt, institutional, Germany more
- Nicklas Schmidt, composer, Denmark more
- Florian Schmidt-Prange, producer, Germany
- Delphine Schmit, producer, France
- Jasmine Schmit, hair & make-up artist, Luxembourg
- Susanne Schmitt, institutional, Germany
- Stefan Schmitz, producer, Spain
- Lutz Schmökel, talent agent, Germany more
- Hervé Schneid, A.C.E., editor, France
- Florian Schneider, producer, Germany more
- Mariejosephin Schneider, director, Germany
- Peter Schneider, actor, Germany more
- Peter Peter Schneidermann, composer, Denmark
- Axel Schneppat, cinematographer, Germany more
- Birte Schnöink, actress, Germany more
- Dario Schoch, producer, Switzerland more
- René Schoenenberger, actor, Switzerland
- Dr. Rudolf Scholten, institutional, Austria
- Lena Schömann, producer, Germany
- Jan Schomburg, director, Germany
- Hajo Schomerus, cinematographer, Germany
- Martina Schöne-Radunski, director, Germany
- Ruth Schönegge, editor, Germany
- Katriel Schory, institutional, Israel
- Noemi Schory, producer, Israel
- Uwe Schott, producer, Germany
- Maria Schrader, director, Germany more
- Prof. Dr. Andreas Schreitmüller, institutional, Germany
- Claudia Schröder, producer, Germany
- Laura Schroeder, director, Luxembourg more
- Johannes Schubert, producer, Austria more
- Katharina Marie Schubert, actress, Germany
- Stefan Schubert, producer, Germany more
- Thomas Schubert, actor, Austria
- Julia Schubiger, festival, Switzerland
- Albrecht Schuch, actor, Germany
- Elizabeth E. Schuch, production designer, United Kingdom more
- Uli M. Schueppel, director, Germany more
- Beatrice Schultz, production designer, Germany more
- Juliane Schulze, institutional, Germany
- Dirk Schürhoff, int'l sales agent, Germany more
- Katharina Schüttler, actress, Germany
- Bernhard Schütz, actor, Germany
- Günter Schwaiger, director, Austria
- Til Schweiger, actor, Germany
- Martin Schweighofer, institutional, Austria more
- Werner Schweizer, producer, Switzerland
- Mathias Schwerbrock, producer, Germany more
- Herbert Schwering, producer, Germany more
- Arndt Schwering-Sohnrey, actor, Germany more
- Ralph Schwingel, producer, Germany
- Corina Schwingruber Ilić, director, Switzerland more
- Christian Schwochow, director, Germany more
- Hanna Schygulla, actress, Germany
- Esmé Sciaroni, hair & make-up artist, Italy more
- Maurizio Sciarra, director, Italy
- Kenneth Scicluna, director, Malta more
- Tracey Scoffield, producer, United Kingdom
- Helen Scott, production designer, United Kingdom
- Ridley Scott, director, United Kingdom
- Kristin Scott Thomas, actress, France
- Carole Scotta, producer, France
- Joana Scrinzi, editor, Austria
- Andrea Scrosati, producer, Italy
- Martin Šec, cinematographer, Czech Republic
- Rok Sečen, producer, Slovenia more
- Denis Séchaud, sound designer, Switzerland
- Jacob Secher Schulsinger, editor, Denmark more
- Dagmar Sedláčková, producer, Czech Republic
- Michael Seeber, producer, Austria
- Lene Seested Johansen, talent agent, Denmark
- Norika Sefa, director, Kosovo more
- Tanya Seghatchian, producer, United Kingdom
- Ulrich Maria Seidl, director, Austria
- Jürgen Seidler, institutional, Germany more
- Pauline Seigland, producer, France more
- Emmanuelle Seigner, actress, France
- Benjamin Seikel, producer, Germany
- Akhtem Seitablaiev, director, Ukraine
- Cornelia Seitler, producer, Switzerland more
- Niels Sejer, production designer, Denmark
- Roland Sejko, director, Italy
- Nurhan Şekerci-Porst, producer, Germany
- Melih Selçuk, actor, Turkey
- Ivars Seleckis, director, Latvia
- Reinier Selen, producer, The Netherlands
- Simonida Selimović-Rosegger, actress, Austria
- Petra Seliškar, director, Slovenia
- Ian Sellar, director, United Kingdom
- Sergey Selyanov, producer, Russian Federation
- Prof. Bengi Semerci, festival, Turkey
- Prof. Dr. Stanislav Semerdjiev, screenwriter, Bulgaria
- Eric Senat, producer, United Kingdom
- Ena Sendijarević, director, The Netherlands
- Kristian Sensini, composer, Italy more
- Oleg Sentsov, director, Ukraine more
- Edith Sepp, institutional, Estonia more
- Mati Sepping, producer, Estonia
- Alina Șerban, director, Romania
- Andrzej Serdiukow, producer, Poland
- Konstantin Serebryakov, producer, Russian Federation
- Michael Seresin, cinematographer, United Kingdom
- Viorel Sergovici, cinematographer, Romania
- Sergei Serpuhov, producer, Latvia
- Nicola Serra, producer, Italy
- Sara Serraiocco, actress, Italy more
- Charlotte Serrand, festival, France
- Carmen Serrano Murillo, institutional, Spain
- Oliver Sertić, producer, Croatia more
- Toni Servillo, actor, Italy
- Rada Šešić, festival, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Roberto Sessa, producer, Italy
- Orlow Seunke, director, The Netherlands
- Ian Seymour, editor, United Kingdom more
- Anouk Shad, producer, Austria
- Karen Shakhnazarov, director, Russian Federation
- Mentor Shala, producer, Kosovo
- Faraz Shariat, director, Germany
- Chaim Sharir, producer, Israel
- Ben Sharrock, director, United Kingdom
- Oleksandr Shatkivskyi, sound designer, Ukraine
- Dror Shaul, director, Israel
- Christopher Sheppard, producer, United Kingdom
- Adrian Shergold, director, United Kingdom
- Jim Sheridan, director, Ireland more
- Naomi Sheridan, screenwriter, Ireland
- Viktor Shevchenko, producer, Ukraine
- Tolley Shields, distributor/exhibitor, United Kingdom
- Lisa Shiloach-Uzrad, institutional, Israel
- Annie Shipton, talent agent, United Kingdom
- Gerry Shirren, producer, Ireland
- Alik Shpilyuk, institutional, Ukraine more
- Judy Shrewsbury, costume designer, France
- Sergey Shustitskiy, composer, Russian Federation
- Kirill Shuvalov, production designer, Ukraine
- Ivan Shvedoff, actor, Czech Republic
- Yuriy Shylov, director, Ukraine
- Mohamed Siam, director, France more
- Radovan Síbrt, producer, Czech Republic more
- Dr. Julietta Sichel, producer, Czech Republic more
- Dounia Sichov, editor, France
- Jack Sidey, producer, United Kingdom
- Hubertus Siegert, director, Germany more
- Charlotte Sieling, director, Denmark
- David Sieveking, director, Germany
- Ingvar E. Sigurðsson, actor, Iceland more
- Áslaug Dröfn Sigurðardóttir, hair & make-up artist, Iceland
- Jukka-Pekka Siili, director, Finland
- Slobodan Šijan, director, Serbia more
- Ismet Sijarina, director, Kosovo
- David Silber, producer, Israel
- Riina Sildos, producer, Estonia
- Darius Šilėnas, editor, Lithuania more
- Inuk Silis Høegh, director, Greenland
- Adrian Silisteanu, cinematographer, Romania
- Leonor Silveira, actress, Portugal
- Aviva Silver, institutional, Belgium
- Georg Simbeni, institutional, Germany more
- Antoine Simkine, producer, France
- Salvador Simó Busom, director, Spain
- Alissa Simon, festival, United Kingdom
- Carla Simón, director, Spain
- Christopher Simon, producer, United Kingdom
- Jean-Christophe Simon, int'l sales agent, Germany
- Oliver Simon, producer, Germany more
- Uli Simon, costume designer, Luxembourg
- Balázs Simonyi, director, Hungary more
- Greer Simpkin, producer, Australia
- Andreas Sinanos, cinematographer, Greece
- Joshua Sinclair, screenwriter, Italy more
- Natalia Sinelnikova, director, Germany more
- Kati Sinisalo, critic / journalist, Finland more
- Digna Sinke, producer, The Netherlands
- Julia Sinkevych, festival, Ukraine
- Judit Sinkovics, costume designer, Hungary
- Dean Sinovčić, critic / journalist, Croatia
- Ebba Sinzinger, producer, Austria
- Gábor Sipos, producer, Hungary
- Orsolya Sipos, producer, Hungary
- Carlo Sironi, director, Italy more
- Youlika Skafida, actress, Greece
- Janusz Skałkowski, producer, Poland
- Martin Skalsky, director, Switzerland
- Tonje Skar Reiersen, producer, Norway
- Stellan Skarsgård, actor, Sweden
- Fani Skartouli, producer, Greece
- Ulla Skoglund, talent agent, Germany
- Jerzy Skolimowski, director, Poland
- Marko Škop, director, Slovakia more
- Prof. Vitaliy Skopelidis, hair & make-up artist, Ukraine more
- Stephen Cleon Skourtis, festival, Greece
- Tünde Skovrán, director, Romania
- Oskar Skriver, sound designer, Denmark
- Effie Skrobola, producer, Greece
- Cezary Skubiszewski, composer, Poland more
- Anita Skwara, institutional, Poland
- Jerzy Sladkowski, director, Poland
- Hanna Slak, director, Germany
- Maroš Šlapeta, editor, Slovakia
- Christopher Slaski, composer, United Kingdom more
- Nebojša Slijepčević, director, Croatia more
- Marianne Slot, producer, France more
- Marleen Slot, producer, The Netherlands
- Miloslav Šmídmajer, producer, Czech Republic
- Klaudia Śmieja, producer, Poland
- Avdotya Smirnova, screenwriter, Russian Federation
- Ielizaveta Smith, director, Ukraine
- Lisa Smith, producer, Germany
- Stefan Smith, sound designer, United Kingdom
- Ineke Smits, director, The Netherlands
- Nikos Smpiliris, producer, Greece
- Tina Smrekar, producer, Slovenia
- Kasia Smutniak, actress, Italy
- Vladimír Smutny, cinematographer, Czech Republic more
- Grace Snell, costume designer, United Kingdom
- Urszula Śniegowska, festival, Poland
- Lilja Ósk Snorradóttir, producer, Iceland
- Gísli Snær Erlingsson, director, Iceland more
- Daniel Soares, director, Portugal
- Marcin J. Sobczak, int'l sales agent, Poland
- Michał Sobociński, PSC, cinematographer, Poland more
- Tadeusz Sobolewski, critic / journalist, Poland
- Valeria Sochyvets, producer, Ukraine more
- Malin Söderlund, producer, Sweden more
- Johan Söderqvist, composer, Sweden
- Maria Sødahl, director, Norway
- Francis Kiko Soeder, production designer, Germany more
- Yanna Soentjens, sound designer, Belgium more
- Maryna Sofiichuk, producer, Ukraine more
- Andrijana Sofranić Šućur, producer, Serbia
- Mette Søgaard, distributor/exhibitor, Denmark more
- Albert Solé Bruset, director, Spain
- Joanna Solecka, institutional, Poland
- Boris Sollazzo, critic / journalist, Italy
- Ada Solomon, producer, Romania more
- Zoran Solomun, director, Germany more
- María Sólrún, director, Iceland
- Orsolya Soltész, editor, Hungary more
- Prof. Branko Sömen, screenwriter, Croatia
- Christian Sommer, institutional, Germany more
- Iris Sommerlatte, producer, Germany more
- Tom Sommerlatte, director, Germany more
- Franziska Sonder, producer, Switzerland
- Stella Sonková, production designer, Czech Republic more
- Tilya Damla Sönmez, actress, Turkey more
- Vic Carmen Sonne, actress, Denmark
- Zornitsa Sophia, producer, Bulgaria
- Jelena Sopić, production designer, Serbia
- Britt Sørensen, critic / journalist, Norway
- Rodrigo Sorogoyen, director, Spain
- Paolo Sorrentino, director, Italy
- Minna Sorvoja, casting director, Finland more
- Tonia Sotiropoulou, actress, Greece
- Matej Sotník, producer, Slovakia more
- Philip Sotnychenko, director, Ukraine
- Alba Sotorra Clua, producer, Spain more
- Lina Soualem, director, France more
- Igor Soukmanov, festival, Belarus
- Sebastian Soukup, production designer, Germany more
- Gilles Sousa, int'l sales agent, France
- Renée Soutendijk, actress, The Netherlands
- Michael Souvignier, producer, Germany
- Filip Šovagović, actor, Croatia
- Faysal Soysal, director, Turkey
- Melisa Sözen, actress, United Kingdom
- Marco Spagnoli, director, Italy more
- Fatmir Spahiu, producer, Kosovo
- Timothy Spall, actor, United Kingdom
- Mimmi Spång, producer, Sweden more
- Milan Spasić, cinematographer, Serbia
- Wieland Speck, director, Germany
- Jan Speckenbach, director, Germany more
- Heidi Specogna, director, Germany
- Clare Spencer, producer, United Kingdom
- Pierre Spengler, producer, United Kingdom
- Maria Speth, director, Germany
- Erica Spetzig, hair & make-up artist, Sweden
- Thierry Spicher, producer, Switzerland
- Anton Spielmann, composer, Austria
- Götz Spielmann, director, Austria
- Uta Spikermann, hair & make-up artist, Germany
- Evan Spiliotopoulos, screenwriter, Greece more
- Paolo Spina, producer, Italy
- Eva Spreitzhofer, director, Austria
- Martin Srebotnjak, director, Slovenia
- Vincas Sruoginis, director, Lithuania
- Susi Stach, actress, Austria more
- Prof. Heiner Stadler, director, Germany more
- Maurizius Staerkle Drux, sound designer, Switzerland more
- Jennifer Stahl, festival, Germany
- Jan Stahlberg, actor, Germany
- Andrea Staka, director, Switzerland
- Mira Staleva, institutional, Bulgaria
- Judit Stalter, producer, Hungary
- Reto Stamm, sound designer, Switzerland more
- Thomas Stammer, production designer, Germany
- Radu Stancu, producer, Romania more
- Călin Stănculescu, critic / journalist, Romania
- Rita Stanelytė, producer, Lithuania
- Jørgen Stangebye Larsen, production designer, Norway more
- Lilith Stangenberg, actress, Germany
- Alexander Stanishev, cinematographer, Bulgaria more
- Sergej Stanojkovski, director, Croatia more
- Katharina Stark, actress, Germany
- Małgorzata Staroń, producer, Poland
- Allan Starski, production designer, Poland
- Krzysztof Stasiak, sound designer, Poland more
- Piotr Stasik, director, Poland
- Aleksandra Staszko, costume designer, Poland more
- Elpida Stathatou, actress, Greece
- Birgit Stauber, actress, Germany more
- Konstantina Stavrianou, producer, Greece
- Marthe Belsvik Stavrum, composer, Norway
- Charles Steel, producer, United Kingdom
- Letitia Stefanescu, editor, Romania more
- Helga I. Stefánsdóttir, costume designer, Iceland
- Claudia Steffen, producer, Germany
- Britta Steffenhagen, actress, Germany
- Michael Steiger, producer, Switzerland more
- Francis Parker Stein, actor, France more
- Sylvia Steinbrecht Aleix, production designer, Spain
- Nicolas Steiner, director, Switzerland more
- Mode Steinkjer, critic / journalist, Norway more
- Michael Stejskal, distributor/exhibitor, Austria
- Sophie Stejskal, distributor/exhibitor, Austria
- Luciano Stella, distributor/exhibitor, Italy more
- Jos Stelling, director, The Netherlands
- Martin Stellman, screenwriter, United Kingdom
- Yvonne Stenberg, sound designer, Norway
- Veronika Stepanchuk, producer, Ukraine more
- Sergiy Stepansky, sound designer, Ukraine more
- Rastislav Steranka, institutional, Slovakia
- George Stergiakis, distributor/exhibitor, Greece
- Christos Stergioglou, actor, Greece more
- Serhiy Stetsenko, cinematographer, Ukraine more
- Gail Stevens, casting director, United Kingdom
- Jovana Stević, festival, Serbia
- Ilya Stewart, producer, Russian Federation more
- Olivia Stewart, producer, United Kingdom
- Ross Stewart, director, Ireland more
- Prof. Martin Steyer, sound designer, Germany more
- Laila Stieler, screenwriter, Germany
- Bojan Stijović, director, Montenegro more
- Jenny Stjernströmer Björk, distributor/exhibitor, Sweden
- Marica Stocchi, producer, Italy
- Greta Stocklassa, director, Czech Republic
- Tania Stöcklin, editor, Switzerland more
- Hannes Stöhr, director, Germany more
- Nicky Stoichkov, director, Bulgaria more
- Dr. Marijana Stoisits, institutional, Austria more
- Karla Stojáková, producer, Czech Republic more
- Marija Stojanović, producer, Serbia more
- Milan Stojanović, producer, Serbia more
- Tomislav Stojanović, editor, Croatia
- Lucija Stojevic, director, Spain
- Walter Stokman, director, The Netherlands
- Oliver Stoltz, producer, Germany
- Alexandra Stone, producer, United Kingdom
- Gaute Storaas, composer, Norway
- Heather Storr, technician, United Kingdom
- Karsten Stöter, producer, Germany more
- Armaveni Stoyanova, costume designer, Bulgaria more
- Galya Stoyanova, director, Bulgaria
- Pekka Strang, actor, Finland more
- Ivan Strasburg, cinematographer, United Kingdom
- Napoleon Stratogiannakis, editor, United Kingdom
- Peter Straughan, screenwriter, United Kingdom
- Anjorka Strechel, actress, Germany more
- Iza Strehar, screenwriter, Slovenia
- Gregor Streiber, producer, Germany more
- Stephanie Stremler, actress, Luxembourg more
- Devid Striesow, actor, Germany
- Andrej Stritof, producer, Slovenia
- Pavel Strnad, producer, Czech Republic more
- Ion Ioachim Stroe, director, Romania
- Bendik Heggen Strønstad, producer, Norway
- Jonas Struck, composer, Denmark more
- Barbora Struss, institutional, Slovakia
- Volkert Struycken, producer, The Netherlands
- Nina Strynckx, institutional, Belgium
- Irena Strzałkowska, producer, Poland
- Bettina Stucky, actress, Germany more
- Andrea Stucovitz, producer, Italy more
- Maciej Stuhr, actor, Poland
- Timon Sturbej, actor, Slovenia more
- Michael Stütz, festival, Austria
- Danae Stylianou, director, Cyprus
- Marios Stylianou, director, Cyprus
- Santiago Suárez Baldrís, producer, Spain more
- José Antonio Suárez Lozano, institutional, Spain
- Elena Subirà i Roca, festival, Spain more
- Cédric Succivalli, festival, Italy
- Gabriela Suciu, producer, Romania
- Johannes Suhm, actor, Germany more
- Dmytro Sukholytkyy-Sobchuk, director, Ukraine more
- Barbara Sukowa, actress, Germany
- Martin Šulík, director, Slovakia more
- Fabris Šulin, cinematographer, Slovenia
- Mauri Sumén, composer, Finland more
- Nikolaus Summerer, cinematographer, Germany more
- Eliot Sumner, actor, United Kingdom
- Can Sungu, distributor/exhibitor, Germany
- Dalia Survilaitė, casting director, Lithuania
- Maja Šuša, actress, Serbia more
- Peter Suschitzky, cinematographer, United Kingdom
- Pavel Sushko, producer, Ukraine
- Marc Susini, actor, France more
- Tania Sutherland, distributor/exhibitor, Spain
- Virpi Suutari, director, Finland more
- Anton Máni Svansson, producer, Iceland more
- Hrönn Sveinsdóttir, distributor/exhibitor, Iceland
- Heimir Sverrisson, production designer, Iceland more
- Ognjen Sviličić, director, Croatia
- Bob Swaim, director, France
- Maarten Swart, producer, The Netherlands
- Julian Świeżewski, actor, Poland more
- Bartosz Świniarski, cinematographer, Poland more
- Niels Swinkels, distributor/exhibitor, United Kingdom
- Constantin Symsiris, actor, United Kingdom more
- Stanisłas Syrewicz, composer, Poland
- Marusya Syroechkovskaya, director, Austria more
- Jan Syruček, producer, Czech Republic more
- Tomáš Sysel, cinematographer, Czech Republic more
- Hans Syz, producer, Switzerland more
- István Szabó, director, Hungary
- Sarolta Szabó, director, Hungary more
- Noémi Szakonyi, director, Hungary
- Károly Szalai, editor, Hungary
- Alex Szalat, institutional, France
- Piotr Szczepanowicz, producer, Poland
- Michał Szcześniak, director, Poland
- Dénes Szekeres, producer, Hungary
- Bogna Szewczyk-Skupień, producer, Poland
- Mark Szilagyi, producer, Germany more
- Rachel Szor, director, Israel more
- Máté Szórád, editor, Hungary more
- Dr. Sylwia Szostak, critic / journalist, Poland
- Edit Szűcs, costume designer, Hungary
- Małgorzata Szumowska, director, Poland
- Magdalena Szwarcbart, casting director, Poland
- Ewa Szwed, hair & make-up artist, Poland
- Joanna Szymańska, producer, Poland more
- Signe Byrge Sørensen, producer, Denmark
- Erdem Şenocak, actor, Turkey
- Jasmin Tabatabai, actress, Germany
- Sven Taddicken, director, Germany more
- Elias Tadeus, composer, Moldova
- Erez Tadmor, director, Israel more
- Hannah Taïeb, producer, France
- Arash Tajmir-Riahi, producer, Austria more
- Julia Tal, producer, Switzerland more
- Zsófia Tálas, editor, United Kingdom more
- Eugen Tamberg, production designer, Estonia
- Sabin Tambrea, actor, Germany
- Itai Tamir, producer, Israel
- Gabrielle Tana, producer, Serbia
- Dinu Tanase, director, Romania more
- Maria Tanjala, institutional, United Kingdom
- David Tanner, producer, United Kingdom
- Danis Tanović, director, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Simon Tanšek, cinematographer, Slovenia more
- Sandra Tapia Diaz, producer, Spain
- Kamila Tarabura, director, Poland
- Spiro N. Taraviras, director, Greece more
- Lorenzo Tardella, director, Italy more
- Kadri Tarkin, distributor/exhibitor, Estonia
- Oriol Tarragó, sound designer, Spain
- Andrea Taschler, producer, Hungary more
- Alin Taşçıyan, institutional, Turkey
- Selda Taşkın, editor, Turkey
- Tambet Tasuja, editor, Estonia
- Elma Tataragić, screenwriter, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Anna Tatarska, critic / journalist, Poland
- Tamara Tatishvili, institutional, Georgia more
- Anatole Taubman, actor, Germany more
- Giuliano Taviani, composer, Italy
- Samantha Taylor, producer, United Kingdom
- Stefano Tealdi, producer, Italy
- Joshua Tedeku, actor, United Kingdom
- Janine Teerling, producer, Cyprus more
- Christiane Teichgräber, institutional, Germany
- Mag. Roland Teichmann, institutional, Austria more
- Anders Teigen, editor, Norway more
- Sien Josephine Teijssen, casting director, Belgium more
- Rûken Tekeş, director, Turkey more
- Rune Tellefsen, institutional, Norway
- Jan Temmerman, critic / journalist, Belgium
- Rune Temte, actor, Norway more
- Georgi Tenev, screenwriter, Bulgaria
- Mikko Tenhunen, producer, Finland
- Alex Teodorescu, producer, Romania more
- Job ter Burg, editor, The Netherlands more
- Norbert ter Hall, director, The Netherlands
- Johanna ter Steege, actress, The Netherlands
- Krzysztof Terej, producer, Poland more
- Christoph Terhechte, festival, Germany more
- Aleksandra Terpińska, director, Poland
- Valmir Tertini, director, Albania more
- Maria Carolina Terzi, producer, Italy
- Miroslav Terzić, director, Serbia more
- Florian Tessloff, composer, Germany
- Aylin Tezel, director, Germany more
- Alwara Thaler, production designer, Germany more
- Stella Theodorakis, director, Greece
- Mara Theodoropoulou, critic / journalist, Greece
- Argyris Theos, cinematographer, Greece more
- Willem Thijssen, producer, Belgium more
- Jani Thiltges, producer, Luxembourg more
- Paul Thiltges, producer, Luxembourg more
- Andreas Thim, distributor/exhibitor, Austria
- David Thion, producer, France
- Béatrice Thiriet, composer, France
- Bénédicte Thomas, distributor/exhibitor, France
- Jeremy Thomas, producer, United Kingdom
- Nigel Thomas, producer, United Kingdom more
- Tamar Thomas, producer, United Kingdom
- Victoria Thomas, producer, United Kingdom
- Rosalie Thomass, actress, Germany
- Carmen Thompson, distributor/exhibitor, United Kingdom more
- Ulrich Thomsen, actor, Denmark
- Kristín Andrea Þórðardóttir, producer, Iceland
- Ingvar Thordarson, producer, Iceland more
- Gudrun Edda Thorhannesdottir, producer, Iceland
- Heba Þórisdóttir, hair & make-up artist, Iceland
- Snorri Thorisson, producer, Iceland
- Maria Rosa Thornhill, production designer, Malta more
- Marteinn Thorsson, director, Iceland
- Carlo Thoss, sound designer, Luxembourg
- Thomas Thümena, producer, Switzerland
- Kris Thykier, producer, United Kingdom
- Francesca Tiberi, int'l sales agent, Italy
- Denise Tie, producer, Germany
- Sibylle Tiedemann, director, Germany
- Angelo Tijssens, screenwriter, Belgium more
- Dr. Pia Tikka, director, Finland more
- Lauri Tilkanen, actor, Finland more
- Panagiotis Timogiannakis, institutional, Greece more
- Evgenia Tirdatova, institutional, Russian Federation
- Louis Tisné, producer, United Kingdom more
- Andrea Tivadar, actress, Romania
- Salka Tiziana, director, Germany more
- Pia Tjelta, actress, Norway
- Rudy Tjio, distributor/exhibitor, Germany
- Peter Todorov, institutional, Bulgaria
- Dennis Todorović, institutional, Germany more
- Martin Todsharow, composer, Germany
- Barbara Toennieshen, editor, Germany more
- Kyriacos Tofarides, director, Cyprus more
- Carmen Tofeni, cinematographer, Romania
- Renée Toft Simonsen, screenwriter, Denmark more
- Lucan Toh, producer, Ireland more
- Hubert Toint, producer, Belgium more
- Kari-Pekka Toivonen, actor, Finland
- Elli Toivoniemi, producer, Finland more
- Jenni Toivoniemi, director, Finland
- Seyfettin Tokmak, director, Turkey
- Daniela Tolkien, casting director, Germany
- Bengt Toll, institutional, Sweden
- Cécile Tollu-Polonowski, producer, Germany more
- Stefan Tolz, producer, Germany
- Ruth Toma, screenwriter, Germany more
- Jan Tománek, director, Czech Republic
- Dmytro Tomashpolskyi, director, Ukraine more
- Claudia Tomassini, critic / journalist, Germany more
- Hasan Celil Tombul, distributor/exhibitor, Lithuania
- Taras Tomenko, director, Ukraine
- Katarína Tomková, producer, Slovakia more
- Delphine Tomson, producer, Belgium
- Galina Toneva, producer, Bulgaria
- Yann Tonnar, director, Luxembourg more
- Bohós Topakbashian, editor, Bulgaria
- Georgia Topley, casting director, United Kingdom more
- Grażyna Torbicka, festival, Poland
- Pietro Torcolini, producer, Italy
- Ane Dahl Torp, actress, Norway
- Alberto Torres, composer, Spain more
- Cinzia TH Torrini, director, Italy more
- Artur Tort i Pujol, cinematographer, Spain
- Deniz Tortum, director, Turkey
- Ariane Toscan du Plantier, int'l sales agent, France
- Camilla Toschi, festival, Italy
- Matteo Tosi, actor, Italy more
- Judy Tossell, producer, Germany
- Antonis Toumanidis, screenwriter, Greece more
- Sissy Toumasi, actress, Greece
- Olivier Tournaud, int'l sales agent, France more
- David Toutevoix, cinematographer, France
- Mark Towns, editor, United Kingdom
- Riccardo Tozzi, producer, Italy
- Pascal Trächslin, producer, Switzerland more
- Alex Traila, institutional, Romania more
- Paulo Trancoso, producer, Portugal
- Kristina Trapp, institutional, Luxembourg more
- Andonis Trattos, editor, United Kingdom
- Catherine Trautmann, institutional, France
- Ruth Treacy, producer, Ireland more
- Liene Treimane, festival, Latvia
- Goran Trenchovski, director, North Macedonia more
- María Trénor, director, Spain more
- Trent, producer, The Netherlands more
- Jörg Trentmann, producer, Germany
- Hana Třeštíková, producer, Czech Republic
- Helena Třeštíková, director, Czech Republic more
- Vladimir Tretyakoff, sound designer, Ukraine
- Maarten Treurniet, director, The Netherlands more
- Giorgio Treves, director, Italy
- Natalia Treviño, production designer, Belgium
- Nadia Trevisan, producer, Italy more
- Boris Treyer, screenwriter, Switzerland more
- Marisha Triantafyllidou, actress, Greece
- Katya Trichkova, producer, Bulgaria
- Gaia Tridente, festival, Italy more
- Daria Trifu, producer, Romania more
- Paul Trijbits, producer, United Kingdom more
- Giuseppe Tripodi, sound designer, Italy more
- Slobodan Trninić, cinematographer, Croatia
- Fien Troch, director, Belgium more
- Ronny Trocker, director, Belgium
- Caroline Troedsson, cinematographer, Sweden
- Jan Troell, director, Sweden
- Victoria Trofimenko, director, Ukraine more
- Claudia Tronnier, institutional, Germany
- Ingmar Trost, producer, Germany more
- Roberta Trovato, producer, Italy
- David Trueba, director, Spain
- Marcus Trumpp, composer, Germany
- Curt Truninger, director, Switzerland
- Birgir Tryggvason, sound designer, Iceland more
- Dimitris Tsakaleas, director, Greece more
- Yiorgos Tsangaris, festival, Cyprus
- Myrna Tsapa, director, Greece more
- Theo Tsappos, institutional, Sweden
- Ulrike Tscharre, actress, Germany more
- Levan Tsikurishvili, director, Sweden more
- Iryna Tsilyk, director, Ukraine more
- Antonis Tsiotsiopoulos, actor, Greece
- Yorgos Tsourgiannis, producer, Greece more
- Lubomir Tsvetkov, screenwriter, Bulgaria more
- Viacheslav Tsvietkov, cinematographer, Ukraine
- Fabio Tucci, int'l sales agent, Italy
- Willemijn Tuip, talent agent, The Netherlands
- Tambet Tuisk, actor, Estonia
- Nurdan Tümbek Tekeoglu, producer, Turkey more
- Billur Turan, production designer, Turkey more
- Seda Turan, producer, Turkey more
- Nadia Turincev, producer, France
- Biljana Tutorov, director, Serbia
- Tricia Tuttle, festival, Germany
- Sybilla Marie Wester Tuxen, director, Denmark
- Gisle Tveito, sound designer, Norway more
- Ivan I. Tverdovskiy, director, Russian Federation more
- Nora Twomey, director, Ireland
- Tom Tykwer, director, Germany
- Christina Tynkevych, director, Ukraine more
- Andreas Tyros, critic / journalist, Greece
- Lenka Tyrpáková, festival, Czech Republic more
- Gabriel Tzafka, director, Denmark more
- Stratos Tzortzoglou, actor, Greece
- Syllas Tzoumerkas, director, Greece more
- Yoann Ubermulhin, institutional, France more
- Volkan Üce, director, Belgium
- Alexey Uchitel, director, Russian Federation
- Ísold Uggadóttir, director, Iceland more
- Julianna Ugrin, producer, Hungary more
- Mark Ulano, sound designer, Italy
- Ana Ularu, actress, Romania more
- Pascal Ulli, actor, Switzerland more
- Liv Ullmann, director, Norway
- Halfdan Ullmann Tøndel, director, Norway
- Arami Ullón, director, Switzerland more
- Miroslav Ulman, critic / journalist, Slovakia more
- Andreas Ulmke-Smeaton, producer, Germany
- Başar Ünder, composer, Turkey more
- Heinz Ungureit, institutional, Germany
- Marek Urban, producer, Slovakia
- Marián Urban, producer, Slovakia
- Luís Urbano, producer, Portugal
- Enrique Urbizu Jauregui, director, Spain
- Ioana Uricaru, director, Romania
- Gaizka Urresti, producer, Spain
- Ana Urushadze, director, Georgia
- Alisher Usmanov, producer, Russian Federation
- Pablo Usón Vegas, producer, Spain
- Yesim Ustaoglu, director, Turkey
- Sezgi Üstün San, producer, Turkey
- Volodymyr Usyk, cinematographer, Ukraine more
- Anne Lajla Utsi, institutional, Norway
- Harika Uygur, casting director, Turkey more
- Yossi Uzrad, producer, Israel
- Walter Vacchino, distributor/exhibitor, Italy
- Marcel Vaid, composer, Switzerland more
- István Vajda, visual effects supervisor, Hungary more
- Nassos Vakalis, director, Greece
- Sascha Valbjørn, costume designer, Denmark more
- Loïc Valceschini, institutional, Switzerland
- Petar Valchanov, director, Bulgaria
- Lukas Valenta Rinner, producer, Austria more
- Katre Valgma, distributor/exhibitor, Estonia more
- Rossitsa Valkanova, producer, Bulgaria
- Meinardas Valkevičius, director, Lithuania
- Joaquín Vallet Rodrigo, critic / journalist, Spain more
- Arnau Valls Colomer, cinematographer, Spain
- Cecilia Valmarana, editor, Italy
- Diljá Valsdóttir, actress, Iceland
- Dottore Pietro Valsecchi, producer, Italy
- María Valverde Rodríguez, actress, Spain more
- Cees van 't Hullenaar, festival, The Netherlands
- Mark Van Aller, cinematographer, The Netherlands
- Tom Van Avermaet, director, Belgium more
- Drs Dorien van de Pas, institutional, The Netherlands more
- Marly van de Wardt, hair & make-up artist, The Netherlands
- Rudolf van den Berg, director, The Netherlands
- Marieke van den Bosch, production designer, The Netherlands more
- Frank van den Eeden, cinematographer, Belgium
- Marit van den Elshout, producer, The Netherlands
- Simone van den Ende, institutional, The Netherlands more
- Bregtje van der Haak, institutional, The Netherlands
- Marjan van der Haar, institutional, The Netherlands
- Ruben van der Hammen, NCE, editor, The Netherlands
- Linda van der Herberg, producer, The Netherlands
- Aliona van der Horst, director, The Netherlands
- Jamillah van der Hulst, producer, The Netherlands
- Thomas van der Ree, screenwriter, The Netherlands more
- Maarten van der Ven, producer, The Netherlands more
- Jacobine van der Vloed, institutional, The Netherlands more
- Ella van der Woude, composer, Switzerland more
- Jan van der Zanden, producer, The Netherlands
- Leonardo van Dijl, director, Belgium
- Jaco Van Dormael, director, Belgium
- Michiel Van Erp, director, The Netherlands
- Frans van Gestel, producer, The Netherlands
- Alain Van Goethem, talent agent, Belgium more
- Felix van Groeningen, director, Belgium
- Matthijs van Heijningen, producer, The Netherlands
- Hans van Helden, cinematographer, The Netherlands
- Carice van Houten, actress, The Netherlands
- Hoyte van Hoytema, cinematographer, Sweden
- Fedja van Huêt, actor, The Netherlands
- Janey van Ierland, talent agent, The Netherlands more
- Nicole van Kilsdonk, director, The Netherlands more
- Bart Van Langendonck, producer, Belgium more
- Barbara Van Lombeek, critic / journalist, Belgium more
- Esther van Messel, producer, Switzerland more
- Frank Van Passel, director, Belgium
- Jean-Claude van Rijckeghem, screenwriter, Belgium more
- Monique van Schendelen, institutional, The Netherlands more
- Thomas van Son, institutional, The Netherlands more
- Kevan Van Thompson, producer, Czech Republic
- Rebecca van Unen, casting director, The Netherlands more
- Alex van Warmerdam, director, The Netherlands
- Marc van Warmerdam, producer, The Netherlands
- Martin Vandas, producer, Czech Republic
- Ben Vandendaele, int'l sales agent, Belgium more
- Charlotte Vandermeersch, actress, Belgium
- Els Vandevorst, producer, The Netherlands more
- Michel J. Vandewalle, int'l sales agent, Germany more
- Petra Vaněk Svarinska, casting director, Czech Republic
- Mariano Vanhoof, producer, Belgium
- Enrico Vannucci, festival, Italy
- Michele Vannucci, director, Italy more
- Özcan Vardar, editor, Turkey more
- Amitabh Vardhan, distributor/exhibitor, Bulgaria
- Judit Varga, composer, Austria
- Samuele Vargu, actor, Albania
- Patrícia Vasconcelos, casting director, Portugal
- Panagiotis Vasilakis, cinematographer, Greece
- Ines Vasiljevic, producer, Italy
- Artem Vasilyev, producer, Russian Federation
- Hermann Vaske, director, Germany
- Denis Vaslin, producer, The Netherlands
- Andi Vasluianu, actor, Romania
- Achilleas Vassiliou, critic / journalist, Greece
- Valentyn Vasyanovych, director, Ukraine
- Selin Vatansever Tezcan, producer, Turkey more
- Millán Vázquez-Ortiz, int'l sales agent, Spain more
- Vladimir Vdovichenkov, actor, Russian Federation
- Monika Vėbraitė, costume designer, Lithuania
- Francesco Vedovati, casting director, Italy more
- Anu Veermäe-Kaldra, producer, Estonia more
- Paz Vega, actress, Spain
- Andres Veiel, director, Germany
- Patrick Veigel, sound designer, Germany
- Ieva Veiverytė, editor, Lithuania
- Marta Velasco, producer, Spain
- Gabriel Velázquez, director, Spain more
- Silvia Venegas, director, Spain more
- Angelo Venetis, producer, Greece
- Tomas Vengris, director, Lithuania
- Eleonora Veninova, screenwriter, North Macedonia
- Simeon Ventsislavov, screenwriter, Bulgaria more
- Ben Verbong, director, The Netherlands
- Liselot Verbrugge, int'l sales agent, The Netherlands
- Mimmo Verdesca, director, Italy more
- Sander Verdonk, producer, The Netherlands
- Pierpaolo Verga, producer, Italy more
- Simon Verhoeven, director, Germany
- Tom Verstappen, sound designer, Belgium
- Pavel G. Vesnakov, director, Bulgaria
- Louise Vesth, producer, Denmark
- Tanel Vettik, distributor/exhibitor, Estonia
- Pascal Vicedomini, producer, Italy
- Joana Vicente, producer, Portugal
- Andrijana Vicković, actress, Croatia
- Ghislain Vidal-Giraud, producer, France
- Martine Vidalenc, producer, France more
- Vladimir Vidić, producer, Serbia more
- Nacho Vigalondo, director, Spain
- Jakub Viktorín, producer, Slovakia
- Björn Viktorsson, sound designer, Iceland
- Daniel Vilar, cinematographer, Spain
- Dagnė Vildžiūnaitė, producer, Lithuania more
- Selma Vilhunen, director, Finland
- Silvija Vilkaitė, editor, Lithuania more
- Farhad Vilkiji, production designer, The Netherlands more
- Anders Villadsen, editor, Denmark more
- Fran Villalba, composer, Italy more
- Bérénice Vincent, int'l sales agent, France
- Roberts Vinovskis, producer, Latvia more
- Thomas Vinterberg, director, Denmark
- Nina Violić, actress, Croatia
- Boštjan Virc, producer, Slovenia
- Žiga Virc, director, Slovenia
- Francesco Virga, producer, Italy more
- Jari Virman, actor, Finland more
- Paolo Virzì, director, Italy
- Edoardo Vitaletti, director, Italy more
- Eva Vitija, director, Switzerland
- Irma Vitovska-Vanza, actress, Ukraine
- Ifigeneia Vlachogianni, distributor/exhibitor, Greece
- Ivan Vladimirov, director, Bulgaria more
- Jan Vlček, production designer, Czech Republic
- Eric Vogel, producer, Norway more
- Fredric Vogel, sound designer, Norway
- HC Vogel, producer, Switzerland
- Linda Vogel, producer, Switzerland
- Rüdiger Vogler, actor, Germany more
- Catrin Vogt, editor, Germany more
- Eskil Vogt, director, Norway more
- Ana Voicu, producer, Romania
- Charlotte Voillequin, distributor/exhibitor, Germany more
- Sari Volanen, producer, Finland
- Neele Leana Vollmar, director, Germany
- Saralisa Volm, producer, Germany
- Petra Volpe, director, Switzerland more
- Irene von Alberti, director, Germany more
- Prof. Claudia von Alemann, director, Germany
- Mirjam von Arx, producer, Switzerland
- Eva von Bahr, hair & make-up artist, Sweden
- Lia von Blarer, actress, Switzerland more
- Felix von Boehm, producer, Germany more
- Achim von Borries, director, Germany
- Yoliswa von Dallwitz, cinematographer, Germany more
- Molly von Fürstenberg, producer, Germany
- Katja von Garnier, director, Germany
- Ira von Gienanth, producer, Germany
- Matthias von Gunten, director, Switzerland
- Gregory von Hausch, festival, United States
- Marietta von Hausswolff von Baumgarten, institutional, Sweden more
- Dr. Julia Alice von Heinz, director, Germany more
- Maria von Heland, director, Germany
- Magnus von Horn, director, Poland
- Felix von Muralt, director, Switzerland
- Felix von Poser, producer, Germany
- Rosa von Praunheim, director, Germany
- Françoise von Roy, screenwriter, Germany
- Verena von Stackelberg, distributor/exhibitor, Germany more
- Manuel von Sturler, director, Switzerland
- Lars von Trier, director, Denmark
- Margarethe von Trotta, director, Germany
- Michael von Wolkenstein, producer, Austria
- Vladislav Vorónin, cinematographer, Ukraine more
- Tihomir Vrbanec, sound designer, Croatia
- Nikolina Vučetić Zečević, producer, Serbia
- Čarna Vučinić, producer, Serbia
- Miroljub Vučković, institutional, Serbia
- Aleksandar Vujović, director, Montenegro more
- Maja Vukić, producer, Croatia more
- Dusica Vuksanovic, hair & make-up artist, Serbia
- Bojan Vuletić, director, Serbia
- Srđan Vuletić , director, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Nicolas Wackerbarth, director, Germany
- Grzegorz Wacławek, producer, Poland
- Nicolas Wadimoff, director, Switzerland
- Alexander Wadouh, producer, Germany more
- Erwin Wagenhofer, director, Austria
- Jacqueline Wagenstein, distributor/exhibitor, Bulgaria more
- Prof. Christian Wagner, director, Germany more
- Valeria Wagner, festival, Switzerland more
- Christof Wahl, cinematographer, Germany more
- Emma Sofia Wahlberg, production designer, Sweden
- Marc-Henri Wajnberg, producer, Belgium more
- Ruth Waldburger, producer, Switzerland
- Brett Walker, int'l sales agent, France more
- Joe Walker, editor, United Kingdom more
- Rob Walker, sound designer, Germany
- Tobias Walker, producer, Germany
- Law Wallner, actress, Austria more
- Aisling Walsh, director, Ireland
- Nigel Walters BSC, cinematographer, United Kingdom
- Connie Walther, director, Germany
- Gabriele M. Walther, producer, Germany
- Sven Wälti, producer, Switzerland
- Irina Wanka, actress, Germany more
- Antonio Wannek, actor, Germany
- Stephen Warbeck, composer, United Kingdom
- Faye Ward, producer, United Kingdom
- Ken Wardrop, director, Ireland more
- John Warhurst, sound designer, United Kingdom
- Claude Waringo, producer, Luxembourg
- Cassandre Warnauts, producer, Belgium
- Peter Warnier, sound designer, The Netherlands more
- Derk-Jan Warrink, producer, The Netherlands more
- Katarzyna Warzecha, director, Poland
- Daniel Waser, institutional, Switzerland more
- Agnieszka Wasiak, producer, Poland
- Alek Wasilewski, director, Poland more
- Tomasz Wasilewski, director, Poland more
- Anna Waśniewska-Gill, producer, Poland more
- Linda Wassberg, cinematographer, Denmark
- Anita Wasser, producer, Switzerland
- Erika Wasserman, producer, Sweden more
- James Watson, producer, United Kingdom
- Sebastian Watzinger, composer, Germany
- Peter Webber, director, United Kingdom
- Astrid Weber, hair & make-up artist, Germany
- Kata Wéber, screenwriter, Hungary
- Michael Weber, int'l sales agent, Germany
- Anja Wedell, producer, Germany more
- Florian Weghorn, festival, Germany more
- Radek Wegrzyn, director, Germany
- Christof Wehmeier, institutional, Iceland
- Heinz Wehsling, cinematographer, Germany
- Herman Weigel, screenwriter, Germany
- Florian Weigensamer, director, Austria
- Julia Weigl, festival, Germany
- Stefan Weigl, screenwriter, Germany
- Birgitte Weinberger, festival, Denmark
- Yonatan Weinstein, editor, Israel
- Joschla Melanie Weiß, actress, Germany more
- Ida Weiss, producer, Slovenia
- Maja Weiss, director, Slovenia
- Oli Weiss, editor, Germany
- Jay Weissberg, critic / journalist, Italy
- Hansjörg Weißbrich, editor, Germany more
- Ina Weisse, director, Germany
- Simon Weisse, production designer, Germany
- Frans Weisz, director, The Netherlands
- Franziska Weisz, actress, Germany
- Rachel Weisz, actress, United Kingdom
- Dorota Welchman, director, Poland
- Hugh Welchman, producer, Poland
- Dominique Welinski, producer, France more
- Linda Wendel, director, Denmark
- Hella Wenders, director, Germany
- Wim Wenders, director, Germany
- Thomas Wendrich, screenwriter, Germany
- Susan Wendt, int'l sales agent, Denmark
- Ralf Wengenmayr, composer, Germany
- Jamila Wenske, producer, Germany more
- Elmar Wepper, actor, Germany
- Stina Werenfels, director, Switzerland
- Anna Werner, producer, Germany
- Christian Werner, director, Germany more
- Christiana Wertz, institutional, Italy
- Suvi West, director, Finland more
- Robert Jan Westdijk, director, The Netherlands more
- Chris Westendorp, screenwriter, The Netherlands more
- Menno Westendorp, cinematographer, The Netherlands
- Fabien Westerhoff, int'l sales agent, United Kingdom
- Annina Wettstein, festival, Switzerland more
- Jakob D. Weydemann, producer, Germany more
- Jonas Weydemann, producer, Germany more
- Sean Wheelan, producer, Sweden
- Ben Whishaw, actor, United Kingdom
- Christopher White, composer, United Kingdom more
- Paul White, institutional, Ireland
- Wolfgang Widerhofer, editor, Austria
- Catrin Wideryd, casting director, Sweden
- Jörg Widmer, cinematographer, Germany more
- Roland Widmer, sound designer, Switzerland
- Virgil Widrich, director, Austria more
- Prof. Martin W. Wiebel, producer, Germany
- Ewa Wieckowska-Mietkiewicz, institutional, Poland
- Max Wiedemann, producer, Germany
- Michael Wiedemann, institutional, Germany
- Vinca Wiedemann, institutional, Denmark
- Marcin Wierzchosławski, producer, Poland
- Ralph Wieser, producer, Austria more
- Sasha Wieser, distributor/exhibitor, Austria
- Kai Wiesinger, actor, Germany
- Marijn Wigman, producer, The Netherlands
- Drs. Marina Wijn, casting director, The Netherlands
- Carly Wijs, actress, The Netherlands
- Nicklas Wikström Nicastro, producer, Sweden more
- Patrick Wilfert, editor, Germany more
- Kristine Wilhelmsen, production designer, Norway
- Marie Wilke, director, Germany more
- Stefan Will, composer, Germany
- Charlotte Willems, costume designer, Belgium
- Monika Willi, editor, Austria
- Richard Williams, institutional, United Kingdom
- Joram Willink, producer, The Netherlands
- Noortje Wilschut, producer, The Netherlands
- Juanita Wilson, director, Ireland
- Stuart Wilson, sound designer, United Kingdom more
- Catherine Winckelmuller, talent agent, France
- Henner Winckler, director, Germany
- Mikael Windelin, producer, Denmark
- Bella Wingfield, talent agent, United Kingdom
- Andrea Wink, festival, Germany
- Prof. Adolf Winkelmann, director, Germany
- Martijn Winkler, director, The Netherlands more
- Ellen Winn Wendl, institutional, Germany
- Michael Winterbottom, director, United Kingdom
- Sebastian Winterø, cinematographer, Denmark
- Olle Wirenhed, producer, Sweden
- Peter Wirthensohn, producer, Austria
- Mariusz Włodarski, producer, Poland more
- David Wnendt, director, Germany
- Thomas Wöbke, producer, Germany
- Andreas Wodraschke, editor, Germany more
- Lea Wohl von Haselberg, festival, Germany
- Nele Wohlatz, director, Germany
- Claudia Wohlgenannt, producer, Austria more
- Izabela Wójcik, producer, Poland
- Piotr Wójcik, editor, Poland
- Arkadiusz Wojnarowski, producer, Poland more
- Johanna Wokalek, actress, Germany
- Maite Woköck, producer, Germany more
- Eike Wolf, producer, Germany
- Jasper Wolf NSC, cinematographer, The Netherlands
- Andreas Wolff, producer, Germany more
- Douglas Wolfsperger, director, Germany
- Tomasz Wolski, director, Poland more
- Ka Ki Wong, director, United Kingdom
- Thierry Wong, producer, France
- Angharad Wood, talent agent, United Kingdom
- Joshua Woodford, talent agent, United Kingdom
- Jessica Woodworth, director, Belgium
- Adrian Wootton, institutional, United Kingdom
- Philipp Worm, producer, Germany
- Rainer Wöss, actor, Germany
- Edgar Wright, director, United Kingdom
- Joe Wright, director, United Kingdom
- Susanne Wuest, actress, Germany more
- Juha Wuolijoki, director, Finland more
- Chris Wyatt, editor, United Kingdom
- Anna Wydra, producer, Poland more
- Laurent Wyss, director, Switzerland
- Wojciech Włodarski, editor, Poland more
- Argyris Xafis, actor, Greece
- Wang Xiaoshuai, director, United Kingdom
- Jordi Xifra, institutional, Spain
- Elçin Yahsi, critic / journalist, Turkey
- Oles Yanchuk, director, Ukraine
- Gabriel Yared, composer, France
- Alexander Yashnik, distributor/exhibitor, Russian Federation
- Sergey Yastrzhembskiy, director, Russian Federation
- David Yates, director, United Kingdom
- Anna Yatsenko, producer, Ukraine more
- Vladimir Yatsenko, producer, Ukraine more
- Meryem Yavuz, cinematographer, Turkey more
- Keren Yedaya, director, Israel
- Noa Yehonathan, hair & make-up artist, France
- Sigal Yehuda, institutional, Israel more
- Selin Yeninci, actress, Turkey
- Andriy Yermak, producer, Ukraine
- Gary Yershon, composer, United Kingdom
- Olena Yershova, producer, Turkey more
- Adilkhan Yerzhanov, director, Kazakhstan more
- Harri Ylönen, editor, Finland
- Gamila Ylstra, institutional, The Netherlands
- Saar Yogev, producer, Israel more
- Lyubo Yonchev, director, Bulgaria more
- Christopher Young, producer, United Kingdom
- Paul Young, producer, Ireland more
- Nima Yousefi, producer, Sweden
- Atilla Salih Yücer, producer, Turkey more
- Philipp Yuryev, director, Georgia more
- Soleen Yusef, director, Germany
- Kim Yutani, festival, United States
- Baldvin Z, director, Iceland
- Romas Zabarauskas, director, Lithuania more
- Stanisław Zaborowski, producer, Poland more
- Dragoslav Zachariev, institutional, France
- Julie Žáčková, producer, Czech Republic more
- Flaminio Zadra, producer, Italy
- Evi Zafeiropoulou, hair & make-up artist, Greece
- Andrei Zagdansky, director, Ukraine more
- Sholeh Zahraei, director, Germany
- Kirill Zaitsev, actor, Russian Federation
- Mykhailo Zakutskyi, sound designer, Ukraine
- Gregory Zalcman, producer, Belgium
- Pjer Zalica, director, Bosnia and Herzegovina more
- Zbigniew Zamachowski, actor, Poland
- Fabio Zamarion, cinematographer, Italy
- Haris Zambarloukos, cinematographer, Cyprus
- Anna Zamecka, director, Poland
- José Manuel Zamora García, festival, Spain more
- María Zamora, producer, Spain
- Gianni Zanasi, director, Italy
- Flavia Zanon, producer, Switzerland
- Mario Zanot, director, Italy
- Krzysztof Zanussi, director, Poland more
- Janusz Zaorski, director, Poland
- Jakob Zapf, producer, Germany
- Anna Zavorszky, producer, Hungary
- Marek Zawierucha, production designer, Poland
- Dr. Dariusz Zawiślak, director, Poland
- Jasmila Žbanić, director, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Wiktor Zborowski, actor, Poland
- Ita Zbroniec-Zajt, cinematographer, Sweden more
- Ljubo Zdjelarević, producer, Croatia more
- Božidar Zečević, screenwriter, Serbia
- Johannes Zeiler, actor, Austria more
- Henrik Zein, producer, Denmark
- Laurent Zeitoun, producer, France
- Radoslav Zelenović, institutional, Serbia
- Florian Zeller, director, France
- Barbara Zemljič, screenwriter, Slovenia
- Oleksandr Zemlyanyy, cinematographer, Ukraine
- Céline Zen, producer, France more
- Yann Zenou, producer, France
- Luca Zeppilli, critic / journalist, Italy more
- Blerta Zeqiri, director, Kosovo more
- Tonino Zera, production designer, Italy
- Tatjana Žeželj Gojković, producer, Serbia more
- Nenad Zezelj, actor, Switzerland
- Oleksii Zgonik, producer, Ukraine
- Arben Zharku, institutional, Kosovo more
- Bohdan Zhuk, festival, Ukraine
- Olga Zhurzhenko, producer, Ukraine
- Giedrė Žickytė, director, Lithuania
- Martin Ziebell, visual effects supervisor, Germany
- Prof. Regina Ziegler, producer, Germany
- Maciej Zieliński, composer, Poland more
- Uli Ziemons, festival, Germany
- Markus Zimmer, producer, Germany
- Jeremy Zimmermann, casting director, United Kingdom
- David Zimmerschied, actor, Germany more
- Andrei Zincă, producer, Romania
- Luca Zingaretti, actor, Italy
- Patrycia Ziolkowska, actress, Germany
- Francesco Zippel, director, Italy
- Christopher Zitterbart, producer, Germany
- Serhiy Zlenko, distributor/exhibitor, Ukraine
- Maria Zmarz-Koczanowicz, director, Poland more
- Olivier Zobrist, producer, Switzerland
- Yorgos Zois, director, Greece more
- Paul Zonderland, distributor/exhibitor, Italy
- Julij Zornik, sound designer, Slovenia
- Ioannis Zoumpoulakis, critic / journalist, Greece
- Katerina Zoura, costume designer, Greece
- Ipek Zübert, screenwriter, Germany
- Paolo Zucca, director, Italy more
- Pietro Zuercher, cinematographer, Switzerland more
- Filip Zumbrunn, cinematographer, Switzerland more
- Jacqueline Zünd, director, Switzerland more
- Milena Zupančič, actress, Slovenia
- Dorottya Zurbó, director, Hungary
- Silvan Zürcher, producer, Switzerland more
- Ayelet Julie Zurer, actress, Israel
- Daniel Zuta, producer, Germany
- Agnieszka Zwiefka, director, Poland more
- Marek Żydowicz, festival, Poland
- Marcel Zyskind, cinematographer, Denmark
Honorary members
- Gianni Amelio, director, Italy
- Sophia Loren, actress, Italy
- Lord David Puttnam, producer, United Kingdom